Broken charger port (ZG5)

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by dijital, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. dijital


    Feb 11, 2009
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    My Aspire ZG5 has a broken charger point, it still works via battery but i cant charge it.

    Is there another way i can charge the battery without removing it from the netbook ( charge the battery while i am using it ) without spending too much money?

    I know there are some external battery chargers, but they cost too much and I cant use the battery at the same time, i dont mind taking the battery apart as i want to mount the netbook in my car.

    dijital, Nov 4, 2010
  2. dijital


    Nov 27, 2010
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    The only non-repair route I can think of is finding a "retired" AO chasis that at least can charge; but given how you want to mount this in your vehicle, I think you'll have to bite the bullet and repair.

    I actually had the same problem with my niece's acer (not an AO, but likely similar approach), and I ended up doing a repair on the notebook myself.

    I ordered the part right on ebay ($20)--it's modular and plugs right into the motherboard (that is, once you get to the connector on the motherboard). This is where the squeamish dare not tread: I had to dismantle the entire unit (nearly every single component because of where the connector was located). I'm quite comfortable plundering the guts of a computer "in-the-blind", but I strongly advise most to: locate as many schematics as possible before hand, study the unit connections, etc. at every step of the operation, take plenty of notes, and for God's sake keep the dang parts organized as you remove them. Finally, if you ever feel like you have to force something loose, don't! (Study it a bit more, as you're probably doing it wrong.) Once you succeed, you'll feel you can tackle about anything.
    jdixon, Nov 27, 2010
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