Chameleon not loading WinXP

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by squeech, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. squeech


    Apr 28, 2009
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    Hi there,

    I've successfully installed both WinXP and Leopard (iDeneb) onto my Aspire One. However, after installing Chameleon 2RC1, I can no longer get my WinXP to boot. Each time I select that operating system from the Chameleon boot screen, the screen displays:

    Loading Darwin
    Can't find mach_kernel

    And then goes back to the selection screen. I've searched through various forums and have seen people talking about making sure that the active partitions are set correctly, etc. The problem is, I already had done that prior to installing Chameleon, and could get to each OS just fine. After Chameleon, I can no longer get to XP.

    Any suggestions or ideas? Anyone recognize this issue? Thanks!
    squeech, Apr 28, 2009
  2. squeech


    Aug 23, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Two suggestions:

    - Reinstall it.
    - Try to boot your windows xp partition using grub from any live linux distro, just for be sure the bootlaoder of the windows xp partition is ok.
    Infected24, May 4, 2009
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