BSOD after Resolution change

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by sleeves345, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. sleeves345


    Mar 18, 2010
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    So on my AOA150 I have Windows 7, and installed the modded GMA 945 drivers. I then followed the instructions to edit the registry to allow changing resolution to 1024x768.
    1) Run regedit
    2) Search and modify all values "Display1_DownScalingSupported" from "0" to "1"
    3) Restart the system
    4) Enjoy with the two new resolutions 1024x768 i 1152x864

    It's worked before in the past, but after my most recent reinstallation of Win7, I get a BSOD every time i try to change the resolution. I'm not surprised, it is after all, tricking the computer to do what it's not designed to do. But i've gotten it to work before, and i'd like to have that ability again.

    any ideas about why this isnt'working anymore? any help would be much appreciated.
    sleeves345, Mar 22, 2010
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