Changing home key function?

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by Ceno, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. Ceno


    Aug 12, 2008
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    Just a note before I start, since this is my first post. Thanks to whoever's behind this forum, I've used linux for over a year now and I still feel quite lost dealing with the linpus os, mainly because it's based on fedora and since I'm used to debian systems I've had to learn a few things. This forums been a great help, so thanks a lot!

    Now the question, has anyone been able to change the function of the home key? Or "super" key, like it's usually called. I'd like to change the show desktop function to <super>+m (like in windows :p) instead of just super. Example, amarok comes default with home key shortcuts, and because of the default function of the home key, it's unusable.

    Any ideas?
    Ceno, Aug 13, 2008
  2. Ceno


    Aug 1, 2008
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    The shortcut is controlled by xhkeys. I think I had to kill the running instance before I could change it's configuration file, but I'm not sure. To be safe kill it with "killall xhkeys", then edit the file /home/user/.XHkeys to disable the shortcut for the "super" key. In this file the keys are identified by their keycode and the Home key (Super_L) is keycode 115, I did a find and replace substituting 115 for 116 (Super_R, which isn't on this keyboard) so I could easily revert the change should I want to, however you could just delete all the lines for keycode 115 should you wish. Once you have saved the changes you can restart xhkeys.

    As far as I can tell xhkeys is just for single key shortcuts, you can set multi-key shortcuts in /home/user/.config/xfce4/shortcuts/linpus.xml
    retsaw, Aug 14, 2008
  3. Ceno


    Jun 19, 2009
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    Hi. I've made what you say in your previous post to edit the function of the "superhome" key but whenever you reboot, the system creates that line (with the 115 keycode for superhome). I have the same problem that the original user posted with amarok.

    I have looked around the forums here, but none seems to have the solution for this issue. Could you please help me a bit more to change the function of the key succesfully. Any help is appreciated
    darobles, Jun 25, 2009
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