Bluetooth on kubuntu

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Guest, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I have installed ubuntu on my aspire, but I have a bluetooth mouse I would like to use and it works but I have to do hidd --search from the terminal to pair it anytime I use it and its a pain I have to turn off the mouse and unplug the bluetooth adapter and plug back in and then turn the mouse back on and set to pair and do the hdd -- search even when it goes to sleep and I wake it. The main problem is on gnome the bluetooth gui doesnt do anything but see the mouse it wont pair or connect and on kde I cant find the kdebluetooth any where it says it is installed, does anybody know where to look for kdebluetooth?

    Guest, Nov 15, 2008
  2. Guest


    Aug 17, 2008
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    Unfortunately, as kde seems to be a second class citizen on the *ubuntu distributions, bluez was updated just before intrepid launch, tested only under gnome, and broke kubuntu's bluetooth. Check bug #280997.
    jbernardo, Nov 16, 2008
  3. Guest


    Aug 12, 2008
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    I am running Kde 4.2 on 8.10 (the kubuntu official website will give you the repository link) with all the latest updates and i can confirm it was fixed only maybe a week ago.

    At least its working now
    annafil, Feb 10, 2009
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