Bluetooth Dongles. "mini bluetooths" stereo a2dp heaphones

Discussion in 'Networking' started by bobinh2otown, May 26, 2009.

  1. bobinh2otown


    May 18, 2009
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    Cant find anything on this.....As we all know as Aspire One users.. they speaker sux, even though its better then none

    Anyways ...Using any Bluetooth USB Dongle... has anyone paired up stereo headphones??

    I have a pair of sony bt22 ..the most sold bluetooth stereo headpones on the market.

    anways I cant get them to pair with my acer by usb bluetooth ..

    the BT is a2dp v2.0 edr . it pairs "shows it listed under devices" but no sound

    anyone get a pair of headphones to sync with the acer one? by a dongle.. I know a few brands are Cirago,BELKIN,ASUS,IOGEAR,E BLUE,Fit and hide...etc imagine a long list.

    anyone pair up any stereo headphones? if so ..what type headphones and what brand of mini bluetooth ...

    thanks....Im in a crossroads...Have one mini useless now... help!
    bobinh2otown, May 26, 2009
  2. bobinh2otown


    Jan 25, 2009
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    this can take alittle work depending on you and bluetooth suck you will want to install a cstm bt stack, Xp seemed to work ok, on a stock install it was choppy but on a fullt tweaked install it was smooth and crips, i have the platronics bt headset w/controls and using a linksys usb bt adapter. its bigger but it was the 1st tiny class 1 usb version offered, i have used a few other and they are just too weak of a signal. i want to try the Kingston micro adapter..i have herd good things
    duey2k, May 27, 2009
  3. bobinh2otown


    Jan 5, 2009
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    Find Bluesoleil, I went about crazy trying to get stereo, but this version works fine in XP.
    jerryt, May 27, 2009
  4. bobinh2otown


    May 18, 2009
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    Ok, AFTER 5 DAYS OF LINGO..Hits and Misses ...Ive done good.

    Ok, Now we all need a fast Bluetooth Portocol. So it has to be 2.0 or better and edr. . 1.1 1.2 wont work.

    Doesnt Matter the class of Bluetooth . class 1 or 2 works.

    Must have drivers also .

    the ones listed off of ebay the mini bluetooth , dont come with drivers. and also windows xp doesnt have them either.

    So when someone is looking for a Mini Bluetooth make shure it includes bluetooth v2.0 or better and edr.

    and maybe controlling play stop forward reverse, and volume up and down by means of (avrcp)

    So any cheap Mini dongle ..that has the features will do . but the drivers??

    Well thanks to jerryt BLUESOLEIL WORKS LIKE A CHARM! at the cost of 20.00 dollars.

    The company has even a program to check your bluetooth to see it has the features , so ya can use bluesoleil ! So ya dont waste your $$ if you dont like. It also has a 2 minute test to use the device before it locks out...So you can check it for yourself.

    So BlueSOLEIL And any cheap dongle on ebay. I spent 4 bucks on the dongle delivered.

    and actually got the workaround of BlueSoleil to work! for free

    So If anyone is intrested. In stereo Bluetooth on the acer one. a cheap mini dongle and BlueSoleil is the way to go!

    Also has drivers in the program for skype,mobile phone connection, file transfers,internet wireless connection,mouse and keyboard..and a few pay add ons a dialer, voipand gamii ...another one im intrested in ..for wireless game controllers.


    AS I SAID..I got the workaround that registers it too.... feel free anyone...

    AND ITS GOT AWESOME AWESOME SOUND...AND DISTANCE.. and will connect to all avrcp bluetooth headphones..with controls on them!!!
    bobinh2otown, May 28, 2009
  5. bobinh2otown


    Jan 5, 2009
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    There is a 100m Bluetooth adapter on ebay that comes with the Bluesoleil software, all for $10.00
    jerryt, May 28, 2009
  6. bobinh2otown


    Aug 19, 2008
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    But ..... has anyone got it running under Linpus.
    Rofa, Jun 4, 2009
  7. bobinh2otown


    Jul 9, 2009
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    Dansville NY
    Watch out for the $1.99 to $6.00 JAP cheep bluetooth dongles on Ebay you need BlueSoleil software to run them and is NOT free!!
    BlueSoleil is Verry buggie.
    bad stack software just look at how often thay update there software to fix bugs.
    and the A2DP still sounds bad.

    A good Broadcom Bluetooth is what you would want and would be in you best intrest.
    the Broadcom Chipset and Software is better and its FREE! and without Bugs
    and the Updates are free to.
    and the updates are not "Bug fixes" just new stack features.

    I work with IDBL and IASCA USAC in the summer
    in car audio soundoff competitions and i Judge the RTA or SQ. "Sound Quality"

    so i know what i am talking about in sound Quality.

    I got Pair of INSIGNIA Stereo Bluetooth Headphones NS-BTHDST with dongle.
    Superb Audio Quality
    thay sound Sweet and have Superb Stereo Separation as close to True Digital audio as you can get.
    and have a SWEET Broadcom Bluetooth dongle (BCM2045B3) v2.1 +EDR
    I can go out in the back yard and still chill with my Tunes. thats 300+ foot line of sight

    Class1 = 100mW
    Class2 = 25mW (mini and others)
    Standard Bt = 1.0mw (jap) Mini

    the JAP ones are 1.0 mW EVEN if thay say thay are Class1 thay are NOT.
    as i have got alot of these junk things trying to find a cheeped dongle and found thay ARE NOT WORTH IT and still pay for the software to use them. lol

    Just My 2 Cents as a electronics technician that works on this stuff every day from 1979 to the present.
    radioman193, Jul 17, 2009
  8. bobinh2otown


    May 18, 2009
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    Its not buggy at all. the updates are to improve and add new features

    I been using it now for i dunno 2 months... Its not flawless. but maybe 3 or 4 times misshaps from pairing it again ..after paired or unpaired from other device.

    I also since bought a Belkin 2.1 mini dongle. Its about the same performance . I cant notice a diffrence at least.

    So i dont know what your talking about buggy and bad sound.

    I actually got the Bluesoleii loaded instead of wincom software... maybe ya should check out the newer version of it. I dont know how the old is...maybe thats where you get the info from

    and a2dp is what every cellphone and wm phones have....

    and WE are talking about bluetooth ...Not some sort of soundoff for car audio. Bluetooth ... ;)

    Ill check out the broadcom bluetooth though ...thanks
    bobinh2otown, Jul 17, 2009
  9. bobinh2otown


    Jul 9, 2009
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    Dansville NY
    you sed I been using it now for i dunno 2 months

    I have ben usen Bluetooth "Just alittle" longer than that. :lol: was still was a bad stack
    if you going to use it just for a txt file transfer from your phone to laptop your ok its "ok" for small phone junk
    and when BlueSoleil hits Version 7.0.0 you will Need to pay Again to "Upgrade"

    and in the Networking for BlueSoleil can EXPLOITED To Easy
    with stealth mode entrence. "to vulnerable to attack"
    BlueSoleil software dont work on 64-bit XP and Vista without purchasing the Pro license. More $$$
    A2DP SOUND Connection keeps dropping.(common)
    you need to buy "plugins" to add to your BT Stack.

    The Widcomm or Broadcom Stack dont have these problems.

    and for you remark of

    and WE are talking about bluetooth ...Not some sort of soundoff for car audio. Bluetooth ... ;)

    I use the Bluetooth for STEREO AUDIO as in
    Stereo audio from the Pc. to the Home Stereo "3500watt RMS"
    Stereo Audio from the Pc. to the Car Stereo "6350watt RMS"
    Stereo Audio from the home theater to pc
    Stereo Audio form Pc. to INSIGNIA Stereo Bluetooth Headphones NS-BTHDST
    Stereo Audio from the home theater to the to INSIGNIA Stereo Bluetooth Headphones NS-BTHDST
    Stereo audio from the Home Stereo to the INSIGNIA Stereo Bluetooth Headphones NS-BTHDST

    and was to denote that I Know what good sound Is. Duh..... :roll:

    You want to see just what a Jap Class1 Device looks like..............
    radioman193, Jul 17, 2009
  10. bobinh2otown


    May 18, 2009
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    dude.. I been a member longer on this forum .

    and maybe i got the days messed up ..but i think its been alittle longer then you

    I tried what ya said. I dont like....

    I was being nice.

    its entrance ..

    and im using edr 2.1 not 2.0 like you.

    Im using a belkin 2.1 edr i think its faster transfer rate.. "actually i know its a faster rate"

    but ya got the distance. class one.. but im not gonna leave my phone 300 feet from me...I like looking at the screen to see whos a callin
    bobinh2otown, Jul 17, 2009
  11. bobinh2otown


    Jul 9, 2009
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    Dansville NY
    i was NOT talking about how long you have ben on the forum :roll:
    Read it in its context
    I was being nice
    on how long you have ben usen your bluetooth device.............

    and it is 2.1 look it up that was just a TYPO.

    and here is just a sample of jap NON class1 FAKEjunk

    Im NOT
    attacking YOU just Bluetooth FACTS MOST dont know
    and in a big hurry to get a Bluetooth device.

    Thats the problem with people Now days in forums
    thay read ONLY a part of a post and see 1 ONE thing thay dont like or that thay can use against the poster cause thay feel threatened cause thay did not read the COMPLETE post.

    so Chill Dawg.........
    radioman193, Jul 17, 2009
  12. bobinh2otown


    Jul 9, 2009
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    Dansville NY
    These are NOT Class1 Devices.
    for one thing no room for a class1 chipset 3 to 4 chips needed for class1
    thay are STANDARD Bluetooth and are 1.0 mW all from shen zhen, China.
    KNOCKOFFS and on ebay thay will say thay are cause how often are people going to check if thay are ............. NEVER
    so thay can SCREW ya cause you dont know .
    radioman193, Jul 17, 2009
  13. bobinh2otown


    May 18, 2009
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    I know the diffrence.

    I think you better use proper grammer or maybe its just you,

    Seems alot of people feel , and also say your a jerk or other terms,
    ,I went over your posts
    Just wanted to see what type of person you are. and from what i assumed , I was correct.

    Also I used the bluetooth before you where even on this forum ..thats what I ment.

    I wonder how many forums you been on before this? or this the first. . and or how many you have been kicked off.

    ps. three netbooks is duumb ...Nothing to brag over,

    and Its not Toys.. Its considered HARDWARE. , But you should know that be a tech. :)

    Im not gonna reply anymore to this... As in software. and what it does. Its alot better then widcomm mmmk ass i said ive tested both ..
    bobinh2otown, Jul 17, 2009
  14. bobinh2otown


    Jul 9, 2009
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    Dansville NY
    i ONLY state FACTS and dont play on words .
    i just State things the way thay are.
    and alot of people dont like it caus i Dont sugar coat things i just say it the way it is.
    and my HARDWARE Devices are my "toys" ;)
    and for
    "I wonder how many forums you been on before this? or this the first. . and or how many you have been kicked off."
    if you Think i dont like to help Others to start Look here: ... c&start=75 ... ml?t=40650 ... ostcount=7 ... to=mpxplay

    I can go on ..............

    and for
    "ps. three netbooks is duumb ...Nothing to brag over,"
    If you were to read.......
    radioman193, Jul 17, 2009
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