Best Distro

Discussion in 'Linux' started by djtilko, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. djtilko


    Aug 6, 2008
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    Thanks for the 'heads up'. Sidux is just a bit different in the way it handles things (from ubuntu) but I'm getting to like the approach. Will a dist-upgrade take care of upgrading to KDE 4 alone (don't need to do anything else?)

    I'm wondering also if KDE 4 will have a different performance from the existing KDE 3.5? (Is it worth sticking with KDE 3.5?)

    I've just run a couple of quick tests and looks initially that KDE 4 uses 100MB more memory than KDE 3 (comparing kubuntu 8.04 with 8.10). This won't be good on my AA1 as I only have 512MB RAM. Have you got KDE 4 up and running?
    madwoolything, Apr 9, 2009
  2. djtilko


    Jan 18, 2009
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    Yes a dist-upgrade will automatically install kde4.2 but it is very buggy at the moment I tried it on mine just for the hell of it and it did not run right all I got was a black screen and a tips dialogue box !!!

    I have also been trying to get used to KDE 4.2 running Fedora 10 on my desktop machine and its not right on that either, for instance openoffice doesnt load up. I also tried the Mandriva version that seemed ok on my desktop computer. But so far I am really not sure that I am going to like KDE 4.2 as it doesnt seem to be as easy to configure or a stable as version 3.5, however as I am using sidux, then eventually If I stick with it then KDE 4.2 will have to be installed.

    May test Mandriva KDE some more as this version seemed promising, seemed pretty fast even though it was running comiz fusion with all the wobbly windows effects and the like.

    Any others liking KDE 4.2 ? especially any trying it out on the little aa1?
    djtilko, Apr 9, 2009
  3. djtilko


    Sep 7, 2008
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    i ve tried twice the dist-upgrade, after that it cold not enter to level 5, only text mode.i tried to force it manualy and it show me some kind of $DISPLAY error. now im back again. I ve also tried to install some progs with apt-get install openoffice opera and some others i ve had run at linpus but it came always the same error, couldn t find packages. Ive already updated both lists and do several apt-get update and nothing.
    the 3rd thing is, my card reader don t work, i ve a 4gb sdhc card on the left side but it doesn t appear at media like cdrom
    dacarr, Apr 11, 2009
  4. djtilko


    Aug 6, 2008
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    Just descovered that fluxbox is already installed by default (change options to different session at the log in screen). I've been messing around with Fluxbox and it seems to be very fast and can be taylored with a little effort (user manual is good however I installed another fluxbox distro in a VM on my main PC to see examples of how to congifure the menu etc)

    Fluxbox just might be a good alternative on the aa1 with Sidux.
    madwoolything, Apr 12, 2009
  5. djtilko


    Apr 27, 2009
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    Thanks soooo much Djtilko!!
    Fixed the fan problem with your instructions here!! Now I can work in peace without the fan blasting off! My A150 still has Bios 3301, but it is working nicely.
    holmatics, Apr 28, 2009
  6. djtilko


    Jan 18, 2009
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    Update on the KDE 4.2 Dist upgrade. Ive been using it solidly now for a couple of weeks and there is no going back for me :D Simply amazing desktop now that I am getting used to it itis brilliant! the dist upgrade path to getting it installed is a bit of a pain as it has to convert kde 3.5 over to 4.2 and also install the latest xserver xorg. but after one or two tweaks it is fantastic. I really like the add activity setting that lets you setup numerous desktops all with different applications loaded, and the Dolphin file manager that drops down a terminal session and lets you edit directly from the file manager! some of these features are really advanced and are a pointer to the future of how operating systems will work, and I take my hat off to the devs at KDE for the bold steps they have taken with this version.

    I also tried KDE 4.2 using Fedora 10 but had lots of trouble with the lvm file system it was a pig to get anything else to dual boot after Fed 10 was using logical volume system. The only way round it for me in the end was to completely format the hard disk!! so no more messing with Fedora for me!! sidux is still the best linux system for my particular needs and I will be sticking with it.

    Anyone needing any pointers to using/installing kde 4.2 under sidux just ask :)
    djtilko, Apr 29, 2009
  7. djtilko


    Apr 9, 2009
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    would be nice if you have time to help us. two days ago I did distro upgrade with smxi scripts but couldn't start kde. the same result like before with apt-get distr-upgrade. what you did it to start kde 4.2 successfuly?
    leka, May 1, 2009
  8. djtilko


    Jan 18, 2009
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    Did you install the script for smxi and run it from init 3? i.e not while the graphical desktop is up?

    easiest way to install smxi is with this line entered in a root terminal

    cd /usr/local/bin; wget;unzip;smxi

    Just copy that full line and paste it into a root terminal. From there all you have to do is follow the instructions and it will install everything for you. Remember at the end of the dist-upgrade to let it carry on and install the new xserver.xorg version which takes quite a long time. after that all you have to do is select finished and then shutdown -r now. From within sxmi you can also install open-office, xfce desktop, opera web browser, non-free items like flash pluggin and many other programs. The ones that it doesnt let you install you can do from the command line after you return to it whilst still in root mode for instance this line
    apt-get install iceweasel deluge amarok evolution gnome-pilot frozen-bubble
    would install all those applications.

    Add any others that you may require and apt-get will do the work for you. Whilst running smxi at no stage do you need to enter apt-get dist-upgrade

    At the moment it takes a long time to dist-upgrade into kde 4.2 as you are starting off with kde 3.5 and it is having to remove that before it can install kde 4.2 once sidux release their next version obviously this will no longer happen as the next version will come with kde 4.2 or higher. The other reason it takes so long is it is installing the latest version of the xserver.xorg which is pretty big in itself but also smxi is fixing bugs in this as it installs it. Once you have done the dist-upgrade into kde 4.2 then future upgrades are a doddle.

    Finally once you start to get used to kde 4.2 there will be no turning back its great.
    djtilko, May 1, 2009
  9. djtilko


    Apr 9, 2009
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    course I started smxi in init 3 (smxi doesn't want to start in X). didn't have any problem with smxi. only when I did upgrade couldn't start kde. when I wanted to log in, got message that couldn't start x org server. this afternoon i try it again, but first I did kernel upgrade, reboot computer in new kernel end after that did remove kde 3.5 and install kde 4.2 trough smxi.
    and now it is OK. I'm running kde 4.2 (from last hour). Have a little prolbem with touchpad. I could move coursor but couldn't start program. if I want to start program have to push left button. but will check in settings. any hint?
    leka, May 1, 2009
  10. djtilko


    Jan 18, 2009
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    Yep give me a minute and I will put the file you need to insert into /etc/hal/fdi/policy

    hal will look after your touchpad and just about everything else instead of editing xorg.conf with the touch pad settings you will edit the hal/fdi file

    Back in a mo bit busy at the moment
    djtilko, May 1, 2009
  11. djtilko


    Jan 18, 2009
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    Ok I am back so to make the touchpad touch and scroll highlight this block of text

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <deviceinfo version="0.2">
    <match key="info.capabilities" contains="input.touchpad">
    <match key="info.product" contains="Synaptics TouchPad">
    <merge key="input.x11_driver" type="string">synaptics</merge>
    <!-- Arbitrary options can be passed to the driver using
    the input.x11_options property since xorg-server-1.5. -->
    <!-- EXAMPLE:
    <merge key="input.x11_options.AlwaysCore" type="string">true</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.Protocol" type="string">auto-dev</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.Emulate3Buttons" type="string">true</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.SHMConfig" type="string">false</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.LeftEdge" type="string">1700</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.RightEdge" type="string">5300</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.TopEdge" type="string">1700</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.BottomEdge" type="string">4200</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.FingerLow" type="string">25</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.FingerHigh" type="string">30</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.MaxTapTime" type="string">180</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.VertEdgeScroll" type="string">true</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.HorizEdgeScroll" type="string">true</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.CornerCoasting" type="string">true</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.CoastingSpeed" type="string">0.40</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.VertScrollDelta" type="string">100</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.HorizScrollDelta" type="string">100</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.MinSpeed" type="string">0.20</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.MaxSpeed" type="string">0.60</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.AccelFactor" type="string">0.0050</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.VertTwoFingerScroll" type="string">true</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.HorizTwoFingerScroll" type="string">true</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.TapButton1" type="string">1</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.TapButton2" type="string">2</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.TapButton3" type="string">3</merge>
    <match key="info.product" contains="AlpsPS/2 ALPS">
    <match key="info.product" contains="appletouch">
    <match key="info.product" contains="bcm5974">

    Then press alt and f2 and type kdesu kate

    This will open kate the text editor click new then paste the text you just highlighted and then select save as then navigate to /etc/hal/fdi/policy and save as 11-x11-synaptics.fdi

    Then while you are still in the text editor Kate open the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf and delete every line but keep the file and save it.

    shutdown reboot and the touchpad will be fine
    djtilko, May 1, 2009
  12. djtilko


    Jan 18, 2009
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    Finally thing is the volume on screen display works after you run this command and select the Acer Laptop from the list

    dpkg-reconfigure console-setup

    everything else should work A1 including the led wifi indicator liight

    djtilko, May 1, 2009
  13. djtilko


    Apr 9, 2009
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    I did it. now is ok.

    leka, May 1, 2009
  14. djtilko


    Aug 6, 2008
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    I'm still using Sidux KDE 3.5 but use fluxbox most of the time. Its running really nicely and am reluctant to upgrade (even using smxi) and risk breaking my system. From history, how long is it likely to be before the next official release of Sidux containing KDE4?

    I'm thinking that I might wait (if it is not too long) and then try upgrading, and will then have the option of a fresh install if all goes horribly wrong.

    Its unfortunate on the timing with the move from KDE 3.5 to 4 as I'd just got my system running nicely! Sidux is by far the best disto I've run on the AA1 (512MB, 8G SSD)
    madwoolything, May 22, 2009
  15. djtilko


    Dec 14, 2008
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    sidux is a rolling release distro. An official release is just a snapsot in time. You may want to spend some time in their forums to see if there are any issues with KDE 4.
    Rotaj, May 22, 2009
  16. djtilko


    Sep 3, 2008
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    Bolton, Lancashire, UK
    Hello, hello...

    Just put Linux Mint on USB PenDrive. Works rather fine. After running Live I was surprised with Gnome menu available for Linux Mint - is different then original Ubuntu and looks like that:


    Does anyone know how to get the same effect under Ubuntu??
    melhiore, May 27, 2009
  17. djtilko


    Oct 30, 2008
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    Hi djtilko,

    Just found this thread which sounds a perfect solution to the problematic Linpus I have on an SSD machine. However, I have fallen at the fist hurdle in trying to follow your instructions.
    I have downloaded the KDE Lite .iso (abt 456mb). It is a zip file but the uncompressed volume is the same as the compressed so it doesn't look as if the zip file was manipulated. Which do I burn to CD - the zip file as downloaded of the extracted file? If I select the zip file it is a single entity and therefore can be selected for burning. If I use the extracted folder, I am forced by the burning software to open it revealing the various files inside and cannot burn them all (well maybe one by one). Could you clarify for a complete idiot which folder I should be burning and if the extracted one do I burn the individual files one by one?
    Secondly, the question of the Live CD. Once I have the CD burned do I need to boot my PC from it (i.e. enter BIOS and force a boot from CD, thus stopping Windows loading) or do I let the machine load Windows and then insert the CD and let it auto run?

    I am sorry these are such basic questions but I have tried burning but have a CD that will do nothing. I copied it to a USB stick and tried to boot the Acer from that but also got no response so I obviously haven't burnt a bootable image.

    Trust you might be able to help.
    tiggerman, Jun 25, 2009
  18. djtilko


    Sep 11, 2008
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    When you extract the zip file what is the extension of the file or are there several files? Have you tried to change the extension of the zip file to iso and then trying to burn the disk? As far as I know to burn a CD you need to start with a file that has the extension of .iso.[/quote]
    donec, Jun 25, 2009
  19. djtilko


    Oct 30, 2008
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    Thanks Donec.
    The unzipped folder contains a number of files with different extensions.
    However, I think I might see my problem. I downloaded the KDE lite file from the "releases" page whereas djtilko's instructions for the lite version gave another location. That other location has the lite version as an.iso file. So I am downlaoding that and will try to burn it. As the lite file on the other site was the same reference/version number and same size, I assumed they were the same but one has the .iso extension and the other doesn't so that maybe my problem.
    Currently downloading rather slowly but hopefully I will be up and away when it finishes.
    tiggerman, Jun 26, 2009
  20. djtilko


    Oct 30, 2008
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    Sadly, downloaded .iso file from specified location, burned to disk but still failed to boot from the disk. The file burned is the .zip file downloaded not the extracted files,although they are the same size so the zip file doesn't seem to be compressed. Basically, if I insert into the CD drive and select the boot menu on start up to force boot from the CD drive, absolutely nothing happens and the PC continues to boot into Windows. I just don't seem to have a bootable disk. Any help on the file to download and how to manipulate it if that is required so that I can get a bootable disk would be greatly appreciated. I really would like to try Sidux as it sounds the ideal partner for the Acer One but so far stuck at the 1st hurdle.
    tiggerman, Jun 28, 2009
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