Connections manager

Discussion in 'Networking' started by thepyawkt, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. thepyawkt


    Aug 11, 2008
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    Chiangmai, Thailand
    Hi Folks,

    I'm sorry fi this issue has already been addressed - I did my best to make sure I was not being redundant. That being said, PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

    WHY is the connections manager on the AAO soooooooo ridiculous? I live in Asia, where all the mobile phones have 3G built into them - thus they can be used as wireless high speed modems by computers, via a Bluetooth or USB connection. I have a Mac G4 running OS X that has no problem using my Nokia 6300 as, basically, a wireless modem. I plugged the phone in via a USB cable, went to the connetions manager, and was easily able to set it up just as you would an external USB modem, after obtaining the dial codes from my service provider.

    Two months ago, I bought my daughter an Eee PC running GNU Linux - SAME THING!! Wireless, semi-high-speed internet - BAM! No problem, same as my Mac!!

    I bought my AAO 2 days ago, went to the connections manager, and was shocked by this wimpy, ridiculous joke that was staring back at me! What is THAT?! I cannot, for the life of me see how on Earth, you are supposed to be able to interface and deal with an external modem. AM I MISSING SOMETHING? It appears that MAJOR, basic controls for setting up several types of connectivity options are flat-out missing. I cannot even view others on my network in the file manager, for transferring files between clients on a wireless network. HELP!!

    Right now my daughter's PINK Eee looks like a more professional choice - UGH!

    I was able to activate the XFCE menu, and have been browsing through the package manager - is there something THERE I can download that will help me?

    Pleading for mercy.....

    thepyawkt, Aug 11, 2008
  2. thepyawkt


    Aug 27, 2008
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    Hi R,

    I'm sorry to see that nobody has replied to your message. I am also looking for the same kind of information. I need to connect using a USB dial-up modem in areas that don't have wireless access. I haven't bought a modem yet, because I don't see how I can configure the AAO to work with one.

    Let's hope that by bumping this message up into the more recent dates, someone will see it.

    collinsc, Sep 6, 2008
  3. thepyawkt


    Aug 21, 2008
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    Most likely you'll need to update the NetworkManager from the one that is installed. There are other posts here that cover this (look at a few of the WPA posts or search). Other drivers/packages might need to also be installed, as the Linpus on the AA1 doesn't come with everything that is available installed.

    I'd love to be able to use my phone for connectivity, but my cell phone provider has locked that feature out and I can't afford the more expensive models+packages.
    yodersj, Sep 7, 2008
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