Crashing after Booting

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Guest, Aug 25, 2008.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    My linux A1 is crashing about 10 seconds after booting up everytime. Anyone have this problem and a solution that doesn't involve losing all my hard work and installed programs?

    Full Symptoms:
    I push the power button, it stalls for a long time at the blue screen that says "ASPIRE one" in the lower right corner while booting, then reboots and almost gets fully started up and then right about when the wireless is connecting it crashes.
    The latest changes I have made to it was bluetooth dongle and mouse, and thunderbird mail. I have used and rebooted several times after installing these things with no problem.
    ON a recent attempt to boot when it got to the main home screen the "start" bar and search bar looked fine but everything else looked like one of those pictures you have to look past to see the spaceship (all scrambled).
    While looking around the bios, not changing anything, it crashed after about 45 seconds of looking around.
    If I pull the battery and unplug from the wall and hold the power for 20 seconds and then plug in the wall power again to boot, it doesn't stall or reboot but does crash after about a minute.

    If I do make the bootable flash drive, will I have to reinstall all the stuff I have installed?
    Guest, Aug 25, 2008
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Well it stopped crashing, and the desktop was broken because the group-app.xml file was cleaned out. I luckily had backed it up elsewhere on the drive. My last problem is the wireless is not working, the led is on but no one is home.
    Guest, Aug 25, 2008
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