Crunchbang linux

Discussion in 'Linux' started by gauravkittz, Feb 12, 2009.

  1. gauravkittz


    Aug 20, 2008
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    crunchbang linux is a ubuntu derivative with openbox window manager
    i have never used any other desktop manager than gnome befor

    but i found that its awsm to use crunchbang on my aspire one with sickboy kernel
    everything works really well
    moreover it boots faster into the gui coz its based on openbox
    also crunchbang is bundled with almost every thing one may use his laptop for....

    crunchbang download page

    sickboy kernel download

    thanks sickboy for the kernel
    gauravkittz, Feb 12, 2009
  2. gauravkittz


    Feb 11, 2009
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    but the all imortant question is does it find the wireless card? i have tries several linux distros via a live usb thumb drive and i have yet to find one that will work with the atheros card, i do have some experience with linux and i dual boot my acer dual core 4202 with ubuntu.
    kinggreene, Feb 13, 2009
  3. gauravkittz


    Aug 20, 2008
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    latest crunchbang is based on ubuntu 8.10 and hence no problems in detecting the wifi adapter. even in live cd via usb...
    once sickboy kernel is install the system boots faster, wifi works oob, mic worked for me (though it mutes and i have to unmute it every time from volume control), sound after suspend, but Fn+up and Fn+down for volume is not working...
    gauravkittz, Feb 13, 2009
  4. gauravkittz


    Jan 11, 2009
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    I have the same problem as you, not a huge problem but a bit anoying : )
    Jepser, Feb 13, 2009
  5. gauravkittz


    Feb 13, 2009
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    Wi-Fi driver in the kernel and the madwifi deb on his site are both wonky. Tried re-installing ndiswrapper under the new kernel though apparently I'm missing something because it won't compile. Also, installing wicd removed the default gnome network manager but wicd itself didn't seem to load (at least it didn't show up in the tray and the wired network connection didn't work. Didn't bother to check if the process was actually running or not.) I'm getting kind of tired of fighting with distros to get it to work right.
    HungOverOnATues, Feb 13, 2009
  6. gauravkittz


    Oct 9, 2008
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    My experience with WICD after installation is that it'll only work after a reboot. A bit difficult if you're running a live CD/session, I know.

    What kinda model do you have if I may ask? If you have the HDD model you could try Ubuntu's UNR which cater to the Atom processor and then install the Kuki kernel (aka sickboy's kernel), or even better, I reckon, wait a while until the "Kuki" 3 final version is being released. It looks like it might be 'it' for the AAO. :)
    csmo, Feb 13, 2009
  7. gauravkittz


    Feb 13, 2009
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    I have #! installed to the HDD and did reboot after installing it. I had no problems when I installed it on Ubuntu 8.10 previously.

    I've got the 120GB, 6-cell version. Not too particularly fond of the UNR interface to be honest. Not to mention that I'll still have the same issues with Wi-Fi that I do now. I am, however, interested in trying Kuki 3.0 when it finally releases :) I'm hoping that maybe by then these issues will be ironed out :p

    edit: As a bit of an update, I formatted and reinstalled and while the gnome network manager couldn't see any wireless networks (of course..) manually entering in the info got me a connection. This time I used the wicd intrepid repos to install wicd instead of using the version in the #! repos and this time it worked. Wicd can see my wireless network and connect to it fine, for now at least. Of course, there's always a problem: it doesn't seem to be able to autodetect the wired connection so I have to do that manually.

    Now lets see how long it takes before it drops my connection and stops working again (no matter what I tried in Ubuntu 8.10 the Wi-Fi would always stop working periodically, regardless of what drivers I used. Given this is a derivative, I'm expecting the same behaviour =\)
    HungOverOnATues, Feb 13, 2009
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