BIOS Update - Ukranian version?

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by Leahyao, Jul 25, 2010.

  1. Leahyao


    Jul 25, 2010
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    A friend of mine is here in the US visiting from Ukraine. His Acer Aspire AOA 150 netbook just froze up this evening (he has been using it fine.) It appears to need the BIOS reset as described on the ACER FAQs and other Googled YouTude video/articles. I am comfortable in following the steps as described (copy files, rename, load to flash drive and special booting process.)

    However, I would like to know if this process has any special steps due to his machine being setup with Ukraine/Russian language/keyboard/alphabet. Are there any other special steps I must be aware of? Is there a unique BIOS file that must be downloaded?
    Leahyao, Jul 25, 2010
  2. Leahyao


    Aug 17, 2010
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    Do you mean BIOS of your friend in Cyrillic? If so no worries. You still can install English version of BIOS and any OS will work on top of it regardless language of the BIOS interface. Only version # is important.
    Mmf, Aug 17, 2010
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