I also saw Hic Sunt Dracones in PL dogtown, Here the Dragons Be. Dragons lizards, fire breathing mythical creatures whose words are like fire, breath of fire. Draco, dracula, the criminal of the night working in darkness of night city, the city of devils as opposed to the City of God. They built their city on Rock-drugs and Roll-sex, not hard to see. Dogtown is a very ugly place of open decay and drugs and such very gross tbh But the game looks incredible, sometimes I just wander around to see the amazing graphics. And at night with rain it's incredible the lighting and graphics, even at my modest med-high NON-RT anything settings. Never seen a game look so amazing really. Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart looked amazing too but of course more cartoony. I think Elden Ring also looks amazing as do many games. But with a rainy weather mod and even rain drops mod and at night it's amazing. As I said it's the closest I've seen to a Blade Runner 1 in a game. Blade Runner is a movie about transhumanism, divine androgyne cult's high goal. The nexus are really transhumans, organics married to robotics and if they weren't engineered to only have a life span of a few years they'd live a lot longer than natural humans, even indefinitely with maintenance. Of course all people in the media are transgender it's a cult thing and requirement. I'm not saying normal humans couldn't be low level here and there but by and large it's jewmasontranny's ONLY in the images industries, ONLY. So blade runner is all them, no exceptions. Blade Runner 2049 was about these transhumans having children, doesn't happen really. What happens is that like the first chapter of Brave New World book these jewmasontranny cultists GROW their children in artificial environments like they can do with lambs in artificial wombs. They bioengineer them as well and of course likely apply total mind control and programming via methods described by the shill Springmeier. So they have multiple personalities for various roles they play. Cult personalities for satanic rituals, public ones for smiling and pleasantness, sexual ones for those roles they play, hypnocourier aspects for delivering cult messages undetected and unknown even to themselves etc Delta state is brain wave for twighlight killing mode like the Delta Force, beta sex kitten, gamma, theta, omega, lambda, on down as needed. Sprinmeier says 13x13x13 cube of possible personality fragments and main ones split from the core personality. But usually just the square of 169, rotating and locking based on a merry go round structure, very organized stuff. In this game you have the mural along the lower part of the Orion building of a human inside of a frog body, like a child in a human womb, pretty telling really. An artificial womb for a dna engineered being who will then be raised deliberately the opposite of the gender it is born as, this is a cult req really. Inversion to prove loyalty to satan/the cult. We see these weird looking clown freaks in media all over, easy to see it when they're young or old, middle age prime it's much harder to detect in most of them. The added but not excessive body fat hides the implants and such and gives a normal appearance under makeup and lights and the other tricks. That fake hormone induced body fat distro reverts to normal the older they get because for health reasons they have to dial down the hormones, so you see douches like Spike Lee wearing ridiculous clothing to try to hide the hippo hips and Spielberg also doing the same thing and all over really. They have these sharp beanpole "wifes" aka feminized men who look fugly like they eat babies with the huge grins and sharp features, no hips and lineback shoulders etc So if you control breeding and training in a cult environment you have 100% solid members, they know nothing else and will perpetuate this cult naturally, taking this perversion as normal and in stride. They vaguely have the idea that they are "gods" androgyne ones of the nexus of sex within them and it's their normal thing to fool people and manipulate them who are not in the cult. They're devilish without comprehending it at most levels of this cult. I think ritualism and satanic rites and other disgusting things they do is locked away normally into a multiple personality just for that as programmed into them early on. The top leadership are little more than devils in the flesh, evil putrid beings worthy of eternal darkness. Lower levels will also go into hell but likely not as horrendous as the elite level cultists. But all of them breath sulfur and spit venom and fire at us, they're beings are so infused with deception and manipulation as like fish to water. If God was to burn them all up where they stand the world would still be the world but it would be MUCH BETTER. It won't be too long til it's ended permanently and these can get their reward of eternal punishment. I feel that once they commission and then raise children into this cult then they are FULLY responsible for it, for the tradition and history of it and thus must take the full consequences from God.