Can't get onto internet

Discussion in 'Linux' started by CFC1, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. CFC1


    Apr 26, 2009
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    This is my first post, so hello to all on here! I need help, and don't even know if I'm in the right place, TBH, so MODS please move if necessary (but please let me know where to)!

    I am a complete noob, but couldn't resist buying a cheap Acer Aspire One yesterday from Tesco. It's the 1GB 120G model with Linux ... They are selling it for £129, but I managed to get it for £99, because the sales assistant misquoted the price. ... Anyway, I can't get it logged on to the internet. From the main menu, I click on "Browser" and in the address box it says "" but whatever other address I type in, it gives the same message: SERVER NOT FOUND ... Firefox can't find the server at .... address

    ... Check the address for typing errors...
    ... If you are unable to load any pages, check your computers network connection
    ... If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web

    I have a BT Homehub, that my son's laptop with windows xp picked up straight away!... I went through the handbooks' "advanced wireless connection setting" procedure and it correctly identified the BT Homehub.

    However, both that laptop and my main pc are running on internet explorer ... and this acer is firefox. Is that my problem?... And if so, how can I solve it?

    I haven't got Firefox on either other machines.

    Any help would be really appreciated!
    CFC1, Apr 26, 2009
  2. CFC1


    Oct 27, 2008
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    Hi CFC1 and welcome.

    That is a great price for the One.
    I doubt it is Firefox as I have a similar set up to yours and it works for me. I even run Firefox and Explorer on my desktop PC running XP.
    Now you mention wireless and that you can see the BT hub which indicates the wireless is switched on and working. May be silly question but you have entered and saved your WEP or WPA security code into the One's Connection Manager?
    Nest question, have you tried it via an ethernet connection? Now when I do this on my One it does automaticaly pick up the router.

    Let us know the answers and best wishes.
    solpuerto, Apr 26, 2009
  3. CFC1


    Apr 26, 2009
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    Hello mate! Thanks for the welcome!
    I eventually got it sussed last night... and ... am a bit embarrassed, TBH. :oops: Yes, I eventually tried plugging the ethernet cable straight into the Acer, and, "voila", it got on to the internet straight away. I then deduced that the problem must lie with the wireless pairing ... and ... went through the process again, and guess what? I HADN'T PUT IN THE BLEEDIN' WAP SECURITY CODE!!!!
    It's not easy being a noob! :? However, it's all working fine now, and both the Mrs and youngest lad are happy to have this machine at their disposal for MSN, emails and surfing.

    I appreciate you spending the time posting and helping me out! :) ...

    Thanks solpuerto!
    CFC1, Apr 27, 2009
  4. CFC1


    Oct 27, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Hi CFC1

    Glad it is all working and I have seen some who have not switched on the wireless via the RH switch. We were all noob's once and relatively still are.
    solpuerto, Apr 27, 2009
  5. CFC1


    May 22, 2009
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    I to have problmes getting an interent coneection..I have just bought my Aspire one today..stuck the lan cable in and nothing. It goes throughthe motions of logging in then comes up at the bottom right saying disconnected. Unfortunately I have no wifi to try...anyone any suggestions..Its so simple to set up what can it be?

    Thanks to whoever.
    JIB, May 22, 2009
  6. CFC1


    May 22, 2009
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    update..I managed to log on to wirelless but still not using the LAN connection?
    JIB, May 23, 2009
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