Carbon Capture Scam

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Jul 12, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just thought I'd put a few comments on my experience w this rush of money and such into the carbon capture scam. As an engineer I'm seeing a lot of money pour into this gambit and it's not for love of the environment. If you believe their nonsense climate change political control gambit then a huge problem w it is that if there is warming and more carbon in the air then plants would thrive even more as they need carbon dioxide and just like oxygen w humans a concentrated or more amount of it would be beneficial. The level rise they and their total nonsense super computer models envision is gradual enough to be a benefit not an overdose type of thing.

    The Earth is a huge heat pump, there is no loss of water and the antarctic ice sheet which surrounds the oceans isn't going anywhere. Any imaginary ocean rises would easily be countered with tech, the Low Countries are underwater but it's been managed for centuries with old tech and places like NOLA are badly managed but still there. Annual flooding and such is a way of life and if managed properly are not a disaster. You cannot lose water in a closed system like Earth, it cannot just rise and float away and never come down in the form of rain and in what they term as "space" water boils. That's never been observed in the upper atmosphere nor by what they call satellites, which are just powered craft at high altitudes and weather balloons and such. As per the 1960s legislation satellites are just undersea cables nothing more. So the idea of deserts is possible but that just means more water elsewhere. Cloud seeding is a long fact and they likely have more advanced ways to manipulate weather, amplify natural things like hurricanes and such.

    Carbon capture is just a vulture capitalist scam to sell carbon credits to govs so they can claim this fake carbon neutrality moniker nothing more. The idea of capturing carbon just out of the environment in general makes little sense. If they were really worried it would only make sense in carbon intensive emitters like various big industrial plants and similar, not just out in the general world. It's a scam. And the firms working on it need so much MW to get it going that they actually emit more carbon in high concentrations. Electricity comes from places that emit carbon in some way, even supposedly green stuff like solar, wind and hydro require large amounts of resources likely beyond what they supposedly offset, those are just another form of scam to enrich through gov money in various forms. It's all about money.

    And the assumption is that carbon is rising and that it somehow greatly contributes to this mirage of climate change or global warming. Classic scientism garbage based on huge assumptions which are little more than some algorithm written for a supercomputer to crunch. The algo is written by self interested parties who overlook anything that tends to disprove their assumptions. Modern science is such almost completely and is actually a harm to the world. Engineering is pretty much the same, the only thing it is doing is coming up with solutions to problems it created in the first place, the quixote windmills. It is also focusing on things which will throw as many people onto the gov dole as possible, thus enlarging an already bloated socialist hell, exactly what is planned. If anything is to blame for enviro degradation it's Govs, megacorps and at bottom the bankster greed and lust system and their planned synthesis compromise is the even worse socialist world of the gov-as-god which they own and control. Marxism is monopoly capitalism under a different form. Just look at Sweden, a perverts paradise, and it's nation of gov slaves. Much of Europe is already socialist with a slender initiative opportunity that's really only for the already wealthy, normal people have little to no chance. Even if they do more than half their earnings are stolen by the gov-as-god beast. The elite can hire financial scammers to get out of most of it and of course have overseas accounts etc
    Hertzian56, Jul 12, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    For instance in engineering the most growing fields as far as mechanical are robotics in various forms. I see conveyor systems for either distribution systems or automated processing systems as one major field. This would put a lot of people out of work, thus reducing labor costs so the banksters can accumulate more control through the debt system. This includes buying up small companies to create even more huge combines which are little more than monopolies, they fake fight of course.

    Another aspect are industrial robots to handle and package goods, thus putting more people out of work. The financial and industrial and all systems purpose is for the supplying of goods for people, providing employment so those people can live decently. But in the bankster greed and lust world their purpose is cold hard profit, stock prices, debt servicing and such. It's inhuman and degrading to put humans below that. Satanism personified.

    Of course industrial robots actually do assembly work in many fields too, saving labor costs but the savings just go to enriching banksters ultimately. And the big corps are controlled by them, probably 100 or less people sit on the boards of thousands of these companies and really with monopolization with 2-3 behemoths megacorps controlling the whole market. They fake fight to keep up the illusion of competition. Then the revolving door of gov admins, pols and such mean these monopolies own and staff govs, and as mentioned these monopoly megacorps are controlled by banksters. It's a well hidden and nested system of greed and lust grinding decent humanity down.

    With the systems in place post ww2 no one should have to work more than part time to support a family, own a home and have ample leisure. Remember those promises given? The reality is people are slaves at work, frequently have to work over 40hrs a week and must be 2 FT income to afford a family, home and decent QOL. And don't think their proposed solution of Marxism is going to be any better, it's just formalizing the Gov-as-God satanism. Fascism is a marxist variant btw. To have to be a slave of a bunch of technocrats, pols and the various riffraff that inhabit gov posts is even worse.

    Govs, megacorps and their masters the banksters of tribesters are the problem. Jewmocracy degrades into socialism the larger a country is, it was only ever a viable system in small to medium sized cities, never huge empires and countries. Wide diffusion of property and the political power that comes from that should be encouraged. The bully bankster-gov came along and decided it owned everything, notably the land which they collect taxes on for their wasteful ideological goals mostly. And here in the USA local govs are bribed w fed money grants and are staffed w JWO acolytes and cultists. It represents their interests not the local populations. And I've seen shenanigans in conservative places to install their preferred agents. Things like offering small town mayors lucrative positions to resign and then a woman or some pervert is installed for the remainder of the term, knowing that the populace usually goes along with the incumbent no matter how they got there. And then the gangster tactics are used, they appoint only fellow cadres into all sorts of positions like police, unelected admins and such and on it goes. A place that was quiet and had a cohesive community is destroyed so they can have marxist diversity aka perverts and aliens flood the area. Colleges are used as bases for this too, offering lots of money and peoples palaces and finally easy loans and grants to pervs and aliens from the zoos of big cities.
    Hertzian56, Jul 12, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just surface level stuff about cc, 33, kind of refutes the need for these scam VC companies in search of Elana-steinberg Muskina levels of private profit off of public backs, goy backs btw. So plants, trees NATURALLY need carbon and NATURALLY convert it to oxygen which humans NEED. Humans breathe air which is oxygen and nitrogen and then EMIT Carbon Dioxide which plants/trees etc NEED. So there is a natural balance, more CO2 more plants, more plants more air. Carbon Capture is just one prime example of the pride, greed and lust of the jewmasontranny satanic mafia that dominates the world today. Create the problems, real or imagined, then come along with the solutions that are desired. Ordo ab Chao, Coagula et Solve, As above so below, etc satanic mottos and creeds.

    From an overall pov the horse was the intended mode of long transportation for humans. They are emotional creatures/pets you can bond with, have to be respected as far as rest/food/water and limit the daily range within human proportions. They require nothing more than what is naturally available free, like water, grass, rest. And their leavings are all natural organic fertilizer for more grass etc When any asshole can pull a trigger, or buy a train ticket, plane ticket, buy a car etc then you get dumbo idiots all over in places where they would be quickly culled out in previous times without such tech based tools. From steam engines to trains and on we get a huge greed, lust and pride based society.

    These satanists now push methane by cows and others as some danger but the real agenda is to limit the natural proteins of the goyim majority in favor of their soylent green engineered garbage at a profit. They know you HAVE to eat to survive you HAVE to drink to survive at a minimum so that's what they are going to and do use for sterility, depop, trannyize/low sex hormone, etc hell on earth they want. The enviro degradation is solely due to their greed, lust and pride based huge monopoly farms and cattle farms which the bankster jewmasontrannys own from afar. At some point the CO2 which humans emit will be taxed, they already have a large amount of people buying water, which falls from the sky naturally and free. Even city water at exponentially lower cost is shunned to buy it at exponentially higher cost.
    Hertzian56, Jul 13, 2023
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