BIOS Recovery not working

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by JDBeck23, Nov 14, 2009.

  1. JDBeck23


    Nov 7, 2009
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    Hey guys... AOA was working fine the other day, I power it up, get the windows load screen and then CLICK... black screen, laptop shuts down immediately.

    I tried the BIOS recovery by macles... The first time I tired it, it started, got the flashy light on the power button, pressed it once, got activity on my thumb drive. About 15 seconds later, laptop shut down again... this time no noticeable CLICK sound. So I booted it up to make sure all was ok, it repeated the original problem again, so I tried again with the reflash of the BIOS. Second time, same thing happened.... it appeared to begin flashing the BIOS and then... it shuts down on it's own.

    Now I get nothing when trying to boot. No BIOS screen, no nothin'! When I try to reflash the BIOS again, I get the flashy power button, I press the button one more time, but I dont see any activity on the usb drive. The power light keeps flashing indefinitely.

    I removed the battery several times. Reformatted the USB drive in FAT vice FAT32, all to no avail. Is my Acer officially dead??
    JDBeck23, Nov 14, 2009
  2. JDBeck23

    Grim Squeaker

    Aug 19, 2008
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    When this happens you generally have to boot without the battery inserted, and then insert it quickly before the system powers down.
    But I am uncertain if half completing a BIOS Flash did not do more damage...
    Grim Squeaker, Nov 14, 2009
  3. JDBeck23


    Nov 7, 2009
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    Ok, I tried removing the battery, starting up and sharply inserting. Though, it acts the same even if I take my time inserting the battery... nothing changed. Any ideas??
    JDBeck23, Nov 14, 2009
  4. JDBeck23


    Jan 5, 2009
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    During the Macles bios recovery, it reads the flash drive then shuts off and you have to wait for the computer to reboot on it's own.

    You could replace the bios chip... but there most likely is a second problem because getting a black screen (Shutdown) during boot is not normally a bios problem.

    So I would change the motherboard, which would fix both problems.
    jerryt, Nov 14, 2009
  5. JDBeck23


    Nov 7, 2009
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    Thanks jerryt... I was thinkng along the same lines, that my original problem was probably not BIOS related so when it shutdown mid-BIOS flash, more not good things happened.

    Thanks for the help.
    JDBeck23, Nov 15, 2009
  6. JDBeck23

    Jason G

    Oct 9, 2008
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    Hi J,

    Is your problem fixed yet at all? If not, I suspect your fan may need some attention. Listen out for it when you turn it on... if it doesn't, then your lappie is preventing the boot-up process because if the fan isn't working it'll overheat = more damage.

    Now, it may just need a few light taps when turned off to unstick it - a fairly common problem it seems, or lubrication which is an opening-up job.

    Let us know what problem you think it may be!

    EDIT: Your BIOS from macles. Does he have one covering Windows too? I only know of the Linux one, which would be a Linux BIOS instead... :)
    Jason G, Nov 19, 2009
  7. JDBeck23


    Nov 21, 2009
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    so I think I may be in the same boat...working on my brother's machine, using the macles page that I found earlier, got so far as 'flash completed' (or w/e the message is) but then it hung - over two hours - and now there is zero power response at all. I've done some reading and such on here, and it seems that switching BIOS chips with a working one will allow for boot again, but does anybody know if the bios chips in these nettops are swappable? Without a heating gun/soldering skills, I mean - is it socketed like ATX mainboards? I have access to another of the same model if this is the case. But I don't want to go from one non-working AAO to two...
    Gonzobot, Nov 21, 2009
  8. JDBeck23


    Jan 5, 2009
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    The bios chip is soldered in place. Very small, I have to use a magnifier and a soldering iron with .015 tip.
    jerryt, Nov 21, 2009
  9. JDBeck23


    Nov 21, 2009
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    Ah. Lame.

    Well, luckily we're still warrantied. Back to the depot with it, I suppose.

    Though, I'm probably going to keep my eyes open on ebay for other machines with this no-screen issue...seems there's a profit to be had with this thread's knowledge, eheh
    Gonzobot, Nov 21, 2009
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