Change of Display?

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Puggytree, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. Puggytree


    Feb 17, 2009
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    Okay, I've been up for the last 20 hours and still can't sleep (although I'm finally drifting) Solved near enough all my remaining nags with Linpus, I was just wonderinerg if I could cover up the horrible display? Even if it's just a picture over the ugly menu. I can access all my software by doing the right click thing, just wondering if I can make it more like a windows desk top because the standard thing isn't that useful really.

    Other quires but not so bothered about. 1 being that when I try go on facebook for some reason I can't see profile details but everything else? I'm wondering if this has something to do with flash, but all other flash based websites seem to work fine. Anyone else had this problem? If not I'll see if Facebook has any helpful people

    And the last thing is to get Thunderbird to except my Hotmail account, it doesn't seem to work :(

    Anyway thanks for your time, even if its to tell me that these problems wont be fixable at least I can stop trying and sleep :p
    Puggytree, Feb 17, 2009
  2. Puggytree


    Jan 25, 2009
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    You will find most things here.

    The link for switching desktops does work if you do it right, I downloaded the script but into the wrong folder and not the downloads one and took a couple of days to find out. :roll:

    It is easy to change the desktop background picture, assuming you have already accessed the advanced menu go to settings and then desktop manager you will see halfway down where to change the picture. There are some stock ones or you can save one from google images etc to your pictures folder and use that.

    For anything else just try a search for it on this forum. I think most things are here. :D
    Amanuensis, Feb 17, 2009
  3. Puggytree


    Feb 17, 2009
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    Thanks a lot for that :)
    Yeah I do try looking for these solutions before I post but I rarely find them :(
    But I shall give the back ground thing a try.

    thanks a lot for the help :)
    Puggytree, Feb 17, 2009
  4. Puggytree


    Feb 17, 2009
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    followed the links...
    and everythings buggered :(

    I'm not that good with Linux and all i'm getting is buttons next to the power button that do nothing and can't be deleted :(
    okay fixed the lots of buttons bit but still not worked :(
    Puggytree, Feb 17, 2009
  5. Puggytree


    Jan 25, 2009
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    You can remove the launchers the same way you added them, just open the panel again (xfce4-panel -a) and drag the unwanted icons onto it and they will be removed.

    In the topic that tells you what to do look did you copy the instructions shown in the photo to setup the launcher. I know its in french but the instructions that you type in are the same.

    Amanuensis, Feb 17, 2009
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