Cyberpunk 2077 V2 DLC Phantom Liberty

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Sep 25, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    SPOILERs alert

    CPDR seemed to have dropped the brain dance mechanic altogether in PL, kinda strange something that was so featured in the base game wouldn't be used at all in PL especially since it's supposed to be a bit more of a detective type of thing. I didn't find this in my to the endings play of 30-40hrs though. You never use BD tech at all in PL other than one you get as a gift of a Lizzy Wizzy concert. Instead they introduce a not too interesting Behavioral Imprint where you physically and mentally impersonate a target. It takes the form of just a grenade slot mask you activate as needed for a main story mission and a major side mission. It's not too interesting really, not interactive at all, and you have to put on an outfit associated with it too.

    I actually liked the brain dance detective work in the base game, it involved real play instead of the passive BI tech from PL. It was annoying in replays though since it's the same exact thing over again. Perhaps they could have had an assassination of Kurt Hanson instead of integrating his death into the ending sequence of PL. As a side note though I had the stealth trainer on and never killed Kurt during Firestarter lol Still got the Hands mission to decide his successor though. So for finding out who the assassin was a brain dance could have used like in the base game where it's integrated into the story in a few ways idk. Behaviora lmplant is only ever used a couple of times and isn't too useful during normal gameplay.

    So I'm to the part where I just have to call Reed and have the relic taken out. From what I understand there is no play after that sequence, so it's similar to the Hanako sequence. Just do everything you can before then make a save right before in order to go back for exploring and such. The other main ending in PL just has Songbird sending you greetings from the Moon where she stays and giving you some gear and you're free to head over to Hanako Embers for that endings sequence.

    I've already read through the various endings guide for PL. The base game back in 2020-21 I did the hanako endings a couple of times to see a couple different ones and then just read or watched the other possible ones. It gets kind of tedious to read what you should say or do at points to get whatever ending. I may go back and do the ending where you help songbird at the spaceport and kill Reed. There you get no ending to V's story and have to do the Hanako Embers endings. In my current ending you help Reed capture Songbird and they take her away to be used as a weapon or whatever but she doesn't die and that's good enough for Reed. You have a conversation with Reed about it after a bit at the court. So siding with Reed is the only way to get the PL version of the final ending to the game where you can't play afterwards. Hanako Embers endings are the same way, no more play afterwards have to load up a pre-hanako embers save.

    It's fine though, nice to get a relatively clean version of the final ending instead of the barrel of snakes of the Hanako endings. I did get a couple of new side after the main songbird/reed sequence stuff too.

    Like Nelle if you save her. We don't find out what happened to Nelle but somehow someone gets her number and impersonates her to lure you to a meeting for an ambush. Once you take care of the ambushers you get nothing more other than looting messages off them to find out this wasn't Nelles doing although there's no way to know that, it's an inference. The messages are just about setting up your death, nothing more. And also you get Ashley, whoever that is, and the mission to steal the Cassels sweet car in an underground parking lot full of Barghest soldiers. Another one is that since you went through the underground militech base to find songbird after she gets captured by Maxtac agents you loot some data or something to get the mysterious text about decoding it and then using it to craft either the Canto OS or the Erberus machine gun, both of which talk to you like Skippy in the base game. I understand neither is too amazing though and there are mods to make the Canto much better already. I'm thinking the Erberus likely can be added through a CET code, no need to just not grab both.

    The Misty tarot "tomorrow never knows" mission is still bugged afaik. Once you find the four new tarot murals you go talk to her but she doesn't respond at all thus bugging the quest. Some have said if you didn't have the base story tarot quest done finish that first and it works but I already had that done so there's no way to continue that quest. Have to wait for 2.01 patch I guess.

    All in all it's a pretty lengthy DLC at 25-35hrs which is some games whole runtime. It reeks with dissonance though as I've mentioned and is just a tacked on sort of thing with it's own whole game ending if the "right" choices are made but really just one choice, side with Reed over Songbird. I didn't have too much problem w this since in the side with Songbird ending mission she reveals that she lied to you about both of you being saved, it's just one and it's going to be her. I think the gracious thing to do by her if she gave a ship about all your effort to save her before would have been to offer you to be the one to take the cure on the moon. She doesn't do that and it's you who can either give her to Reed/FIA or let her be saved.

    I think in both cases , V and Songbird, it's really that they need to pay for their mistakes. One, V, shouldn't have been doing criminal stuff and on top shouldn't be dumb enough to insert an unknown shard into her brain. DUH. pretty standard logic. You could argue the fight to find a way to get it out is a form of payment for it though but there is no reset type of ending in the base game like there is in PL, minus implants. That makes little sense though since you're a cyborg with metal arms, bones, eyes, internals etc so you'd need some sort of controller inside you for that, otherwise you'd be dead or just a torso or whatever. The PL ending at least lightly acknowledges that no more implants and cyberware but doesn't acknowledge that you'd still have lots of this hardware as a req to actually live.

    I suppose the saving songbird ending can be good for both of you if you make the "right" decisions in the Hanako endings but I'm not sure if you can get a happy-ish ending there. Only one I remember that COULD be happy-ish is leaving NC with your main love interest to try to find another solution. Otherwise you're a ghost in the Arasaka cemetery in space, I don't think there is a simple remove relic and still be alive in the world there. Don't quote me though since I'm a bit rusty on my base game endings but I think there are 5 of them based on tarot cards as there kinda are in PL on the 4 tarot cards in that.
    Hertzian56, Oct 4, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I installed a handful of mods this morning and got a game bricking message but now have it fixed after I dragged over some files from my relatively clean version on external disk. I'm pretty sure it had to do with redscript and the cached folder in there which actually adds a file or edits one of the base game and if you do the wrong thing it will corrupt it or stop it from loading throwing out terminal errors. I've now got the vast majority of mods I want and am pretty much just going to do the Reed ending. I have the maldanado gig before that though not too long.

    I still cannot get Misty to talk to me about the other 4 tarot cards from PL though. That's a game bug that likely they'll fix in 2.01 update which might have been released today. It's a bit trickier with free versions but likely will be available soon. I just hope it's not more than just the frameworks to update as far as mods. The dodi no install version is what I'm using fine so far.

    So if you mod and have a working game I recommend backing up 4 folders in your main game folder. bin,r6, redext and engine. The redext is a mod framework so you might not have it. These 4 folders were a total of 782mb for me so not too big. And once I had the game working again I exited and updated all the frameworks to the latest. Just got done w a session and worked fine all my mods were there since I backed up what I had before and dragged over the r6 mods, CET folder w the plugin mods there and so on.

    I plan on only small mods a few at a time now since I'm all good, got it pretty much back to how I had it all humming with 1.60. Luts, blade runner weather, no vignette, as many muted ads and UI sounds as possible it feels more realistic now, not the superhero clown show that most entertainment is now. A mix of replaced ads, vector boards, vending machines, posters, magazines to give it a unique feel not generic. I might load up an earlier save to have more to do with all these mods. This save was almost 100% done just at the Hanako embers final sequence. And I don't plan on going for the help songbird ending just yet. So not much else to do but wander around see if there's any more subtle hidden stuff to discover. With my playstyle it was about 40hrs but I do a lot of exploration wandering so if you just went from mission to mission and did all the new gigs and regular non story missions it might be about 30hrs. I always use a trainer for godmode etc so no grinding for gear or stats for me which likely cuts a few hours out.
    Hertzian56, Oct 5, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Loaded up a fairly early base game save to have more to do. And just exploring dogtown. It is pretty honeycombed place with lots of undergound stuff and abandoned buildings stuff. Found a tunnel to pacifica shoreline as another way out of dt, I think it's tied to one of the gigs where you can let the person live or take them out. If you let them live they give you some prize but you usually have to go get it and it's always in hostile territory.

    There are a type of cyberpsycho unlisted gig in PL, but they're not detailed like the main game with interaction with a fixer. Usually just drugged out guy surrounded by dead bodies sort of thing and you have to take them out. There's always a shard and more info on the scene to flesh them out. What's funny is that once you clear out the psycho come back later and the junkies have moved right in lol Same goes for open mission areas.

    There are also various gang dungeons with special loot and relic points too. I stumbled onto one that has the tunnel into pacifica shoreline mentioned above. There's a whole vdb one and others too.

    I did also find in dogtown two hidden gems occult story gory scenes usually, in the base game there's a mod called Fixers Hidden Gems Missing Persons where he has taken the shards and turned them into fixer texts pointing to the next scene of mayhem. All this was in the game but he just turned it into an interactive thing it's really cool. There are close to 200 of them and many are places most players wouldn't visit normal play. Added a ton of gameplay for me like 10hrs or more. I found two new ones in Dogtown but there are likely more, they're not easy to find mostly. One was someone who crash landed in a personal pod like a coffin, dead of course. Another was some sort of gory scene with robot parts and a legendary item can't remember what atm.

    I don't care for the car combat hijack stuff not too interested. Nor the airdrops. It's busy work really and I dont find the car combat to be too great or that fun since you sometimes have a timer, sometimes conditions and etc

    After I go through with the PL ending probably head back into starfield which I was mostly just replaying without doing the faction stuff that I completely did before. Maybe the Crimson Fleet would be good to redo though. Um might fire up RDR2 for more relaxing wandering play too. And also was thinking of jumping into an old save of AC origins, great looking and fun game not as generic and overblown as Odyssey was. As I've said the only other major game I care too much about this year is Alan Wake 2 and I don't have high hopes for it, seems like you're playing as some fbi agent female of course and they made sure she was a negress. So predictable these jewmasontranny cultists.
    Hertzian56, Oct 5, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I finally have v2.0 modded out mostly complete of the available mods that work with it. The game is humming for me and looks great and I'm able to finish PL no major problems and booted up a mid base game save around the end of the voodoo boys missions in the base game just need to do the long one when you meet the cyber-ALT character and that drama and I always make a deal with the netrunner agent because the VDB's just intend on screwing you over anyways, well known by now to players. So they all get fried at the end of that mission and you just fight your way out. I always take out placide, ahole deserves it. AND THEN you can start PL. Before that I was only able to sneak into Dogtown via the boatwerks tunnel using a CET door opener mod. Didn't do anything but look around so as not to maybe break something.
    Hertzian56, Oct 6, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And last couple days 2.01 came out and thankfully the high seas mean a delay until you can find it. I have no intention of going from V2.0. CPDR has said no new content and I can play to the end of PL with only the Misty tarot bug which I've heard can be negated by doing the base game tarot with PL installed and then doing PL tarot and then she'll talk to you about PL tarot. It's not a req to finish PL though since all I have to do is call Reed and say I'm ready for surgery in my current PL playthrough.

    2.01 seems to cause a lot of problems for people in general but modders are even worse. With nothing really big solved in the docs by 2.01 I just don't see a need for it and just getting so many mods all installed and working makes it even less worth it. I DO have the elamigos update to 2.01 installer but it's kinda weird. Soo it's about 2gb but when I install it to an empty folder it's only 63mb! It just has the bin folder w exe etc and some other xdelta stuff that afaik means it merges with existing stuff.

    Now on high seas sites the GOG version base game update is like 3gb THEN you have to re download the WHOLE DLC again which is 30gb by reports. I have the steam version thankfully, much more common. GOG is owned by cpdr the makers of TW3 and CP77. I like GOG since you own the game outright, no online activation or such or that's the popular understanding of it anyways. English only full version is 78gb and english is not an option you can not have so any other languages audio is about 7gb on top, so english and spanish audio is 85gb or so total install with the DLC and base game. That's not too bad a size really for such a great looking game with easily 60hrs+ content.
    Hertzian56, Oct 6, 2023
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    But as I've said don't pay close to 90$ for this final version of this game, that's way too much for digital content of any sort that in most cases you don't really even own just pay for a license to use. And it's pretty telling that cpdr released a buggy as hell game and never did anything whatsoever to foster goodwill, they're scumbags and frankly mentally deranged idiots with so many of the choices made in cp77. They add in really cheap stupid stuff like airdrops and carjacking for just crass filler when so much more could have been done and even reading the 2.01 notes these mental midgets focused on some police car with no wheels that I've never seen in hundreds of hours of gameplay, these are jewtranny devs who focus on the color of their cats tails or pube perms type of mental retards.

    It's pretty disgusting how you can see the whores of videogames media that all shower praises on this dlc as some "they finally made everything right". By what? selling about 25hrs of content for most people at 30$ which then requires the full game at 60$? It's not that great of a story DLC and I didn't care about any of the characters. The main story is pretty brief really and the MO of CPDR is really just plopping you down into situations which you know little about other than straight fixer objectives but then you're asked to make all these crucial decisions about what to do when you really don't have access to enough data to really do more than just guess what to do. The starpucking by these shallow jewtranny devs is obvious too, and it added zero to it, they'd have been better not paying star fees and paying for more QC, better writing, etc

    I mean I love the game but there is a TON of bad in there as far as hands on content, broken graphical bugs all over the place, embarrassing contrast between jaw dropping graphics and then cardboard distant cars, almost empty fwys in a megopolis etc The graphics go a long way to keep me interested and the MODs are non-negotiable. If I had to play this game without mods it would be like the very first playthrough I did no mods back in 2020, just a standard playthrough and done with it. The rest isn't interesting enough to want to do extended play.
    Hertzian56, Oct 6, 2023
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Yeah there are a lot of bots out there shilling for this dlc and base game. And you can bet cpdur is behind much of it. Ever the scammers. And the 201 patch looks like either gross negligence or more show of hatred by cpdr towards its customers.

    Imagine how low an opinion youd have towards jackasses who paid 90$ for tge complete game after all the nonsense of 2020. Then the dogs come back for more shitstew at inflated pricing and give it praise like all is firgotten 3 yeras later. i mean how disgraceful and idiotic can these supposedly real people be? So most are likely ai bots paid for, or just straight whores like typical vg press. Theyve even got soft paywall for some items theough twitch and other hoop jumping. Thankfully there are cet commands to just get them directly.

    Those scum at cpdr should have taken a loss or just at cost for pl as a show of goodwill 3 years later but nope. Its shyster greed on full display. Yo ho.
    Hertzian56, Oct 8, 2023
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just playing an earlier save to where I had to do the voodoo boys final mission and I noticed the johnny save alt mission is a much bigger pain in V2.0. I mean johnny's combat stuff was never supposed to be that hard and bullet sponge enemies but of course cpdur just blank statement across the board did this. So you're johnny, going up against arasaka with full auto weapons, body armor, cyberware etc and you roll in there with a freaking revolver! Pretty stupid.

    All you've got is a bionic arm and NOW a weak ass revolver so you have to just spam the bullet sponges the whole time whereas before a head shot was really all it took or a couple of hits otherwise. And your companions are useless mostly, hanging back, getting stuck on objects etc The final sequence there is with whoever the guy in the white suit is and he's an ultra bullet sponge, I mean dozens of hits do almost nothing. So in order to not die and have to repeat this boring ass part I had to just run around whenever he locked in on me, sooo fun! Like a little chicken w his head cutoff, ugh thanks cpdur! AnnoyingAF and I only played this obnoxious vdb mission again to unlock PL for an early part replay.

    I think I'm passed most of the johnny combat by this point thankfully, what a major PIA this would be since johnny has such weak ass revolver now. I mean you're going into a warzone you take an automatic or at least a shotgun, a revolver is close range and massive damage but they took this away. More stupidity by cpdur and I'm glad to never have given those scumbags a dime, never will.
    Hertzian56, Oct 9, 2023
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Oh and I disabled turbo boost and set the max fps to 45 and didn't notice a difference from 60 max either. Turbo boost needlessly boosts the clocks and thus the temps for very little gain most of the time. So in power management just set max cpu to 99% and it'll stay at the base ghz, 2.4 in this case. It was going up to 3.3 before but the temps were at 85c. With boost turned off it was about 65c, a huge temp load savings with no downsides. And it also dropped GPU temps by the same 20c. On an older laptop this is ideal to prolong the life and fans etc

    The game was just as smooth as at 60 max since my system can easily handle this game at 45fps max. I always turn off vsync as well so I can adjust the graphics settings appropriate to my system. If I'm out of range and turn off vsync I'll get a visual indication by excessive tearing. Really it's smoothness not absolute FPS that matters, some people are so used to 100fps or more that they would notice but they have to pay for it no doubt. Games just aren't worth that cost imo. It's an addiction that can be just as expensive as smoking or drinking really if you get 70-80-90 level nvidia cards and the whole setup to run those cards. Kinda ridiculous you ask me. To spend all that money by an adult for gaming is just out there.

    I also do this for RDR2 and despite a hitch here and there it's the same thing. I still keep that at 60max though. I don't think that game has an fps limiter in the settings so I'd have to set it custom in NCP there. But I prefer just keeping all games limited to 60fps in NCP, don't want to change it for one game.

    RDR1 emulation through ryujinx if I left turbo boost on would be smoother but not that much and my cpu temps ere like 95c, way too high for comfort. So limiting boost gets me back like 40c lower temps for a bit more hitching here and there totally fine.
    Hertzian56, Oct 9, 2023
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    btw for some real world background on this game and really so much of this cults total matrix we live in, read the Kybalion, it's hermeticism general book but note it has 2 full chapters on gender alone, androgyne-ism of these satanic cultists on full display.

    In fealty to satan you disallow Gods will as to your gender in objective reality of being born w the appropriate equipment and really your whole being as to the place we have. Sex is really only for the procreation of the species, the pleasure part is really to get it done w fallen mankinds fallen instinct to pleasure. St Augustine has a lot about this likely in the City of God, my favorite book besides the Bible and I've read it many times.

    You have BY FAR the most control over your body and this is a show of pride and perversion which satan requires as proof of locked in satanism. Satan rewards appropriately in his domain where he has the most power, the material domain. So thus these famous, rich, powerful people are all trannysteins by this point in history and it came from the pagan ghetto of the talmudick-kabbalists to take over from the top down. AKA the Euro Royalty on down through blackmail, financial debt slavery, intermarriage, bribery and such tools of the pagan talmudicks. Then their satellite movements like Freemasonry followed along and now we have a whole satanic matrix of control at all levels by these satanist decepticons.

    Now the more benefits you get from satan the more sacrifice he requires, so the higher up you go the more sick perverted disgusting things you must do. And there is no limit. And the ultimate goal of these people is to live for as long as possible. No death, no judgement , no hell. However they cease to be human and are some twisted animal like insect that harms anyone not in their cult and of course will stab each other in the back too. Demons have no love for other demons. These are the ultimate versions of Kane, Kahn, Cohen, Cain. The sons and daughters of Cain shall be banished forever to their eternal punishment at some point, make no mistake about it.
    Hertzian56, Oct 9, 2023
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I did the first mission for PL again on a different save, worked fine and just explored Dogtown DT. Since I turned off turbo boost for 20c lower temps and locked it to 45fps I do notice a bit more hitching here and there probably due to this as my cpu is only 2.4ghz instead of boosting to 3.3 with turbo boost. I'm in a hotter ambient now and I don't like to see cpu at 85c and gpu at 78c, certainly within safe parameters but I like to be more aggressive to save and conserve the longevity of my almost 3 year old laptop which I've only cleaned out the vents for, not repaste or anything like that.

    Uh afa mods I've got some small ones like Night Vision which SHOULD have been included in the game like so much else but cpdur have different priorities like starpucking, air drops, jumpy police, car jacking and all the other major overhauls of a 3 year old game smh. But barring small stuff I'm all modded up now. Here's a short list of lately installed mods:
    disable psycho effects
    disable reveal position upon quickhacks
    SimpleUntrack quest via the map, great for controller use

    BioExotics, Animals gang only version. It's no surprise that dna-hybrid animal-human species are def in this universe. They likely already do this for decades now for military special forces and such and a game about transhumanism where you chop off arms for bionic arms, bionic eyes,skeleton, etc it's just logical for this mindset, satanic of course. For instance now you can replace romanceable characters with wolf, fennec, cougar so you can stay human and have relations with semi-animals. This is a grey area but of course relations w animals is illegal in most places as it should be, it's disgusting and wrong. Of course if they could get away with it there would likely be children in the mix no doubt, NAMBLA is based in the Netherlands I think and it's a real thing.

    FX begone
    various virtual atelier clothes stores
    ads replacers, posters, mags, vector boards
    cyber vehicle overhaul
    UI desaturated so it's not so garrish
    Hertzian56, Oct 10, 2023
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    But kinda on the downslope of this game, already played the base game v1.6 hundreds of hours modding etc PL really isn't that long when you play it like 8hrs a day only 3-4 days of content and perhaps another 8hrs for exploration and such. So in line w what I had about 40hrs for PL my play style. I'm a bit bored of it, the mods are the only thing that have made it fresh, vanilla is not that great. I've even had the romance enhanced for panam, judy and river etc and Missing Persons is not updated for 2.0 but I've only found 2 of those in PL and some new kind of hidden stashes around the area. Eh prob kinda ready to head back into Starfield and RDR2, and some new smaller games. As I said only new thing that interests me is Alan Wake 2 but prob wait on that.
    Hertzian56, Oct 10, 2023
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    def bored w this game, I mean at this point it's mostly modded out and I've just got a few bugs to iron out but that's it all major mods are done and I'm likely staying on 2.0, no reason to update it. This game has the sad irony to be some of the best graphics there are in games today BUT they used it to make a game that is all ugliness in almost every way. Just looking at Dogtown it's just a junk pile, a decayed construction zone full of tweakers and killers that's an eyesore. I mean at least Starfield has a lot of beauty to it as well as RDR2 but cpdur and it's goal here was to have a punk game with ugliness almost everywhere and in every way and sell it to people. I think they even have a secret mandate for all these bugs and nonsensical game design to make it an interactive exercise in misery for anyone involved. Of course being good shysters it's at a profit, similar to porn, alcohol, various drugs, central banksterism, marxism, monopolism, war stoking and profiteering etc etc etc

    At least modding takes away some of that control from these devs and isn't just a pure exercise in a form of pavlovian carrot/stick dynamics. I've had fun just fixing a lot of their negligence with mods, negating a lot of the ugliness afa ads, music, etc and other ways. PL is just more of the same but in a very small package. They give you the choice to opt out of the main story of PL after a few missions which is actually good for replays bc I'm not so sure I want to do all that again, rats on all sides. The gigs and side stuff is more interesting really but there's not much of it there. And I've explored the heck out of the new area. Eh prolly go through w it again but just a here and there thing as this save still has plenty of gigs, side missions and such from the base game there. Be nice to see some of the new mods in action more and I've got the romance enhanced for all of the npcs you can romance.

    One thing I'd like to point out afa PL is that you'll notice that judaism is all over it. The tranny NUSA prez is Myers, a jew name, then you have Solomon Reed, the name sol being a huge tipoff to judaism and of course is central to it's satellite movements of various kinds like freemasonry, mormonism, etc etc The Reed character is a crypto of course, falasha or other ethnically negro crypto group. The imagery is pretty clear as well with the pyramid and obelisk and such. Kabbalism is just a current form of an old old satanic creed of which the ancient egyptians practiced, Hinduism and variants, the babylonians, Assyrians etc etc Trannyism divine androgyne belief is embedded there and was practiced by the egyptians and others. Likely the world just before the Flood was similar to it and they usually refer to it as Atlantis among others. This is prominent in the jewmasontranny Starfield game and so many others, it's almost the whole point of videogaming really, propaganda. In SF the major fake reality of space is used as the platform.

    Now the story of PL afa So Mi is vague tbh, sHe gets recruited by Reed young, then is somehow turned into a weapon who can wield the Black Walls powers or something it's not that clear how that works since the black wall is just a huge firewall against AIs in my understanding. So Songbird can access the powers of these magical AIs and unleash them is my understanding. It's some form of relic which So Mi has in her which she can't get rid of or something, a sort of parallel to V. And so various parties want to exploit that including NUSA. In one ending you go to a secret Militech underground facility where Songbird is held captive after she goes haywire in the stadium if you choose to side with Reed/NUSA. Then maxtac comes in and grabs her as a cyberpsycho and with Reed V attempts to recapture her later by ambushing a convoy which is I think Militech who takes custody of her from Maxtac and is transporting her to their facility built to imprison her and utilize her powers or something.

    But it doesn't work and somehow she does get imprisoned in this facility which then V has to go down and extract her from for NUSA. For this service V is offered the whole game ending of being saved from the relic but loses the ability to have cyberware, and for nonsensical reasons also loses all her friends from the base game other than vic/misty I guess. And as I've said above this also makes no sense about cyberware since V is mostly a cyborg long before this ending, without cyberware I'm not sure how she could even live. I'm guessing they mean it only in the sense that she can't have access to the quickhacks weapons but can have the cyborg body that she has idk it's very complicated really.

    Eh the real themes are transhumanism, technosaviorism, occultism, really satanism in various forms. There's certainly many rider themes so useful to the cult like climate change, pollution, pawning off all the blame to megacorps which is just another one of their temporary tools, uh def others I can't think of right now. The punks were created by the jewmasontranny cult as a chaos joker agent for dialactical synthesis, totally controlled opp. The funny thing is that just by them doing this on purpose to a definite plan, oroboros snake eating it's own tail, there is no real chaos, never has been, that's a totally synthetic alien fantasy concept brought to you by Satan and his agents. It's another glamour ,sand in the eyes, in service of this very definite and ordered plan of corruption and destruction of decent humanity, satanism du jour indeed. How dumb can you be thinking you can defy the Creator in any real way? Maybe for a while and even long while in mans temporal sense but not in ultimate terms, no way can't be done. Now inversion is the major satanic theme along with pride and arrogance, so this is why bdsm and such is a major practice of theirs. They even internalize it afa convincing themselves to actually PREFER hell, but that's just fantasy thinking. They will only know how desolate Hell will be when it actually happens, cast into the metaphorical flames. How dumb to trust satan, The Great Liar.

    Anyways yeah just really finishing up w this game put it down for a long while maybe someday come back but I doubt it, like FO4, Skyrim etc I just have played it enough to instantly be bored w it when picking it back up years later. I guess one difference would be just the technical achievements in graphics tech this game is. Perhaps with a new system it would be interesting to play 4k raytracing, path tracing, dlaa etc Then again time never stops and there will be games that exceed this graphically by then idk maybe couple years depending on my situation and how long this laptop can last. Right now they're to 40 series and likely my next system if I'm still into gaming would be a 50 or 60 series. RT probably be just standard by then not optional who knows. Another tech come along to sell cards for by then.
    Hertzian56, Oct 12, 2023
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Soo yeah long session yesterday which had a lot of breaks for modding and bug ironing. I have a few of them likely due to mods. Currently the delamain quest is bugged for me, and the panam tank mission crashes too. Clothes stores crash for me, Wilsons shop crashes too. None of these are important to me having played the hell out of the base game so not interested can skip them. On the other hand did the takemura missions just fine and the best major mission is the parade one or the early act 2 major missions are also a highlight. I also did most of the gigs in the base game and PL over again.

    The gigs in PL are like minor side missions in the base game, way more writing and story then base game gigs, but there are only 10 of them. The story in PL is actually pretty brief, similar to the base game. And the whole relic stuff is the motivation but isn't most of the game which is stuff for fixers and the standalone rando missions like Brendan, Peralezes, Paco, the BD lana in PL etc Base+PL main missions would be about 50hrs or less for $90, oof terrible price/content ratio but better than going to a film or ball game those are huge ripoffs. However you do save on getting decent gaming card there eh.

    As I've said without mods the complete game is decent but nowhere near as good or interesting. And many of the mods negate the changes made for V2. I was having a good time doing the NCP clear outs using an ashura smart sniper rifle only but with a few mods applied. Double range, unlocked added slots for silencer, scope, hiding the fugly smartweapon reticle, almost instant lock on time, negating the 50% accuracy cpdur put in there, so on a rifle that has a very slow reload time to always have to fire twice to get a hit is ridiculous esp for a smart weapon with lock on through your neural and hand smartlink interface. I get it if the baddies are running but just standing around and even a slow walk or in cover makes no sense for it to miss a locked 50% of the time and it's always the first shot so they're alerted. More cpDUR garbage.

    So again, they focused on graphics and the jewmasontranny propaganda aspects to the exclusion of all else. It's an empty buggy world where just basic stuff is missing. Take RDR2/GTAV,4, as guides to open world gameplay and this is a walking corpse of a game. A smaller world with a tighter and longer story line with a lot less bugs and common sense would have made a much better game. As is the complete game w dlc is a 7 NOW 3 years later, it was a 5 or less on first release. I always add points for the mods but that has nothing to do w the devs. For this game 1-2 points for the mods of all kinds so 8-9 if you're willing to put the effort into it.

    Soo revolting to read these posts about how great it is and how cpdur redeemed themselves and using the code word of "free" update. WTF you talking about? Updates in all games are always free, it's natural patching and such, it's never "pay to update", what these dumbo idiots are thinking is bollocks. So giving cpdur scum some credit for patching and really redesigning a game 3 years later is just lunacy. I suspect many of these types of posts are cpdur itself using chat AI to manipulate the public about this game. And there is no shortage of cadres out there who are in the jewmasontranny cult themselves and know all about the themes of this game, it's their satanic pseudo religion illustrated in a propaganda game. You just have to look at the modding community to see that, the clothes modders always have as above so below body poses in their shots and the "V" bearded venus hand sign of the cult is there a lot too.

    I like vgames, I grew up w them and they are a major hobby of mine last few years, but they're also a harmful addiction I have as well. Similar to TV film addiction of pretty much everyone, the Magna Vox of satan. I've had a lot of free time and I used to fill it with reading and painting art well that's morphed into videogames mostly and it's a problem I have. But at least I can see what this all is and how it relates to the larger picture. I'm not justifying my fallen love of leisure and luxury to the exclusion of so much though. My bad I should just drop games and tv/film altogether but it scares me, like any other addiction what is there to replace it with? I haven't found that yet. Maybe just more work outside the home or office but with any addiction it's hard to get started or motivated to inflict pain that overall is going to lead to a better life. Addiction is endemic, it's a form of the traditions of the Elders the Lord talks about and the OT Holy Prophets as well. All or most of those killed by these cultists.
    Hertzian56, Oct 15, 2023
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Was just going to comment about the modding community for this game. The game itself is very adult in nature and very trans-gay-etc oriented despite the surface level stuff. Even in game you see very weird looking npcs on the streets, the most glaring are the ones that appear male wearing a mix of female clothes like heels, tights, shirts, hair styles etc I've also mentioned the biosculpting exotics mod which does spice it up and apparently is "canon" "lore friendly" whatever that's supposed to mean, some obscure board game and such was just a base IP cpdur bought to build off of nothing more. I look at this as just a clown show anyways, weirdo clowns circus, killer klowns from crystal cove, 11, 33. Vickie Vale 22,22.

    Transhumanism is the race to escape death and thus judgement and hell, by these satanists but it's also the pride and arrogance of fantasy living like making your own body etc The attempt at negating objective reality through the double mindedness or in modern terms cognitive dissonance method. It leads to lots of problems of course and the more severe you get with it the more drugs and distractions are needed to sustain it.

    In terms of this modding there are several big modders who have all these body mods for this or that feet, butt, breasts, you name it. It's very fetish oriented stuff and these modders work for donations, they know that the more types that are into this they can reach the more money they'll make. They only make vanilla clothes and shoes mods for vanilla body because it's a numbers game, most people don't bother w that level of modding so most are vanilla and thus the dl counts for vanilla are usually way more than the fetish stuff and thus more donations more pay. Although fetishists tend to be more generous I'd guess bc their tastes are so uncommon they appreciate the catering to them more than just vanilla body users would.

    It's also pretty weird to do this in a game where you mostly don't see your character at all. It's another layer above clothes to get body mods. I have plenty of clothes mods but I'm vanilla only. And for 2.0 I didn't bring just enough over from 1.60 to give me enough options but not the stuff I rarely used in 1.60. I use bikes most of the time since that's almost the only time in game you see your character. So photomode is a big deal for this game more than most.

    The various modders have screenshots usually all highly processed for their clothes and usually they're always in the baphomet as above so below pose in some way, have the beared V-enus hand sign and other occult stuff so these are members of the cult. It's a very weird community. I do like some of their clothes no doubt but there's a lot more for fetish bodies really. And the biosculpted exotics are even creepier with the implications about beastiality or some even more disgusting form of it. If you get the npc pack, which I have, there are several places where you see humans and these dna hybrids as couples and in dicky twister club they're all over too. Not so much in Afterlife. You can specifically get romance partner replacers as well like River, Judy, Panam. You can also replace yourself w a dna human-animal hybrid as well. Very weird. But for npcs here and there it kinda fits the circus world this game portrays.
    Hertzian56, Oct 16, 2023
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So this game grabs the attention of an adult more than a lot of other games. It's more interesting in that aspect if that's what you find attracting in a game. Whereas your typical bethesda game is more child like and wholesome as far as sex is concerned, it's not a pg game either as it features typical vgame tropes and add onto that the bethesda tropes of dunwich horror witchcraft, macabre and of course the main story is pure occultism.

    However in Starfield there is no dunwich type stuff really since the occult concept of space takes the main stage here, beyond the earthiness of animal mask wearing paganism for the sci fi version of it. Alien is the paganist focus here and of course all the other new age astrology etc stuff. Lucy in Space with Diamonds stuff. 77 has the sex and such in your face more explicit whereas typical bethesda games have it more hidden subtle type of thing. Contrast the full on scenes in 77 Vs you just go to sleep in a bed and a romanced partner is there when you wake up with some sly comment.
    Hertzian56, Oct 16, 2023
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I tried one of those AI voice replacers for V last night. The Scarlett Johansson version. It's ok kinda works, this jewish man feminized's voice doesn't fit that well though, it's too voice modulated training to be "female". V's default english is edgier than SJ's voice is, it's too soft and AI doesn't convey contextual tonality very well. It's def impressive though and it would be nice to get Aurore's voice as a replacer but that's a whole new challenge of english but with a french accent to it.

    These sorts of mods are invading the community, I've seen a few of them and there are limitless possibilities there of course. I think the voices the game makers chose are fine although I have never played as a male V some say it sounds like a teenager lol I don't plan on keeping this SJ one in there I just wanted to try it and see how well these AI can train to known celeb voices. Modder already has an updated version for it. But there are several now and more to come.

    I think modding will open up a lot more now, if that's possible, since there is confirmed no major changes and no major new content to this game, it's done. So there's stability there as there was for the first 3 years of it's existence. We got to 1.63 which was what they should have built off of, NOT redoing huge parts of the game but cpDUR doing it's thing. Just think if for Blood and Wine in TW3 they would have redid the whole upgrade and weapons systems, absurd but again cpDUR retards.

    The only thing that's noticeably better is the scaling makes combat more variable when playing a higher level character. I can still mostly one shot enemies from stealth but that's because I have the buffs and weapon mods for it. I can't do all enemies like that but non heavies I can, same as before. The police system is primitive compared to gta games but does give the option of almost endless combat if so desired. In this game once you clear out most places the gangers are gone for good, leaving an emptier world towards the end.

    One strange thing about this game is that guns are heavily featured but NPCs largely don't have them, makes little sense. And if you go rampage no NPCs, besides police, fires back for the most part, that just doesn't fit and is more nonsense by cpDUR.

    I have largely skipped the car delivery filler and air drops filler, do them a couple times that's enough. There has been a mod called Courier Make a Living for years now by ONE modder that's way more fun and interesting then cpDUR's offering, no surprise, tribester idiots making games. Air drops are obnoxious and only in Dogtown too, soo lazy boring stuff. I should just use my silenced Ashura with a 500m range and silently from afar drop everyone see if there's some more to the airdrop filler then farming. I did find one that had a text based story to it and wasn't soldiers but freebooters.
    Hertzian56, Oct 17, 2023
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The subject of Orion came up and I note it's the given name for the sequel to this game. There is a building in dogtown that has the name orion on it but hard to find the decayed sign. Now PL has a ton of occult things to it but the whole game, like most games, is a jewmasontranny kabbalistic propaganda product. It's all over and in PL it features a pyramid w an obelisk close by. In the context of cp77 there was Mr Blue Eyes the messenger from the jewmasontranny androgyne "gods" from Alpha Centauri or Orion which as some pyramid origins theory out there about it, whacky to say the least but typical of your average occultist. I had a back and forth with someone about this and their Orion name. I'll just paste it below, there is more to it though.

    A I think Orion is the name given to the sequel right? Or canis major iirc. I saw an old Orion buildnig in PL as well.

    B You are right, actually this is something I only realized after I came up with the company lol, so that's pretty cool. I chose the name Orion because of the Giza pyramids' Orion correlation theory.

    C that's probably why they used that name as well, we got the motif in PL pretty telling visually actually but I don't think we get access to the basement/crypt/ritual chamber aka parking garage in this context. I think I could look in but not go in, gated off. We got the obelisk of course had to be in there like most other games, FO it's always there lol

    Orion on the building sign is with barghest(Dog Canine/Canis Major) soldiers in front and then below there is like three big deactivated turrets but can't go in iirc, I think it's on the corner where you can go out of dogtown.

    yeah I just found it again it's right next to the main barghest base and across from the big LED sign, if you look up at it there's an ORI_N sign w the O missing since it's crumbled but looks like enough room next to it for "industries" lol You can't go inside and it's heavily guarded.

    This likely is a Mr Blue Eyes(a form of hermes/mercury/toth messenger) leadership from remote space thing like is in the Peralez base game quest, whole thing about Mr Blue Eyes if you look it up. Even Garry Winkler(ahem) the Prophet quest mentions blue eyes after you go back and he's gone, the sidekick mentions blue eyes. There's a whole theory that Gary's implants malfunctioned and he heard the kabbalistic rulers/emperors(my irl read there) transmissions by accident. Clearly the game gives it substance with Garys end mission and Mr Blue Eyes himself over seeing the final meeting with Peralez and other places. Orion is likely the reference to these controllers in the kabbalistic ethos genre this whole game is, all the tropes and propaganda we see now irl are at base the egyptian, babylonian ancient versions of kabbalism. Brave New World is really the old one come back just add tech onto it. Atlantis, New Atlantis etc I don't know that Mr Blue Eyes makes an appearance in PL though, or if there are more references to it by npcs or characters takes me a few playthroughs to notice really.

    BTW Dogtown(Canis-town) is most like blade runner the movie when it's raining it's amazing. I'm using Weather Probability Rebalance more rain and it's incredible how Dogtown at night feels and looks like blade runner 1 the movie. Another thing is that in their game wolfenstein 2 the bizarre hitler scene is on a space station orbiting VENUS, trans-x, the bearded V-(enus) cult all over lol Alpha centauri also figures in there, it's the main system in Starfield and the main city of New Atlantis. Being the closest star system in their whole matrix of belief as well.

    Anyways sorry about the long tldr thing, been on my mind lately since I"ve been playing so much and I've been through this stuff a lot in the past, thankfully out of that spiders web now.


    yes it is a system that predates the tribes adaptation and integration of it into their other major tomes tenets, the talmud, but ofc I can't say too much more there here. The tarot/astrology has that embedded into it as do things like the hexagrams in the i-ching so it's not a localized thing. We have major side missions about tarot in this game so nah it's not just something rando out of the blue there. Mr Philip K Dick-steinberg has it as a major point in the man in the high castle as well and all over his works, the ching that is. hexagram as above so below etc and I'm sure you've heard of the kybalion one of their more public books. There are real world consequences to this sort of thing but most people have no clue or capacity for it.

    I don't know how anyone who is into that stuff can't see it all over the place though, you sure you're being straight here? The latin there in the logo kind of gives a different impression and why is it Latin, well I know the answer as it's used by ONE 2000 year old org exclusively for a long time, lux in tenebris right? inversion the name of the game no doubt.
    Hertzian56, Oct 18, 2023
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Now getting back here I think this other person who seems to know latin a bit isn't being too honest but who knows it's not that important really. His Latin saying for this Orion company is this:

    Astra inclinant, Sed Non Obligant.

    My sketchy Latin translation is this: Stars incoming/ascendent, it's not necessary to go there. I actually think I took Sede Vacante too much into it there, which means empty chair, a reference to the theory that the Vatican 2 Popes are not Popes so thus the Chair of Peter, the seat of office of his successor is empty. I certainly agree to that, but maybe we just have ANTI-Popes false ones spewing heresies and using dialectical subtelty to do so, appeal to authority abuse of authority, marxist word games of ambiguity, say one thing mean another, actions contradict words etc We have seen this with all vatican 2 impostors acting as Popes. And I recommend Arriaga's New Montinian Church as an example in marxist games and dialectical devilry.

    Joogles translation:

    The stars incline, but do not oblige.

    Now as I've said when these mafioso say stars they mean FALLEN stars, demons the 33% who followed satan/lucifer, the dinostory meteorite from 65m years ago, 66 being the "year" one. The lizards, no conscience and perhaps dna lizard-human creations in the lab. The tranny hormones and procedures of pure deception probably effects their conscience and they numb it with ROCK-drugs and ROLL-Sex. ANOTHER star is born, initatied into the cult, raised up from the dead after the TRANS formation, a higher level of satanic knowledge then the last. Cell structure need to know Natl Security God State.

    They listen to your request of immortality but do not agree to it, unless...

    In this game there is a series of orbiting satellites or data centers that house the downloaded and digitized personality constructs of the elites who can pay for this service when near death. It's described as soul prison by V. Similar to the Cryo sleep idea but more tech based, they want to come back into a new body that is free from pain and immortal, when possible. It won't ever be possible and they are prisoners in hell, well deserved.

    Transhumanism's goal is this. Technosaviorism, materialism, satanism. No death, no judgement, no hell. Now I DO NOT believe for one second real human personalities can be digitized or eeg brain waves be encrypted somehow and stored indefinitely but that doesn't mean they're not trying for a long time. The shill springmeier had a whole thing about how a holographic process can do this, a fourier transform capture of our brain states. I think this is another form of the fake relativity theory or planetary space garbage, vaxx theory and other trash. We got the cryo version w some celebs and we get that also in the space ship opera version. Another form is the impossible time travel fantasy. That's just not how it works, time is a one way thing only.

    And if you notice there is no one over 40 in this game and no one under 7-8 excepting the boxing side missions text image of one, but not in game at all. So we can conclude that either we have a soylent green/Morlok system or that the population is fixed and everyone is older than they appear. They have face plates, fake bodies and such but their personalities are the correct age, very weird stuff.

    In the true Christian Catholic version of the afterlife at one point says the dead shall arise and be judged. They shall rise in their bodies and the soul and body shall be forever one. For the good the body shall be beautified and spiritualized, never having need of food, water or care no decay and shall be subtle. Like angels mentioned in the Bible they shall be able to eat for pleasure alone, comb hair for same thing etc Not subject to decay at all. A community where God is loved and the uniqueness of our personality is fully developed in that context and the context of man is not made for isolation and fiefdoms, fortresses. Some prefer solitude but that's different, it's not spiritual solitude even if it's physical solitude.

    On the other hand the damned shall awake in bodies like the putrid zombies, showing their perversion to all, full of pain and suffering with the then withheld support of God. This even takes on a new dimension with trannyism, their bodies are just frankenstein broken unnatural perversions. They look like monsters outside of the makeup, lights and other tricks. Their souls take on this as well, twisted deception based. They don't have any conception of how the God they hate makes anything truly good they experience even possible. They're too busy hating God and deceiving others for their own gain. But when God finally withdraws His support they'll know acutely and know that they deserve hell. In this life the wicked can still experience a quiet sunrise or beautiful scene, they can eat a great meal and rest comfortably, just as everyone else, God doesn't withhold here. But some make use of the rope to tie their own nooses, that's on them.
    Hertzian56, Oct 18, 2023
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And another thing popped into my head here. The lore is that Night City is named after a richard Night and has no meaning otherwise. But I don't believe that for one second. Some likely fake person who had a fake name is used to cover the deliberate naming of many things. Night City is named such as a form of hell, eternal night, dark knight word play, night dark evil. They do this in real life too and certainly it's a form of hookerwoods "based on a true story" lying nonsense.

    Night Corp is an occult player in the Peralez political conspiracy story arc, being the peralez couples sponsors in college and then guiding them to power as mayor later on. Likely Night Corp assassinated mayor rhyne via remote brain dance over stimulation if you've played those missions. Night Corp is also tied into the controllers as when you get the unknown debilitating message before talking to Jefferson at the meeting where Mr Blue Eyes is watching from the opposite balcony.

    One real world example of this subterfuge is the movie Fargo by those sicko Cohen jewtrannys, there is no known real events this was based on yet they put that in the tag lines anyways. But in good talmudickism you can bet there is a micro word notice about "any likeness to reality is coincidental" etc true jewrat fashion. Another example is that most people think Snow Canyon in S. Utah is named because it snows there, but nope it's deserty and may get a dusting for a few weeks in the winter but it never gets typical mountain snow levels etc. No it's actually named after a past mormon "prophet" Lorenzo Snow. I don't know the connection other than S Utah was colonized by mormons not too many years after SLC so likely it's just homage. The bauers, builders, love to name things after themselves like the occult masonic keystone ceremony with new buildings and such.

    There are other examples of this subterfuge of naming things no doubt just this popped into my head about this game.
    Hertzian56, Oct 18, 2023
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