Can't start-up Aspire One

Discussion in 'Linux' started by frooj, Aug 2, 2009.

  1. frooj


    Jul 29, 2009
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    I turned on my A1 and it stuck on the blue screen with 'Aspire One' in the corner. Rebooted twice, same problem.

    I went into setup the next time I rebooted and changed all the passwords to the same thing. When it booted up it asks for 'CURRENT password' - so I enter the password I have used, and used when I first set-up the A1. Asks again, and after 3 times the message is 'SYSTEM WILL HALT! Press Any Key'.

    Now I can't get on, and I'm worried. Any help guys? :|
    frooj, Aug 2, 2009
  2. frooj


    Jul 29, 2009
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    I had to write it in capitals!

    But now I'm stuck on the Aspire One screen again, with the Caps Lock LED flashing...
    frooj, Aug 2, 2009
  3. frooj


    Sep 28, 2008
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    I had the same problem with the booting getting stuck on the blue Acer Aspire screen. I emailed Acer. It's a fault with the computer short circuiting and needs to be sent to their technical centre for repair. Mine even managed to boot itself after a while (about 10 minutes waiting), but then failed to boot another 4 times over the next month, before I realised if I didn't get it repaired then, it would be out of warranty. Since getting it back, I've had no problems.
    andreswebb, Aug 5, 2009
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