Hi I've done a quick search but maybe not enough on the forums but I can't seem to see why my CnC Generals is so slow to play and vids on youtube seem so quick [MEDIA=youtube]N4o2KUrrud8[/MEDIA] I've upped the ram to 1.5GB (managed to KIA the left hand SD cardreader at the same time by leaving one in there as i took it apart. a kind of staple came out and now cards no longer stay in :o( , have win7 r1006 installed. Oh I also lost one of the rubber feet. Generals screen scale is stretched to match the native res of the a150 (from 800-600 - 1024*600) and doesn't give me option to change screen res. Any tips or ideas why mine seems so slow compared to the youtube vid which looks perfectly playable. Is there something I haven't done. How come everybody seems to be running there games so much smoother. Apologies if this has been asked before. Hey come on, I did the Ram upgrade without asking any questions. If I could find that rubber foot I'd be happy too, it must have stuck to me at some point and been moved to another area of the house!!!