Custom resolutions with scaling.

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by dj_krypt, Sep 15, 2008.

  1. dj_krypt


    Sep 15, 2008
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    Hey guys.

    My issue is that when selecting a resolution larger than the A1's native mode the intel drivers kick into a scroling mode where you have to scroll around the screen rather than having the whole screen displayed at once.

    I've been working on this one all weekend and using a few diffrent methods the best i have been able to achieve is 1024x768. This is most undesirable however. Due to the A1's screen being a Widesceen format and 1024x768 being a 4:3 mode everything appears streched (Circles become ovals and squares become rectangles).

    I have tried with the following methods:

    - Modifying the eeePC's already modified drivers by Lazertag. (1024x768 fullscreen/scaled)

    - Directly editing the registry to activate scaling. (1024x768 scaled, However the fragment needs to be merged after every boot. For some reason the values keep getting over-written after boot/reboot and res modes larger than 1024x768 are not scaled and kick back into scroll mode)

    - Creating custom drivers using intels IEGD. (A few issues with this method. I was able to get my custom res mode selected '1260x740' but with a degree of overscan. Only one of the display devices was installable in dev manager the other failed device reporting "Unable to start". And/or.....same issue as previous methods.

    Can anyone give some pointers or perhaps someone has already developed a methed for getting custom res modes working with scaling. Any help wpuld be greatly appreciated.

    dj_krypt, Sep 15, 2008
  2. dj_krypt


    Aug 29, 2008
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    Did you try Astray ?
    This hack work in 1024x768 but you will have the same problem with aspect ratio.
    This version of software does not allow higher resolutions.
    ccwh, Sep 16, 2008
  3. dj_krypt


    Sep 6, 2008
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    What I would like to see is 1:1 pixel mapping so that, when running resolutions lower than 1024 x 600, the image doesn't get stretched.

    For me, this would be useful on the few occasions that I play fullscreen games that don't support the native resolution of the Aspire one. Being able to select 800 x 600 without stretching would be ideal. Sure I'd end up with huge black bars left and right but I'd prefer that to ovals and rectangles from circles and squares (as noted by dk_krypt).
    Motoko.A150L, Sep 28, 2008
  4. dj_krypt


    Sep 11, 2008
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    I've installed the graphics drivers from acer, and when I rightclick the desktop I have the option "Graphic options > panel fit > center desktop". With this setting, when I choose 800x600 the desktop has the correct aspect ratio (with black bars on the sides).
    CopyCatz, Sep 28, 2008
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