Well from what you describe, your flashing power led is showing it is actually working: [quote]d. After LED of power button is flashing release the Fn + Esc[/quote] Maybe you should just give it it's time to finish? I am actually sorry to say, but I guess you do just something wrong. You would be better of to send it for repair than instead of trying to flash anything. Again please note that THIS NOTEBOOK HAS NO BIOS IN COMMON SENSE YOU CAN SOLDER OUT as it does not exist. I already written that, InsydeH20 is no Bios like you know them, it's a EFI module emulating BIOS. There is hardly something you can do wrongly, if you read the manual correctly. I even killed my own "BIOS" to test if it works and it did, what else you want? There is no other way you can fix that. If you read the manuals and what I wrote on the process here before, that must be enough to get it working unless you killed something else.