College NFL football Clown Show Scam TV Fixing Gambling WWE ETC

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Nov 11, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I have a bunch about this in the sports general thread but I think for searches it's good to have the cfb-nfl in the title and the issues involved. Let me simplify this: ALL of these jewmasontranny ball games are WWE fixed for TV ratings, gambling and other social programming the satanists want. The promotion of filth of all kinds by these rats on all sides of it is the goal. The cringeyness is just over the top especially in the football space but I do not follow baseball nor NBA with any regularity and I'm sure they're just as bad. I do loosely follow F1 and Indycar and they're no different I said all sports and meant it. Likely only at the junior high and below level is it not infested with jewmasontranny cultists and their hormones, hi/low testosterone taking, and other cheating to then become fallen "stars" of the future, hellbound cultist scum. I also loosely watch soccer whatever I can get on tv which varies pretty greatly. The pagan satanic Olympics I don't follow at all it's such a filthy grimy thing.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2023
    Hertzian56, Nov 11, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    As an overall thing I'm going to go into CFB college football and say the dissolving of the PAC 12 was a planned thing in order to get a nation wide ONE big league for more big games for better TV ratings and the money that comes from that. More above board gambling money, more of the circus level fixed games of these nfl-auditioner "students" who learn to "play the game" clown show. More social programming for their sick jewmasontranny cult as well. The scumbag announcers, commentators and such of all kinds are just in on it liars.

    These corrupt jewmasontranny "colleges and universities" all over with all these shiny peoples palaces while charging more and more to students just want more money it's all they care about and so they'll do anything for "good ratings" and the good pay that comes from that. Bullshit talk like "community" and "serving" and all the other bullshit is just window dressing for the greedster jewmasontranny cultists in all the top positions.

    So now you'll have the biggest teams playing all over the country flying all over and you'll have less lop sided smaller teams getting blown out by the larger programs and thus the lower TV ratings and money that goes with that. Say Ohio State playing Maryland etc These large superleagues are really good for this satanic jewmasontranny cults New Atlantis/Egpyt/Sodom, that's why things like the satanic pagan Olympics and the World Cup and similar stuff are soo corrupt and so fixed and nasty with all tranny sickos and their gangster brethren in the big corpo side of it pouring money and coverage there. As I've said before the trannyman messiman likely just played a role in the WC, paid out part of her salary in bribes, but the PTB wanted a "messy" WC drama story over in Gutter where it was held. Whole bs scam there.

    ALL countries that send athletes to represent their countries in these intl. meets are on board simply because all athletes are trannys at the highest levels. Similar to the "space" scam, how many countries have sent things to "space"? those are all in on it. Just look at the sad versions of it by lately India but the Chinese have had pretty cringey productions of it. The soviets and successors were better but still had the corny fakery, even NASA is pretty cringey garbage but it's the most advanced and costly production, now we get the "private" Space Sex doing productions.

    THEN take the Antarctic Treaty, the most obeyed without a sound treaty in the WHOLE history of mankind, how the hell you think that happens? This is a verboten do not cross line and these satanic cultists all know that, in all countries or ones that could easily go there anyways.

    The jewmasontranny satanic cult is at almost the zenith of it's power, we know this because it's very comfortable and acts with arrogance and PRIDE. We know this because ALL of the things I've mentioned are being revealed BY THEM in a winding subtle manner. As Ms Pike said about lucifer being revealed, likely in a kabbalistic scam way though, for a planned reaction of the dialectic to then have a pre selected solution waiting in the wings. Their arrogance wants to elicit admiration by their "success" which is in reality just blackest criminality and brutality of liars and cowards. One of their greatest tools is scapegoating, and regular people largely believe their flaming lies of all kinds. May these dumbos pay more than full price for believing lies.

    Ok let me get back to CFB next.
    Hertzian56, Nov 11, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Look every time I watch a big game I feel scammed and it's getting old. For instance these huge games are only so because of the AP poll, putting the name "coaches" poll on it makes no difference as to being anything but a fake rating system for drama and interest purposes. So it's basically based on money, which schools have the best recruits do to exposure and money, who has the largest most rabid following, east location of course, biggest tv following etc So we've got the same old boringaf SEC corrupt as a swamp for decades, the awful midwest big10 scum for the same. The central and western leagues have just been little brothers mostly, easier to control the tv and gambling back east. More masons in midwest and east and certainly more talmudicks in big population areas so thus more criminality as normal.

    In big games you can tell these guys are just performing as exciting entertainment as possible, the shenanigans are endemic. Or it's the opposite lately of an anemic bore fest for 3.5 quarters then a BIG finish for the cameras and press, the money shot in their parlance. They do this with televised big teams vs. teams that should be creamed by half time at least, the big guy takes it easy for 3.5 quarters, even messes up to let the little guy "dominate" for most of the game, then mid 3rd or 4h qtr ramp up the drama and action, keep people watching interested as long as possible.

    I'm fairly confident that "deals" and scripting is going on. Michigan paid for it's Ohio State win last year by losing to TCU in the playoff. Utah likely paid for both it's USC wins and Pac 12 Championship by being routed by Pedo State in the Rose Bowl. The SEC scammers just trade off every 5 years or so, etc Likely been going on for decades just the way it is and remember the cult is in all positions of control here. Dabo Sweeney Todd of Clemson and Brian Kelly of LSU are two fairly easy to see trannymans. To the point that Kelly has a very obvious tranny "daughter" named Grace Kelly LOL another obvious reveal there. Look up the family easy to see the cult members there.

    And the latest thing I've noticed are the really bizarre coaches performing their own clown shows and looking like clowns themselves. The ohio state coach is just a mask faced weirdo we got screaming and such, we got the oregon coaches tv performance against colorado, we just got the stand in coach doing some REALLY BAD crying for that weirdo harbaugh at michigan suspended for 3 games for sign stealing he was also suspended a few games earlier in the season for some other reason, how does a multiple suspension guy get off so easy? etc The Queen of the Clowns has to be Deion Sanders and the Colorado Story this season.

    So now they're moving towards an NFL style divisions of one league and you get regional divisions and 2 conferences or something and only winning games determines the champion and who gets to the College Big Grand Master Toilet Bowl Clown Show Extravaganza Finale!

    BUT the rankings are still a huge input there by interested parties and TV pundits at the beginning and mid season. Makes little sense and I think removing this altogether needs to happen. And it will since this is going to be like the NFL-junior league in name and reality eventually. So a team like USC was ranked in the top 10 for all the way up to almost mid season and then had a brutal schedule and lost so now are unranked. BUT a weak Michigan team who hasn't played any major opponents up to mid season was top 5 the whole time. So they were greased into the playoff rankings the week before they played an actual good team in Pedo State.
    Hertzian56, Nov 11, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Continuing that line if Michigan had to play the teams that USC had to play, and on the road, up to that point they'd be a 2 loss team at least, same goes for the tribal SEC, there's just more corruption and thus less parity in the central and eastern leagues so you get these teams who just get coasted into the CFP. The PAC 12 suffered DUE to parity and beating each other up, BAD for ratings/rankings and therefore MONEY. And more interest=more betting.

    The TV style of "good" big games is keep it as exciting and exhilarating as long as possible but the one scripted to be 12-0 must win in the end. You can't have Maryland actually beating No. 1 Ohio State but you CAN have it be a 7-10 game for 3.5 quarters, OSU even looking sloppy really just resting game but the ratings must be first,, keep people watching.

    But it doesn't work as well as having a SUPER LEAGUE like the Big10 and SEC, so resting games vs. little guys filler and then EVERY WEEK you'll have 2-3 BIG games like USC vs. Michigan or UCLA vs. Ohio State, Washington Vs. Pedo State, Alabama Vs. Oklahoma, Texas Vs Georgia, etc Huge rabid fan bases, huge TV viewership, large betting takes, keep those scumbag commentators and talking heads even busier!!
    Hertzian56, Nov 11, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The Big12 will get more regional following since the big boys went to the super leagues SEC and Big10 with the most following, coverage, gambling and such. And the wreckage of the Pac12, really only 2 teams now Wash St and Oregon St will likely just merge with the MWC if those two teams can't find anywhere with better TV money to go. Those two will take BIG money cuts if they go to the MWC or spend a season or two as independents.

    The logic of all those teams leaving the PAC12 was tv money, even if they are junior members of the other leagues and get a reduced TV money cut, it's STILL more than what they got in the PAC12 tv deal. And I'm pretty sure all of those teams had been in the PAC12 long enough to not have a hefty separation penalty, surely USC/UCLA who got the ball rolling were not effected.

    The tv people knew this and they WANT an NFL style national league eventually, the PAC12 wasn't offered the money parity by the syndicate, chase the money is all that matters. More dense population in the east means more percieved viewership and money, more money rules in these jewmasontranny syndicates. Modern scam education mills are all run, staffed, financed by these cultists so they follow along.

    I see the regional leagues that don't participate mostly in the natl garbage as being the best ones. So the MAC, the MWC, CUSA etc as being better, more fun, less clown show stuff. But there's ALWAYS a jewmasontranny dragon out there looking to make a billion dollars so you've just got various levels of this nonsense. Modern Atlantis/Sodom/Egypt all the same, especially the moving images aspect of it.
    Hertzian56, Nov 11, 2023
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    But you've even got high school games and info on tv now in places, even espn televises the biggest high schools games, this toilet has no bottom to it. So once you get below that it's a nogo mostly so they introduce more ridiculous garbage like tecball, pickleball, the pillow fighting championship, dog shows, (trans)womens football, boringaf Twomens sports of all kinds lots of college twomens marathons all over, TransWNBA league, etc has no end whatever gets the ratings and such. They probably have whole channels of just gaming on some tv channel somewhere if not espn YET.
    Hertzian56, Nov 11, 2023
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just going through nonsense I've seen watching a couple games today. The michigan-pedo state game featured a close game until later on, big surprise and again the FAF crying stand-in coach for Michigan at the end, really bad.

    And now we get the clown show Washington vs Utah game, more clownery here. Close exciting game where it really should be a blowout if we go from Utah squeaking by USC in another "close" game then going HOME where they have not been beat forever and getting BLOWN OUT by Oregon, really? Mkay scam going on here. THEN this team that was blown out at home by Oregon goes to Washington and keeps right up with #5? This is schizoball.

    We also get the ref control mechanism making PI calls where balls are NOT catchable to hand WA an advantage and score. The refs are an in your face control mechanism. THEN we get the ridiculous interception by WA to the endzone BUT the player drops the ball at the 5 yard line well before crossing the endzone line, nah this was planned for drama purposes. So Utah gets the ball back and then WA on the next play tackles the runner in the endzone to get 2 points. Why the hell RUN the ball from the 1 yard line? make a short pass or more to get space, nah just more nonsense. Washington is the Golden Trannyman for the dead PAC12 this year, they ARE going to the playoffs no matter what, the only other remote choice is Oregon at #6 which has not looked as good this year.

    REMEMBER the players(coaches, coordinators, everyone involved) are all in the cult, they're just on audition for the millions in the NFL clown show circus. Even a couple seasons in the NFL at the 700k minimum is more than most people make in 10 years of day in day out grind. Even the dumbest of these hgh-testosterone-roided out trannymen could buy a house or two or apartment building and just enjoy a quieter modest life starting at 25 years old. You think they're NOT going to follow orders?

    These monsters also get huge benefits their whole lives way above what normal decent people ever get, kind of similar to the mercenaries called veterans with no down payment VA house loans, jobs preferences all over, etc They're not heroes, they're just paid mercs for the jewmasontranny cult games all over the world. Button pushers makes it a lot easier for them as well, for instance fighter pilots, tankmen, drone operators, etc are just button pushers and actually computers do most of the work. If you grow up playing COD you think some drone operator hundreds to thousands of miles away cares too much about ants on a screen? No, real glorious warriors died out with the sword and bow based fighting, once tech came in it's just button pushing under various circumstances.

    Sports are just a way to make man to man(now tranny to tranny androgyne "gods") war type of thing a distraction and energy drain as well as money drain. Then add in the social programming. It's just another IDOL form.

    So getting back to this game we get PI's all over, where it's just an obvious game outcome management scam. These judgement calls are always there for this purpose. There is actually no need for ANY PI rules at all, unless it's really badly obvious but it's better to just not have them at all, nor roughing calls at all, they're just there for subjective calls that can manage games outcomes with. Have higher scoring games due to these things and thus more tv viewers and interest, similar to how the NBA has been for 15 years at least, it's so overtly fake there that it's just got worse and worse don't even bother with the NBA, even basketball in general just sucks.

    I like soccer almost more than any other sport to watch because it's slow, has a rhythm to it, mostly relaxing and there are NO endemic commercial breaks for 45 mins at a time!! I don't care too much if it's fixed really, it's just a more enjoyable experience than typical sports jarring stress/tension control of TV commercial infested sports. The only times it's annoying to watch is over zealous and loud announcers, hyperbole ridden clowns. The minimalist british style is way better.
    Hertzian56, Nov 11, 2023
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Soo here we are mid 4th qtr, close game so far, clownery circus exciting, lots of nonsense calls, lots of baffling player outright doing things to make it easier for the chosen CFP pac12 finale team to win, Washington in other words. And don't think many of these nfl-auditioners don't have proxies with large bets out there, it might even be to the spread level. The Oregon-Washington game was 3 spread, well it was a 3 spread IRL. SMH.

    So now WA is getting the calls, Utah players making baffling mistakes and obvious PI's deliberately. So ratings achieved and we're now just getting a slow Washington drive to go up 14points with 2 mins left, SMH the fakery here. I wouldn't be surprised with aNOTHER baffling interception where the Utah QB just essentially throws it to a WA player.

    I'm actually not going to pay for directly(I've never done that btw) nor watch any CFB after next year, this is it douches. Only thing I might follow is whats local or perhaps MWC until that gets busted out to "the big time", if ever. We don't see espn coverage of MWC games a lot nor big 4 broadcasting of them, that's good. Only way I watch these circus shows is for family social reasons where I'm basically co-opted into it apart from what I'd prefer.

    There is now 2mins left 7 point game, washington taknig a FG to go up 10, likely the script DOESN'T call for OT in windy cold Seattle and other games on the schedule. Oh so now we get a MAGICALLY blocked FG so it stays at 7 points w Utah getting the ball back. Maybe OT has shown to bring in another few millions by the dubious "analytics" garbage LOL
    Hertzian56, Nov 11, 2023
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Newsflash, Utah QB throws an interception, game over LOLz Clowns gonna clown, wish they'd all wear face paint, watch Killer Klowns from Outer Space, gruesome. And I'm betting(lol) that the spread was -7 for WA!!
    Hertzian56, Nov 12, 2023
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And just flipping channels and through the sports channels it's soo cringe these people who have nothing better to do than talk about the most inane details of mostly football either nfl or cfb but of course it's any major sports. ALL DAY these weirdos blather on about this or that game or hgh roided out ladyboys in tights etc These weirdo commentators are also all weird looking, most or all trannies as well. Some are soo obvious like their fake beards and woman twinkle eyes in some office somewhere with the arranged to the detail backgrounds and such. Whole industry is just gruesome.

    I can't stress too much to stop watching this garbage but of course if it comes through the satan box, the great voice of satan, it's all just various levels of sickness. It's hard because most of us grew up with this filth being normal, I feel like those regular decent egyptians or even ancient hebrew farmers who grew up in their filthy societies. I don't know are we all hellbound? Is this era of satanic domination just a short punishment before the larger one? I have a hope that like past generations we can't be held liable for the times we live in on a whole level, it was normal to have concubines like Abraham or David had and the 12 Patriarchs were not too holy if you read the OT. The Apostles were just regular people living as best they could, St Paul was actually a great persecutor of Christians before his miraculous conversion. I think there's standard adjustment or deduction for the times we live in and for normal dramas of living in human society. If there are wealthy and powerful who do enough to get into heaven, and there are although not really too many in modern times, then I feel just regular people, however ignorant and even cooperative with satanists, can too. And by cooperative I mean only doing things that don't violate the obvious laws in the 10 commandments, not just anything or supporting such things like masons do. Masons are hellbound as are similar cultists. If you give support to the Beast you are helping the Beast, you are in league with it.

    Getting back to these cockroach talking heads, many of the promoted ones are open tribesters like "woj" for the NBA and I don't know but pretty sure Stephen Smith, ss, must be an ethnically black tribester. The top most promoted ones are tribester trannies, 911's. Then there's an awful piece of turd who actually uses the name Cowherd, yeah totally on the up and up there lol They should just say it like it is the goyherder, the animal herder etc The rachel nichols tribester ladyboy comes to mind as well, this "special" friend of Lebron James-steinberg HGH roided out ladyboy sicko, as is the reveal agent Dwayne Wade such an obvious sicko. We got some negro ladyboy clown on ESPN Sage Steele, SS. Even looks like a clown in a dress with the clownface.
    Hertzian56, Nov 13, 2023
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    They do these dramas for effect, Rachel Nichols the jew ladyboy did it and likely Sage Steele is another one, both ladyboy clowns. ESPN and sports etc are just used as a tool for social programming. Similar to satans space opera which traps so many into it and it's rider messages which are the real message, just done in the typical weasel style of the tribe. Satan is an ambush subtle hunter and he uses distraction and eye candy etc for it in many cases.

    Like I've said we know the satanists are approaching the zenith of their power because they are feeling very comfortable and safe, like this will last a long time. They have been taught they are androgyne gods and have no conception that there is an objective real God, just some conceptual "way" or "process" or also the angle that the rabbis have uttered in history that they as a people are gods.

    We know they are comfortable due to their self revealing themselves, the space fakery, trannyism and many other sickness is being revealed in yet again subtle legalistic ways but also the same in visual ways. The big trannyhookerwood "women" don't look like women at all if you pay attention, wrong proportions, angular jaws, huge bodies especially upper bodies, big feet, etc Of course they use all the tricks in a completely controlled environment so it's hard to see much of the time. Anyone can look up what the open trannies and the treatments are capable of now, you can imagine the type of tech and such the elite level ones have had for a long time if we are just getting the news last few years. They are doing this on purpose, making it even more obvious visually and trying to normalize it, "inclusion" is a strategy that most people are not going to oppose. Then the witches doing the witch hunt themselves just typical inversion of it. On top their fellow "traveler" cultists in govs and LE enforce these laws they pass for that purpose.

    Most normal people have no clue. This cult has millions of members and supporters. As I've said this was kept going in the pagan talmudick-kabbalistic cult of the last 2500 years or so hiding under the name hebrew/jew and then their massive proxies like freemasonry and all the orgs that are offshoots. Marxism is just a major pillar of the tribesters a pre setup extreme of the dialectical process.

    Manipulating human weakness is pretty easy it just takes organization and in depth strategy, and there isn't really a way out of it unless God Himself desires to make a way there. It's a system that has grown so large as to be unstoppable by human means, and sadly most of normal humanity not in on it support it not knowing the evil that it entails, they only see the whited wall parts of it that appear to be good, classic satanist tactics.
    Hertzian56, Nov 13, 2023
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just coming back to this after the final regular season week, eh. The rivals week wasn't that interesting really. They toned down the big drama that usually takes place with only a couple of close ones, come from behind ones. The script is usually the heavy fav plays crappy first quarter or half then battle back and by mid 3rd or 4th quarter turns it on. Soo missed field goals, extra points etc PI-roughing-unsportsmanlike calls to keep it close or interesting etc

    We got the farce of a proven cheater at Michigan who had been suspended once already in the same season gets a slap on the wrist for a multi-year sign stealing scheme. How many years had that been going on? How many top recruits did mishy get for the record that came from that? Sure they're all cheaters and this is all a form of WWE really but if there's evidence and such and it's for CFP and rankings it's different than some 5-6 or so team. Lance Armstrong took a beating for what they all do as well, but his wins were all vacated and such. And hiding behind "don't penalize the kids" is nonsense. That actually gives an incentive for the coaches and programs to cheat, disgraceful illogical garbage.

    So that weirdo harby just couldn't physically be there for 3 games, so what? Could have just phoned in strategy from somewhere else on game day. So cheaters prosper is the message. Great job Big10 and NCAA, cheaters all of them. CFB is just so off putting and cringey from the faf hero worship of these roided hgh megat'd out weirdo players who cause all sorts of problems if they ever come into contact w reality to the scum coaching mafia to the greedster regents and presidents and the endless commercials all over with the scammer insurance companies being the most repped during college games. We even get the nasty Pacific Life, All State, State Farm tranny infested commercials it's all so gross and nasty. To the insane "fans" in the various commercials, retards clown monkeys. Like I've said this whole Pac 12 planned collapse is it for me, not following CFB any longer and I've not followed the clown monkey NFL, NBA, MLB, F1 etc at all for years.

    Hertzian56, Nov 26, 2023
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The strategy of collapsing the PAC12 is for an NFL like superleague with divisions and the playoff structure there. It would be better than the scam AP/Coaches Poll nonsense but they won't get rid of that, what would the talking head monkeys prattle on about? This structure is better for TV, more profits, more control over the field theater, more gambling revenue, etc Natl-International is the monopolists game and leagues and such are just extensions of that.

    So what would play out is that the Big10, SEC, Big12, ACC would eventually all merge slowly into one league and have regional divisions like the NFL. Then you'll have tier 2 for regional only leagues and championships like the MWC champion, MAC champion, CUSA champion.

    And the problem with doing all this for TV is that then you are in the bag for ratings and so the fake drama and fixing for such is the whole reason for being. It's just WWE theater. The problem with that is that these marxist training grounds called higher institutions of LEARNING just become revenue centers. With NIL packages for those athletes that aren't stars SHOULD mean there IS NO FREE RIDE for these athletes. Full price for school, full price for housing, transpo could be negotiated etc AND the option to just have the teams be franchised licensed separate entities than the schools, get those monkeys off campus altogether causing problems getting special treatment and such. You're going to bring what happens under the table for decades above board then the terms should change for these scholarship freeloaders.

    What a mess of a thing it all is. Largely gov funded education centers whom then turn around and charge astronomical fees to regular people who then go into massive debt slavery for mostly useless degrees. And throw on top all this sports garbage which is not educational and is really a tool for bankster corporate filth. It's just a shit show that needs to be flushed really.
    Hertzian56, Nov 26, 2023
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Don't intertwine sports and education, they're not the same thing. Sports should be a fun and challenging thing but just for fun. When you bring in money and the ego it's just a nasty dog eat dog gladiator thing, which is the opposite of real education. So if someone likes loves sports just join a combine of amateurs that's designed as a feeder into big leagues, don't pretend that you can do both with college AND tack on sports to it.

    Most real people go to college and either have the financial support or scholarship support based on the subject they're studying or work to pay for it and maybe take on some debt. Only a small few ever get to the big paid leagues in sports and those should have to choose between the two not force it into some fake mixture for the added revenue by the greedster regents/presidents. The rest of them should just do sports on their own time for the enjoyment, you can get the camaraderie and such without the rest of the garbage that colleges bring into it.

    All these big tv college sports and to a lesser degree the less lucrative ones do is bring up the biggest cheaters and liars to prominence so they can use the fame from such to even larger stages of lying and cheating. These HGH, roided, MegaT'd trannies all over in these sports are criminals being idolized and cause all sorts of problems for regular people that have to deal with them and their two faced lying nature. Going back in time the Colliseum which featured similar but bloodier forms of this and of course featured the murder of Christians and others, is a ruin now. These sick leagues and such will be so one day and they'll come to nothing for those who took part them in the long run.
    Hertzian56, Nov 26, 2023
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And just the fallacious "don't penalize the kids" argument just on the field we see fake injuries for free timeouts, we see flops, we see blatant rule breaking most likely planned for "the show", we see missed FG's and such for "the show" we see all sorts of problems on campus that most never makes it to press, we see all sorts of nasty things from these "student" athletes. Phukem. We see the freeze timeouts by these sick coaches, we see the rants, we see the foul language and behavior by these coaches, we see scum liars and cheaters in the coaching mafia just move on to bigger programs or never get busted out like any normal people would in regular professions, we see all sorts of garbage from these scum. The announcers mostly come from this scummy background, the cringey "human interest" garbage about how great these liar scum players, the inane interviews, etc etc etc

    If any of these scammers were anything but you'd see real deterrence through severe penalties with real consequences but just like what we see in the jewmasontranny puppet govs and such it's only a con game. If you defraud but make billions you can hire lawyers to largely grease palms and get a slap, then pay a few milions and keep your billions/millions as long as you "gifted" it to family friends, pols, etc DUH. It's not a pyramid it's a pile of shit in a pyramid shape. Sheesh.
    Hertzian56, Nov 26, 2023
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    During this conference championship weekend I was trying to think of the overall narrative of this season. So the major story is the deliberate demolition of the PAC conference for an eventual mega league class 1 for more TV and gambling profits. More dominance and taking the variability out of it for a LONGER post season of more big tv ratings and dragging it out, BUT they're not going to get rid of the obnoxious poll system it's too much of a talking head fodder thing and controversy fakery. The subjective nature of cfb would be taken away too much without it and it's a feature of cfb over the pros. So early season is rankings matter for just drama and then with the NFL style post season it matters less and less.

    So this season the PAC12 which will be the PAC2 next season is slated for a champ game appearance w Washington a shoe in VS likely Georgia SEC appearance or if they put a twist in there maybe an Alabama appearance. The only other possibility is Mushy really. The ACC and Big12 likely won't have a representative in there. So it's going to be someone Vs the SEC once again. The TV controllers of this league have every motive to NOT have the SEC there every year though so expect some dropoff next season and possibly a twist this season of Big10 Vs Pac12, not too likely though as the SEC being the most influential and thus most corrupt conference has too much pull for that narrative to take place this year.
    Hertzian56, Dec 2, 2023
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And just to remind you these are all SHOWMAN performers only, it's just entertainment nothing more to it than that. When you take into account the drugs they all take and the narrative scripting of it all then the supposed real athleticism of it is moot, doesn't exist. In college these weirdos are just auditioning for the "big show" where they make millions and the lowest any player can be paid is like 500k year. So they must "play the game" and prove themselves on board just to even get a shot at the big prizes.

    So if you pay attention to plays you can easily see the shenanigans taking place by these "upstanding" good guys they're desperate to point out during these awful broadcasts. I already mentioned the shenanigans to extend tv viewer interest primarily and in person viewers secondarily in one of the washington games either utah or oregon a few weekends ago. In short a player running into the end zone just dropped the ball at the 2 or so, so it wasn't a touchdown blah blah.

    So in the AL Vs Georgia game we get a blurb about how the GA QB hurt his hand previously and even a closeup shot of it, next play or so the same QB just magically makes a faulty hand off, really he threw it at the player unnecessarily, and it's dropped for an AL recovery and eventual FG. So now it's a 10 point AL lead over top ranked Georgia start of 4th qtr. Remember these need to be compelling over the whole game for TV ratings and advertiser payouts so therefore you always get the "little" guy doing well in the first 3 qtrs or so then either it's a close ending like last nights OR vs WA pac12 champ game or it's a planned upset for a larger narrative. But it's rarely an outright blowout when it's a "big game" vs a top opponent.

    The entertainment value is always the top concern when you have all this money involved. It's totally jewed up sort of thing. This is all just WWE theater on a ball field with faf mythology about athleticism and the traditions of fakery of it presented as some sacred blah nonsense. Even if it's free to watch you still get the commercials all over which is the point mostly. And people spend lots for all these channels and streaming for it too and it becomes some sort of lifestyle thing with family and such. Such a shame what a rotten core thing.

    Now similar to the PAC12 nonsense last night with the 3 point win down to the wire for effect I'm 100% the heavily corrupt SEC is going to do the same thing today. So now that AL has been kept in contention even leading for 3.5 qtrs we only have a 3 point game mid 4th qtr. This little play will come down to the last half of the 4th qtr OF COURSE. The other conference champ games outside the pac12, which matter for the playoff, haven't been that interesting and likely won't. We will likely get at least the first half of the Big10 conference game as close or even Iowa leading Mushy but it's only going one way there, Mushy is in the playoff no matter what and they're not going to lose that game to Iowa PERIOD.

    So yeah to save you some time I wouldn't even bother w the first 3 quarters of any big leagues football games at all if you are a tv viewer, do something more productive or watch something with at least some beautiful scenery or where you can learn something real or relaxing. No commercials so stick something on without that too. If something is really good ending just watch a canned highlights online and don't support the talking head scummers.
    Hertzian56, Dec 3, 2023
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And just to clear up EVEN if Georgia loses to Alabama they'll still be in the CFP, 1 loss team that is the defending champs x2 is still going to be ranked top 4 and thus in the playoff. Alabama can only really jump up if Texas lost which they killed OSU, so they're still out of the playoff. So let's look at this. Oregon is out after losing to WA. Mushy I'm saying is in, Georgia is in, that's 2 slots locked out. And WA is in undefeated, that's 3 slots. So you only have 1 slot for 3 teams. Texas, Ohio State and Alabama IF they win over Georgia. Alabama LOST to Texas earlier at home so winning against Georgia gets them nothing really, it's a balancing thing for them.

    So the SEC champ game is MEANINGLESS overall. Always was. Same went for the PAC12 champ game. Washington would only have lost ONE game whole season but beat Oregon earlier and were ranked a couple numbers above OR. So the OR-WA series would have been a tie IF WA had lost last night. The polls wouldn't change them around for that.

    So really the only thing would be Texas or Ohio State. Is a conf champ worth more than OSU's rep? Probably due to the perception of the Big12 strength of schedule vs OSU schedule strength and one loss. I'm not sure who texas lost to this year as they were not perfect afaik.

    So yeah the two biggest champ games are meaningless they change nothing regardless of outcome. You're getting Georgia, Washington, Mishy and OSU in the 4 team playoff no matter who wins or loses during conference championship. Just looking at the Georgia OSU game last year it was scripted very close and the farce of the Mishy Vs TCU game last year was very evident TCU was the scripted Cinderella whom got killed by Georgia. The masonic G killed the Texas Christian University SOOO subtle lol

    I wouldn't be surprised by a W vs M final if they're not slated for a first round game. M W two bearded V-enus schools over the G mason school. 11-jewtrannies, 22-masonic trannies, 33-mason operators tranny or not and 33% fallen angels reference. With M=13 and W=23 not sure what the script would call for there. Maybe that the cheater they played up as one wins out? Or maybe the Big10 bound W's need to be the top team next year?
    Hertzian56, Dec 3, 2023
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The only other possibility imo is OSU gets bumped out of it after not winning their conf nor beating mushy who does win the Big10. So you have Texas or Alabama. Texas BEAT AL at home earlier, they won the Big12 in a blowout. I just don't see any circumstances that would see Alabama jumping Texas. Only SEC scripting payola narrative could do that. The 2x champ Georgia lost one game to bama now that it's over by 3 points. One win just doesn't do it, even a conference championship win. Idk depends on the value of 1 loss as they're all 1 loss teams. I believe the Texas win over Al was a blowout at AL too.

    I just don't see GA being excluded from the playoff for one loss over the season. So another possibility is TWO SEC teams in there with GA and AL both in and Mishy/WA on the other side. I just didn't think it was good for TV ratings to have 2 SEC teams in there, people outside of those regions just don't care that much. I don't care about any playoff with two SEC teams in it, wouldn't watch it at all. The only reason this week is that it's conf champ week there were no other better games on at the time. And I was watching the MWC game most of the SEC game and just switched back around start of 4th qtr. The shenanigans are more blatant then.

    I can't really see how AL beats GA and gets in but TX beats AL and is conf champ and doesn't get in though, seems off to me. I think either way GA is in the playoff period. #1 losing to #8 usually would drop a team at least 3 places that would be #4 so they're in. #8 beating #1 should jump them 4-5 so 4 or 3 but this isn't the regular season and the 2x champs being excluded makes no sense. So at most I fear that TX is going to be left out of the CFP even though they beat AL earlier in the same season. Likely the reason will be whoever TX lost to, which is not likely to be a highly ranked team. I'm pretty sure it was Oklahoma they lost to, not a stinker at all but not a top 8 team most of the season either.

    So my prediction here is GA, WA, Mishy, and... likely Alabama. Sorry TX I don't think you'll get the respect for the win over AL you deserve. The likely overall winner is Mishy, cheaters prosper in a cheaters paradise like the world we live in.
    Hertzian56, Dec 3, 2023
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And for the record the talking heads are saying it's texas, wash, al and mishy. Makes little sense to me as they don't mention that TX beat AL in the regular season at AL, very convenient omission there imo lmao. Also makes little sense to say the top 4 teams don't include the 2x defending champs in Georgia? Huh? you're going to rank a big12 texas over a 1 loss Georgia who was #1 the whole season? I mean texas did lose to Oklahoma whose top seed was around 5-6 the whole season mostly being outside the top 10 and of course didn't make the Big12 champ game? Then you're going to say AL who lost to the same TX belongs in there over Georgia? Huh? makes little sense to me.

    The only reason I included AL in my prediction is the SEC factor, nothing more. The SEC isn't the best league, it's 8-9 bowling pin teams VS 3 top teams who play almost no out of conference games. And when AL played the rare out of conference game they LOST. And you'll notice that Georgia DID NOT go to Oregon this year as a payback for Oregon going to Georgia in the early part of last season, didn't want to risk a loss there, TYPICAL SEC shenanigans. Oregon likely did that for the MONEY, didn't care about reciprocity. BIG MISTAKE but probably on the Georgia NO POSSBILITY list of demands. Moneyball all this is.

    The SEC doesn't and has never had the parity of the PAC12 in past years, where's the Oregon State or Washington State there? Let alone Utah, and the wildcard Arizona teams? Ole Miss the only other one I could see in that role there. LSU is the third big contender there most of the time. But as I've said parity IS BAD FOR TV, you need 2-3 dominant teams for the hype and such.
    Hertzian56, Dec 3, 2023
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