Just attempted to upgrade the RAM in my AAO110-1626. I've been inside the guts of many towers and laptops, so this is nothing new or scary to me. Anyone else's One have screws that were screwed in by none other than Hercules himself? I cammed out two of them trying to get in and nearly broke the keyboard connector as well. Had to give up because one of my screws simply would not come out and now it literally never will. Anyhow, if you have to completely jack the One to give it a 50% boost in available RAM, maybe it's not worth it. It probably would make a noticeable difference (I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy), but not enough to risk ruining the thing for good. Just my two cents for anyone considering doing the same. If the screws underneath the battery are putting up a good fight, consider not moving forward because there's a good chance they're all like that.