CPU Temp, Is it accurate?

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by Kimixii, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. Kimixii


    Oct 19, 2008
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    I have been running my AAO with the aspire fan control utility, and I have it set so that the fan never comes on till it hits 70*C, turns off at 65. With the fan turned off the Atom is running at idle around 45-50*C and under load I got it to 65*C. Note this is not prolonged load, I used Vista Media Center to watch some videos, plenty enough to get the load up. After the load drops the temps drop QUICK! I wanted to know is the AAO Fan control utility and/or the sensor in the AAO pretty accurate? If the utility is giving the right readings I should be fine running with the fan off, till it hits 70*c, which hasnt happened, yet.

    ALSO, does upping the memory to 1.5gigs void the warranty. Does upgrading to Vista void the warranty?

    Kimixii, Nov 13, 2008
  2. Kimixii


    Oct 18, 2008
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    according to the datasheet for the intel atom, the digital thermal sensor (dts) on the cpu accurate to +/-10c at 50c, and i believe +10/-5 at 90c. so you can see it's not very accurate at all. consistency is another question though. if the fan application you use reads the dts off the cpu, and it consistently maxes out at 60c at 100% cpu load, i would use that as a point of reference. the 60c temp reading may not be accurate, but atleast you know that it's reached a maximum point.
    solman, Nov 13, 2008
  3. Kimixii


    Oct 19, 2008
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    Wow, that isnt very accurate. Well, Ive been thinking it over and obviously that fan is there for a reason, I was just so mad A1ctl didnt work in Vista. But I went to Noda's page and found a link and fixed the problem, now its set to slow fan anywhere from 60C and below. So like Slow fan starts at 50 and ends at like 45, Auto starts at 60 [which will obviously speed the fan up considerably] And it seems to be the perfect setup. The fan is unnoticably slow at all times, except when the CPU is under 100% load for a while. A1ctl does the same thing as the old aspire fan control app, if you open, lets say, Windows Media Player or another medium sized program and the CPU gets under load, the temps will "blip" up for a sec, and then go back down. So like it may be reading 52C, I open WMP or IE, etc, and it will flash up to 55C and then a second later go back down. Same as the old fan control, so obviously its not the programs and its just the sensor. No big deal.

    Im thinking the fan isnt really LOUD, its just that the BIOS makes the fan spin too fast, its really unnecasary. Me setting the fan at slow mode is showing the same temps as the BIOS controlling it automatically.
    Kimixii, Nov 14, 2008
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