BSOD while Installing Xp SP3

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by ameykmt, Oct 7, 2009.

  1. ameykmt


    Oct 6, 2009
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    I'm having Acer Aspire One A0A150 and current BIOS Version V0.3310. Have even tried on V0.3114

    The Lappy came installed with Limpus Linux. I then installed Xp SP3 through USB drive. This was about 3 months back. Now, few days ago, when I tried to install Xp SP3 again, just when the blue screen appears Windows Setup is now starting, it stops there, and the dreaded blue screen of death appears.

    I have Limpus Linux iso image, which I made bootable through USB, and tried to install, but it stops at the first step itself. When I click Install, the progress indicator appears, but it never moves. Waited waited waited for hours, but waste.

    I also tried to install Xp SP3, from the windows explorer, it started, done halfway, but fucked up everything, after first reboot. I'm now in a very precarious situation, with no OS on my lappy, and neither is in the mood to get installed. XP SP3 is what I want. Can someone of you tell me what could be the reason for BSOD? What all possibilities? and anything I can do, to solve the problem? I don't have USB CD ROM. Pen Drive is the only option

    For BSOD, I get error Technical information as,
    *** STOP: 0x0000006B (0xC0000003A, 0X00000002, 0X00000000, 0X00000000)
    ameykmt, Oct 7, 2009
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