Bios crashes

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by dphreak, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. dphreak


    Jul 9, 2010
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    Hi to all Acer users here, please if someone have answer how to preserve bios from crashing. I have AAONE ZG5 150 and Bios ver 0.3301. This is second time i have flashed bios from emergency state (black screen on post). Last time the bios was flashed to 3310 but system shows 0.3301 again. Is it something to do to stop bios from crashing? or maybe update to latest version bios ? Please all your suggestions are welcome! Thank you ! :cry:
    dphreak, Jul 9, 2010
  2. dphreak

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    Although probably 99% of the Black Screens of Death are caused by that bizarre BIOS bug, sometimes it's not. Eg, recently, I disassembled my machine and reassembled it. I got the dreaded black screen. All it took in this situation was to clean the RAM contacts and reinstall it. Easiest way is to (after discharging yourself of any static electricity) pop out your RAM module, and give the gold contacts a light rub with a normal white pencil eraser until they're shiny/glossy again. Reinstall your RAM module and try again.

    Otherwise, once you've got your system running (from an emergency BIOS flash or not) try flashing from within Windows. Here's the link if you need it again.
    Swarvey, Jul 9, 2010
  3. dphreak


    Jul 9, 2010
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    Thank you so much for great information, i will upgrade bios as this is only thing i need to do. We will see how it goes.
    dphreak, Jul 10, 2010
  4. dphreak


    Jul 6, 2010
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    Just for info, i had black screen of death, i followed links and flashed as per instructions......Note this Aspire One had been lying around for a long time so the battery was well discharged, after i had followed instructions to flash the bios to get it up and running again, taking note that the bios i used to reflash dead One was the 3310 bios i simply assumed this is the bios it would flash even though the guide says to rename it, THIS WAS NOT THE CASE!

    The first thing i assumed after getting the One going again and reinstalling Win7 was the battery was kaput as it was NOT taking a charge, after checking and rechecking i noticed that the 3310 bios was in fact meant to fix this particular problem ie a battery that has fully discharged was not taking a charge, so if this 3310 bios was meant to fix my particular problem and i had in fact used that bios to recover from black screen of death then why wasn't it doing what it was meant to.....

    Reboot back into bios config only to find that the bios flashed was 3301 ie the FIRST REVISION BIOS, AHHHHH now i understand, with each bios revision as you do NOT have to install each bios as it is released ie the newest bios will always have all previous bios fixes in them........when i flashed 3310 it only flashed the basic bios ie the first revision ie 3301!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Makes sense.

    SO reboot back to windows, used the windows version this time and reflashed the 3310 bios one more time and WALLAH! Suddenly my battery is taking a charge and a quick check in bios config and im now using the full 3310.......Result!

    Just thought to show what i had found!

    loggan26, Jul 16, 2010
  5. dphreak

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    Sweet! thanks for the info. And glad to hear you have it up n running again.
    Swarvey, Jul 16, 2010
  6. dphreak

    bryan raymundo

    Jul 2, 2010
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    my bios totally crash while reflashing my bios my friend accedentaly pull my flash drive on my laptop so ithing it dint finish but when i try to do it again it wont flash anymore help! :oops:
    bryan raymundo, Dec 3, 2010
  7. dphreak


    Aug 25, 2009
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    I followed what you did above and it did something bad. The fans went really fast, and my computer would crash (Windows 7) and lines went all across the screen. Thankfully I followed Macles BIOS article, and recovered my BIOS without any problems and running 3310. I had 3309 before this :lol:
    Sudsmcduff96, Dec 3, 2010
  8. dphreak


    Jul 9, 2010
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    All Ok so far, no problems anymore after recovering bios i put latest one inside and everithing is just fine,no more crashes like from developers bios. Thank you !
    dphreak, Feb 5, 2011
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