Yes!!! It can be done!!! I have been able to make the Acer Aspire One to detect an chinese bluetooth dongle and communicate with mi cell phone. These were the steps. First of all, as some people in this forum has said, the kernel of Linus Linux (ACER Linpus Linux) has no support for bluetooth, so we have to provide it. The way to do it is described in this post: [url=""]viewtopic.php?f=13&t=608[/url] (Howto: create missing kernel modules). You will need another PC where compile the new modules (in my case I used a Debian Lenny system). So I downloaded the kernel sources, changed the name as described and did make menuconfig (I had to install libncurses5-dev in my system). Under the "Bluetooth support" section I selected every option (important: the RFCOMM layer and L2CAP). From the Bluetooth device drivers -section you should select the appropriate driver for you. In my case this is obviously the HCI USB driver (maybe this is the only you need for most of the chinese dongles). Then you have to do make and make modules (maybe only make modules is needed - I'm not sure). Once it finished, you have to copy the new modules to the Acer Apire One. You have to copy the *.ko files under kernel/drivers/bluetooth and kernel/ner/bluetooth (with subdirectories - for rfcomm and l2cap) and copy them to the Acer under /lib/modules//lib/modules/ using the same path. Thena a "sudo depmod" is needed. Now when you insert the BT dongle, at least bluetooth and hci_usb modules (check using lsmod) should be loaded. Maybe you need to manually load rfcomm and l2cap (sudo modprobe rfcomm and sudo modprobe l2cap). We need to install bluetooth packages from Add/Remove Software (Advanced hack). The packages I installed were: bluez-libs gnome-bluetooth-libs libbtctl bluez-utils gnome-bluetooth bluez-hcidump gnome-vfs2-obexftp Well, now is the moment to plug the dongle and pray (not play ;) ). Exactly, nothing happens. No led blinking in the dongle. To be fair, something has happened. Bluetooth mnodule has been loaded (check with lsmod). This is a good signal. And if you do "hciconfig" inside a terminal an hci0 device appears, but its mac is all 0's. Now doing "hciconfig hci0 up" the device should be activated, and after this "hciconfig -a" shlud return all dongle's info (with it macs correctly set). Now you can use the tools installed. For instance, with "hcitool scan" you can find other bluetooth devices (check "hcitool -h" to discover other uses). For send/receive files yu can use gnome-obex-send and gnome-obex-server. Proper windows will appear to select bluetooth devices or when a file is receiver. For other uses (connect to cell phone for modem, for example) modules rfcomm and l2cap must be used. So, it's no a simple way, but it can be done. At least all this is only needed the first time.