Cyberpunk 2077 V2 DLC Phantom Liberty

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Sep 25, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I also saw Hic Sunt Dracones in PL dogtown, Here the Dragons Be. Dragons lizards, fire breathing mythical creatures whose words are like fire, breath of fire. Draco, dracula, the criminal of the night working in darkness of night city, the city of devils as opposed to the City of God. They built their city on Rock-drugs and Roll-sex, not hard to see. Dogtown is a very ugly place of open decay and drugs and such very gross tbh

    But the game looks incredible, sometimes I just wander around to see the amazing graphics. And at night with rain it's incredible the lighting and graphics, even at my modest med-high NON-RT anything settings. Never seen a game look so amazing really. Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart looked amazing too but of course more cartoony. I think Elden Ring also looks amazing as do many games. But with a rainy weather mod and even rain drops mod and at night it's amazing. As I said it's the closest I've seen to a Blade Runner 1 in a game.

    Blade Runner is a movie about transhumanism, divine androgyne cult's high goal. The nexus are really transhumans, organics married to robotics and if they weren't engineered to only have a life span of a few years they'd live a lot longer than natural humans, even indefinitely with maintenance. Of course all people in the media are transgender it's a cult thing and requirement. I'm not saying normal humans couldn't be low level here and there but by and large it's jewmasontranny's ONLY in the images industries, ONLY. So blade runner is all them, no exceptions. Blade Runner 2049 was about these transhumans having children, doesn't happen really.

    What happens is that like the first chapter of Brave New World book these jewmasontranny cultists GROW their children in artificial environments like they can do with lambs in artificial wombs. They bioengineer them as well and of course likely apply total mind control and programming via methods described by the shill Springmeier. So they have multiple personalities for various roles they play. Cult personalities for satanic rituals, public ones for smiling and pleasantness, sexual ones for those roles they play, hypnocourier aspects for delivering cult messages undetected and unknown even to themselves etc Delta state is brain wave for twighlight killing mode like the Delta Force, beta sex kitten, gamma, theta, omega, lambda, on down as needed. Sprinmeier says 13x13x13 cube of possible personality fragments and main ones split from the core personality. But usually just the square of 169, rotating and locking based on a merry go round structure, very organized stuff.

    In this game you have the mural along the lower part of the Orion building of a human inside of a frog body, like a child in a human womb, pretty telling really. An artificial womb for a dna engineered being who will then be raised deliberately the opposite of the gender it is born as, this is a cult req really. Inversion to prove loyalty to satan/the cult. We see these weird looking clown freaks in media all over, easy to see it when they're young or old, middle age prime it's much harder to detect in most of them. The added but not excessive body fat hides the implants and such and gives a normal appearance under makeup and lights and the other tricks. That fake hormone induced body fat distro reverts to normal the older they get because for health reasons they have to dial down the hormones, so you see douches like Spike Lee wearing ridiculous clothing to try to hide the hippo hips and Spielberg also doing the same thing and all over really. They have these sharp beanpole "wifes" aka feminized men who look fugly like they eat babies with the huge grins and sharp features, no hips and lineback shoulders etc

    So if you control breeding and training in a cult environment you have 100% solid members, they know nothing else and will perpetuate this cult naturally, taking this perversion as normal and in stride. They vaguely have the idea that they are "gods" androgyne ones of the nexus of sex within them and it's their normal thing to fool people and manipulate them who are not in the cult. They're devilish without comprehending it at most levels of this cult. I think ritualism and satanic rites and other disgusting things they do is locked away normally into a multiple personality just for that as programmed into them early on. The top leadership are little more than devils in the flesh, evil putrid beings worthy of eternal darkness. Lower levels will also go into hell but likely not as horrendous as the elite level cultists. But all of them breath sulfur and spit venom and fire at us, they're beings are so infused with deception and manipulation as like fish to water. If God was to burn them all up where they stand the world would still be the world but it would be MUCH BETTER. It won't be too long til it's ended permanently and these can get their reward of eternal punishment. I feel that once they commission and then raise children into this cult then they are FULLY responsible for it, for the tradition and history of it and thus must take the full consequences from God.
    Hertzian56, Oct 18, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Eh kinda bored once again w this. I did start a later on before hanako embers save for a bit more gameplay outside of PL and now am mostly done w gigs and ncpd scanner stuff besides the badlands scanners. I've got rivers hunt but that's never been too interesting tbh after you've done it a few times. Mostly BDs and same searching for clues stuff, romance part etc The same bds are boringAF and there's almost no action whatsoever either. The last part isn't even that and I didn't plan on river romance it's not too interesting. Until they can replace his voice and character it's weird as well, only payoff is the safehouse anyways. I already have the overture and iconic weapons are not that great anymore since 2.0, I can't get one that has 3 slots to do Pax mod so nah.

    Uh the panam tank mission crashed consistently last time and I'm not that interested in redoing that either. I started the save too late to be able to romance her with panam romance enhanced mod so no nasty in the tank. After that it's pretty much done anyways. Same for delamain mission, bugged and I don't have enough interest in doing it again to find out what is causing the crash.

    So hanako and the stupid monk imagine missions, not doing either one. I don't like the Paco PL mission either, can't figure out how not to die there and I did it once when I did the endings so nah. Just hijacking and killing the cassels and then the chosen ending for PL, the last two hands missions which are just ok nothing special. The aguilar assassin stuff isn't that interesting. You'd have to be an idito to be a "famous" assassin because that means you're target #1 for any cowboy who comes along and the deference shown to aguilar is cringey. I don't particularly like the faf "cuban" mafia thing going on either.

    The stupid part is there is no NG+ for this game so you get your character how you like them, got all the cars, guns and such just right and by that time there's almost nothing to do in the world. And I don't have the interest to load up an even earlier save I have nor start a new game and setup all that all over again. On top of that with the major update have all the major mods up and running but again nothing to do.

    Soo I'm likely going to bounce back to Starfield and a bit of RDR2, maybe try out a couple of the smaller games I've grabbed in there. I don't see any major new games that look worth the hassle either. Lords of the fallen doesn't look too different from just loading up Elden Ring again, all setup already. Better to get the original souls game makers stuff. I do have Judgement sitting there but it was cringey w the trannyman protag etc I'd rather fire up a Yakuza game for a replay, maybe 0 or 2. Eh only Alan Wake 2 really interests me in the major game space this year unless there's something that emerges that appeals, not likely though. I did grab mario Wonder ryujinx emulated game, might try that. Good for a bit of play and see any new stuff nintendont has managed to tease out of the old formula.

    Soo yeah it was good to go back after a few months see the changes and new content for 77. It was really just more of the same, not a bad thing but also more of the glaring problems with this whole game. Cpdur are idiots and scammers but at least I got hundreds of hours of entertainment out of them free wah wah wah. The edginess of 77 and the astounding graphics with average world and gameplay are pretty good no doubt. It's just that the assinine bugs, terrible coding and choices made by those idiots that's infuriating to me. Mental midgets of cpdur. I had the idea of firing up the original 1.32 TW3 at some point as well, how they made that game so well once the bugs were ironed out is beyond me. Must have been with a much better team than 77. The story was all bought IP from the books, nothing to do with cpdur and until about 1.08 of that game it crashed every 20mins for me. It still overloads terribly and can crash during the battle on the ships and at kaer morhen to this day unless I turn down everything as low as possible. I do have the refresh version but don't feel it's worth 70gb to find for a working original that's 35gb with all dlc included. Anyways that's that here, may come back if I fire it up and there's new mods that interest me which is really why I've spent so much time playing this game, 1.60 and now 2.0 the mods have added 50hrs at least to my play time. Without mods this is just a runthrough type of game that with the DLC would be about 50hrs total, it's not a 100hr game for me vanilla. Just the Fixers Hidden Gems mod added 20hrs alone for me back in the 1.60 times and it's not been updated for 2.0 so far. Add in the clothes, weapons, cars and general qol mods and they make the game much better.
    Hertzian56, Oct 19, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Played a bit of RDR2 and Starfield last night and looks like I'm just kinda bored out with most of these games right now, neither was too engaging for me once I got done with this game. As I said only mods could really bring me back to 77 and here I am.

    I have a scarlett Johansson AI voice replacer mod and it actually works pretty decently. Of course Scar,lett is actually just a jewish boy whom has transgendered into a fake woman, easy to see and just part of the jewmasontranny satanic cult. The husky voice is just a choice or limitations of the voice mod training he has gone through as well as surgery on the voice box trachea. I don't think the face is hard to see as just another clown surgery constructed thing which is caked w makeup and the lighting tricks jewtranny-hookerwood does for all it's demon-stars.

    These bent broken trannysteins and their diseased bodies are also the same, just all the tricks used. The jewtranny Kubrick the flaccid prick had a good form of reveal in the Shining where jackie nicholson sees a russian "beauty" tranny who at some point is revealed as some diseased tranny with sores and such all over. This is the whole story of the jewmasontrannys really, diseased disgusting cultists who disguise themselves to look so good and appealing but are just sicko criminals deserving of detainment and punishment.
    Hertzian56, Oct 19, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So getting back to the AI vo replacer for femv it works fine, like I said the mumbly scar,lett voice works ok, it doesn't have the edginess of the original VO and has a hard time with emphasis and tone but overall is pretty good that someone with a decent pc can do this with largely automated tools in just a few hours.

    I'm actually going to put in a new one that came out today of Aurore Cassel the minor character in PL with the sexy french accented voice. Of course this is another transgender easy to see, so it's all mixed up gross but at this point I really don't know what to do to not have that but turn off all tv, games, etc and that's a huge ask for all of us who were born well into the jewmasonictranny age of almost total control of society. It'd be like voluntarily not using hvac or indoor plumbing at this point, very hard to do and most won't ,myself included.

    I look at it like this, Abraham had a concubine, David had them as well and neither are in Hell. So there is an allowance by God for the customs of the times we live in on Earth. Take the 12 Patriarchs, they sold out Joseph the youngest(a foreshadowing of Jesus btw) out of envy of the love Isaac had for him over them and likely for Josephs high qualities as a person. They committed a soft form of murder by abandoning him and such but God forgave them as they are the Patriarchs so I can't imagine they're in hell. Judah the Patriarch saw prostitutes as well if you read closely and the others weren't much better but lived in their times.

    I look at Judgement like this in practical terms, similar to the IRS there is a standard deduction which most people take because they don't work in industries where it makes sense to track things spent for business expenses like work clothes, etc So I think there is a kind of standard deduction for the times you live in and in special cases like the Patriarchs since Joseph was there for an example for succeeding generations, nothing from the Bible that has made it down to us thousands of years later is by accident.

    Anyways I'm going to put in the Aurore AI voice replacer and fire it up shortly, make some calls maybe do the boringAF River Hunt missions, etc bebok
    Hertzian56, Oct 19, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Soo yeah the aurore voice isn't too bad I like it better than the scar johansson, the red son of john lol I'm pretty bored of cp77 though after over 1000 hrs of it when you add it up since 2020, the huge modding fest of late 2022 to april 2023 and now coming back again for v2.0 and pl another 100hrs there with the mods and bug testing to get a mostly bug free game. There are still issues like brick/mortar clothes stores crash but I use virtual atelier anyways that has a store with all clothes in it, no need to go into an in game store, there is also the cet spreadsheet which has the codes for everything just input it in bam it's in your inventory. I got rid of all judy clothes replacers which is too bad since it was much sexier than the slob clothes she wears, something about that mod made female maelstrom clothes texture explode in game it was too much not worth it. I still have the judy haircut for her which is much btter than the fugly hair she has default.

    Uh wilsons gun store also crashes for me, all those crashes are likely because it's looking for something to load in and I've got a mod that conflicts I can't isolate for it. Wilsons is prone to crashing as well, likely an iconic or special gun because I can do normal weapons stores just fine. Also the delamain final take your reward crashes for me outside after, and panam tank final mission crashes at the end of that one too. Neither are worth the trouble to look into too much really. After panam thing you're done there, maybe it might affect the ending which features leaving NC with her but I always play femv so normally can't romance her anyways only juds and river. If you start before certain panam missions the panam romance enhanced allows a femv to romance her, done it before. Delamain has no implications at all other than the final come back part where you decide how to fix him and get some shitty delamain car in your garage.

    Uh so yeah I'm done w this game for a while don't plan on coming back to it, maybe for an early save rerun but don't have the interest right now, just bores me to death to think about firing it up.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2023
    Hertzian56, Oct 21, 2023
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    But one thing that came to me last night about this is that when you see the song performance at the black sapphire you are seeing a version of the fall of lucifer acted out. It's not one to one but pretty close. So the performer starts as an angel with huge wings but some really scary looking mask, but then some dog comes and barks at it, this is likely an insulting image of God and then lucy tries to calm it and it kind of just explodes and you see it's brain or something and it dissipates. This is also a barghest reference which has a dog as it's logo, it is dogtown. Of course this could be a satanic reversal of God, another occult insult. There are refs all around dogtown in latin and also the beware tekno necromancers reference to gary and the lore of hidden rulers off planet , likely alpha centauri of garys reference or Orion of the sequels name reference. Someone also mentioned a pyramids corny idea about Orion, the pyarmids are a big thing to occultists of all kinds.

    Uh so then a spiderweb and spider show up and somehow this means old lucy gets caught in it but somehow it also disintegrates then lucy dives down into the stage, similar to how lucy was cast down from heaven as mentioned in at least one place in the Bible, this being Isaiah.

    And the architecture of the black sapphire is at the top of a skyscraper which looks over a hovel of dogtown, full of junkies and killers. At the top is a bunch of clouds and a waterfall of light. So I take this as an mt Olympus reference where the greco-roman gods resided, in this case a bunch of criminals or the elite of nc planning their schemes if you wander the crowd it features a rogues gallery.

    As I've said in St Augustines City of God he conclusively proves that the greco-roman gods with their dramas are just a version of the fallen angels or demons whom followed lucy down, the 33% reference. In a way this also symbolizes the idiot and malicious freemasons whom use 33 a lot, who followed the jews, the eleveners, down the path of evil and satan worship. The pride lust and arrogance of getting one over on the unsuspecting and naive to then build your empire of crime to then enslave the victims even more. In this game and really occult tradition which it is merely an extension of, it's inverted, the lowest scum are elevated to a form of godhood through crimes. It's a perverted game world and no one is not a scumbag really, even the gangster jackie. V=22 is a scumbag too and is trying through tech to rid herself of the problem she brought on herself by trying to steal and then foolishly inserted the relic into her brain, real smart. The reason is to save it so she can get paid, very noble. She then has a buddy in a terrorist who dropped a huge bomb which in the lore blew up a whole building, because his girlfriend was kidnapped by arasaka for some reason. His girlfriend Alt worked on a satanic project to clone someones personality and encode it digitally. It's soul killer tech which trys to escape death, judgement and hell by the very wealthy criminals whom can afford it. Whole thing is satanic. So just a bunch of dirty assholes in the whole game which features nothing but criminal acts and happenings. Not even just your character but everyone, npcs when they talk are mostly about scams they're running and such.

    So it is a pretty unhealthy product all around. My love of videogames is the reason I play these things but I get only negatives out of it really. I try to minimize it by not spending any money on the content and staying with mid range cheaper hardware to play it at decent settings though. But the time and also the subliminals and such are pretty bad. It's not a good hobby to have, painting was a lot better for me but I've not the impetus for it for a decade really. It also requires space which I haven't had much of for 5 years at least. It has been good for computer learning type stuff though, bug testing and how to do certain things and tweaks and such so it's not been a total waste of time, effort and money. I hope to be out of gaming in the next few years. I always figured most people watch at least 4 hrs tv a day well this is better then that imo, more interactive more stimulating but idk the subject matter of many games is nasty. Not all though. Infra sticks out as a pretty good one, just exploration and detective type of game, no combat just puzzles and such. Mario and nintendont isn't too bad for just a pleasant filler time. I learned about horses, fish, period guns, poker and likely more from RDR2. Racing games usually feature real cars, etc But this game is just a tome of satanism, there's nothing that makes it more than propaganda and ugliness. I always use non lethal methods if I can but the situations are all criminal and the decisions you are allowed to decide are almost always a lose lose thing.

    The fidelity of the graphics is by far the best part about this game, everything else is scummy frankly. And it's like at least 85% of what keeps me coming back along with new mods. The game itself is like 5-10% of the reason I come back after the first run in 2020. I hadn't played it for months but the DLC was the reason to come back and then the changes and on top of that updating old mods and the new mods. But otherwise this is sayonara.

    I think cpdur is likely working on a witcher sequel primarily and this games sequel won't be out till the end of the decade when I hope to be fully done w videogaming, get a more productive positive hobby by then. They only had the two games I liked playing this one and tw3 and dev time and release timelines just means I won't be too interested by then hopefully. Sadly the same thing applies to the next RDR which if ever released won't until years after GTA6 which I have no interest in whatsoever. That likely is next year sometime so rdr would be like 5 years later, end of decade.

    The timelines of these blockbusters are really meaning online is the next step like GTAO killed that series for me. 5 was released 13 and here we are 10 years later, no dlc nothing for sp only gamers. The formula is stale anyways but if they didn't milk online thus delaying new titles then we'd have had 6 years ago and likely 7 by now or at least rdr3. They're better off with more short focused games then these all encompassing games and just having a much shorter time between releases say max of 5 years or less, 3 years is better. Jubisoft just copy pastes AC games every couple years but that's no way to proceed as they just get so stale, I have no interest in any more far cry or AC, same freaking game over and over. The origins and odyssey are the end of AC for me and Origins is the only one I'd be interested in a rerun of.

    Young kids play phone games more than huge hulking games that require 2000$ pc's for RT and such, so that will be niche and declining unless they can provide what I've described and not focus on their partners the hardware makers needs of selling bloated priced gpus and all the other junk you need to pair with them. I'm also convinced the whole crypto mining craze was totally fake story by nvidia to raise prices, restrict stock and then permanently keep the bloated pricing. RT is also another scam to sell cards for dubious new benefits. 4k gpus that can do RT buttery smooth at 2k should be less than 250$ period. But the scam rolls along. phukem.

    Hertzian56, Oct 21, 2023
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    After a bit of the metal gear master collection, which features maybe lower quality than just emulating, I came back here for modding, totally done w the main story, ok got it and such. At least the gigs are not locked behind it for the most part only major side missions which are still kinda fun like panam, judy and the first river sequence with the assassination stuff. Throw in there some of the major side missions in PL.

    I had to do the voodoo boys main missions because PL is locked behind them sadly. I don't see why as a merc you couldn't get into dogtown before if you grew up in heywood or NC and work as a merc it shouldn't be too hard to grease palm or have friends in dogtown, you would think they would have opened up dogtown with just Mr Hands helping you out for work purposes, kinda written not too well and I can't imagine they didn't have the DLC written or well along by the game initial release. Idk weird choices by cpdur really, as usual.

    The pacing issues are very evident in these type of tube sliding missions. They're soooo long and all packed with major content all at once, you have no choice but to go through with a ton of content that just leaps you ahead in the narrative all at once, there's no way to break it up by the player. I usually make a deal w the netwatch in the GIM mission but didn't this time so in the next mission I had no choice but to work with the people who regard me as the equivalent of Goyim in the talmudick sense. They also tried to kill me when they fried netwatch, fairly distasteful of the writers to give me no choice there. For instance I can skip the WHOLE story parts of PL but not here, so the idea that this is an RPG with wide open choices in NONSENSE.

    Let me choose to NOT do any of the three major choices to attempt to get the relic out of me. Freeze time for an open world experience with all my upgrades and such, have a timer or system to where if I do certain things it advances the degradation and at some point I have to either take out the relic and die or not die, no one really knows despite what they say. If my personality is really entangled w johnnys on the relic perhaps it's possible to just prepare a robot which can take the relic and we can then just be co-inhabitants forever buddies, idk.

    If the relic saves me a few times, in the vdb mission if you don' t make a deal w netwatch then they fry everyone and the relic then brings you back again, again. Or at some point have panam or judy or if you went w river or all of them give me the option for an open ended ending where we leave NC, leave it up to you to decide what happens to V in the end. I know there is already a version of this and it's considered the best possible ending, just leave w a love interest. Which makes not too much sense since supposedly you only have a little time before johnny takes over your body and you go into oblivion somehow that's not too clear to me. Don't force me to have a badly paced tube ending where you only have choices in that tube. For instance in hanako endings you end at the end of that sequence no matter what. In PL endings you DON'T you still can go over to the Hanako options but again looping around it's a tube w hanako meeting.

    By the time you meet hanako usually you're wealthy, and we find out that Songbird has a source of cure from unknowns, there is also a source from NUSA in the right circumstances, with hanako there is really no definitive source of cure aka survive. Survive is all there is really, the rest of it like keeping friends and implants and such is bonus imo. V decided freely to do criminal stuff, she decided freely to be an idiot and slot in an unknown prototype to her brain, it's her fault in the end. And you can't rely on others when it comes to this, if they all bail then they weren't worth bothering about after a cure anyways.

    If you notice V could have escaped with the shard just kept it in her hand or hell put it in your mouth or some other warm place since it was temperature sensitive. Grab a bag or piece of plastic clothing or whatever to not short it but if it does short at least you aren't sticking it in your freaking brain slot. V obviously had to escape since yorinobu being the new arasaka boss and murderer would have had you executed or worse if you were caught. And honestly by the time jackie finally passed on you were close to out of there anyways no need to even slot it in really. Very strange story imo, nonsensical in many ways.
    Hertzian56, Oct 26, 2023
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I actually can't remember WHEN V had to put the relic in her brain slot tbh but it seems to me if Jackie puts it in his first and then makes it all the way to the cab escape then there was no need to even slot it in and certainly logically some unknown thing into your brain slot makes no sense. It's only money it's not worth that risk at all. So what you botch a mission and then have to smuggle yourself out of NC to escape arasaka, hell give them the relic back or make an attempt to sell it to militech yourself, like yorinobu was going to do in the first place.

    I get that this is the story and you had to have a story with this happening but I just think the motive and such could have been much more reasonable and logical not the fantasyland stuff that typical jewmasontranny culture seems to rely on for everything entertainment related and much more. Maybe V has some terminal disease and seeks out this as a way to transfer bodies but a mistake is made and the relic already has silverhands engram on it or this is really an experiment by the controllers on purpose to be found out by V later on. So no one knows how to solve it normally or something and V has to do some of those things to either make the cash for enough to pay some clinic on the moon to save her or pay for a robot body which is structured to take two personalities at the same time idk

    If this is an UNKNOWN result by the relic then how does anyone know that V will somehow disappear and johnny take over? It's not like they have a record of that happening before. Why does the relic act hostile and just unilaterally overwrite an existing personality? Seems to me it would keep them separate and trigger a switch back and forth. This is similar to Multiple Personality Disorder, which is RARE in normal people because a whole different personality doesn't come from nowhere. In fact the jewmasontrannys have this as a PLANNED thing for a long time. If you've ever read any of the black magick books by "solomon" like the clavicle, key or whatever they are called it specifically mentions a form of multiple personalities just as parts of the brain broken into them. This is a deliberate thing, and it's likely necessary for real satanic rituals which the cult practices. To be sane in daily life, or appear so, and then go into a bizarre disgusting ritual environment where the most disgusting vile things are practiced in worship of satan under various names and traditions, all that is too much for anyone to be able to function without splitting it off into a locked away part of the core personality. The jewmasontranny elite and likely much farther down their pyramid, practices this deliberately and therefore this is started probably at birth or likely before it especially with the tech they have had for a long time. It's NORMALIZED so no one knows any different and they use gangster tactics to take over society and lead it, it's not due to real effort but criminal short cuts and gangsterism. I suppose in their effed up "might is right" faf jungle world view it makes sense but none of it makes sense if you have a clue about the spiritual world and God. They don't. Their spiritual world is communion with fallen angels demons which is a gangsters paradise of hell where everyone is trying to get one over on each other and eventually it's a force rules thing, blackmail, bribery, threats etc pretty awful.

    Satanic inversion means they have to learn to invert things, so therefore BDSM makes total sense from a training and survival pov but how terrible. And due to objective reality there are consequences, for instance drugs are a major thing for them, escapism, corner cutting at theirs and others expense, numbing the conscience and certainly worse. You see their faf families, for public consumption but in reality they are just loose associations and really cult training cells. We see the death rituals where to get some prize there is likely sick things that have to happen and it makes no difference if it's public family member or not. They can't do it too much but replacements can be had, most of them have twins or more, breeding farms and the program usually would make this possible as well. And I speculate that they have cloning tech and more. A designated sacrifice for the public and maybe in private a different form of it like JFK, Di etc that's all scripted stuff though, known well in advance so likely just a movie like drama presented as real. But likely the higher a cell or family wants to climb the more public sacrifice you'll see, so the kennedys must be very powerful indeed. Likely there is a lot more private sacrifices to satan by even higher up in the hierarchy cells though but you can't discount fame and such in that world and it's power. To the ignorant public people like the royalty and forms of it like the kennedys they have an aura and people listen to them more, sadly. But the power is gained by sacrifice and public famous versions are likely much more powerful than hidden occult versions unless the private versions are much more disgusting which is pretty much guaranteed.
    Hertzian56, Oct 26, 2023
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Idk I prob wasted too much mental energy on this lol

    So I added a few cars to the game, the mclaren f1, the pagani zonda, the lambo terzo and the mclaren P1 so far. The terzo replaces the caliburn model and it's by far the coolest car. Nice for photo shoots or the racing claire side missions. Although it's the least finished one. The other ones are new cars added to the game no replacers.

    I added a few more add on clothes, tinkered with weather mods still have not figured out how to get always rain without bugs. I'm using the Aurore AI voice replacer for V. And all the other dozens of mods.

    I'm still on v2.0 and don't have plans to update the game ever again. I have 201 and am grabbing 202 now as separate updates but just in case later on, not to install. V2.0 works fine for me and the minor annoyances modders have fixed mostly. Modding is the reason why there's no need to go through the headache of updating mods and bug testing all over again for some minor fixes that usually end up causing more problems like 201 did.

    I'm fine with the game, done with it largely but there's nothing out there that really appeals too much right now. Maybe Alan Wake 2 might be the next game, I still play Super Mario Wonder in emulation now and then. I suppose I could do an MGS3 master collection run. Starfield and RDR2 just don't give me enough interest to put down cp77 right now, no more modding with RDR2 and Starfield is a hassle for me to mod and it didn't really need more than a couple of mods to be fine like LUTs, lockpicking mod etc

    So likely play more of this game but nothing new to it just almost busy work while watching something.
    Hertzian56, Oct 26, 2023
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Coming back to this the pacing is a huge problem w this game. Finished the VDB tube mission and finally got around to the intro tube mission into dogtown and it's just too much. You've got over an hour of ONE mission from start to finish, terrible pacing. You're locked into from just sneaking into dogtown all the way to a hideout in dogtown it's kind of exhausting to play really and it's of course ALL on rails. The only choice you have, and it isn't really a choice, is to just not save the tranny prez weirdo face mask guy with the obviously studied tranny walk and fail the whole DLC main story, thanks cpDur, such idiots.

    WHOTF who paid 30$ on top of a 60$ base game is going to opt out the first time at least? Or even on replays who's going to just skip all that gameplay? What choice is that? I would have rather had the choice to opt out of the awful voodoo boys stuff, aholes should have been able to just either not go back or take them out BEFORE the alt tube mission, makes no sense if you take out the netwatch agent and then the vdb's fry everyone including you. WhyTF would you then crawl back to them and trust them to go to their hideout and be unconscious while netrunning? Makes no sense. But cpDUR once again.

    In the PL opening sequence they could have at least had the hideout somewhere in between or just hole up somewhere, do some exploring then like rambo, have to hoof it to extraction point later w tranny prez THEN face the chimera and such idk just break it up!

    It's pretty short main story dlc just like the base main story, very short really. Less than 20hrs for each if you just do those missions skip everything else. I mean come on give us some pacing there, the construct obviously isn't going that fast if you can do all this side stuff, scanner, even buy cars when you're dying? Hell you are going to do all this romance stuff and all that goes with that when you're dying? The WHOLE game apart from tube endings is when you're dying and supposedly on a timeline but you then do all that? Would have made more sense to not know and not be on a time limited thing at all, maybe one ending johnny just sticks around for good and you share your body indefinitely idk

    The jewmasontranny's that cpDur are, just comes out. Retard level writing and pacing, FOCUS ON LOOKS ABOVE ALL ELSE and lying marketing grab the money, a studio of freaking idiots/criminals. And don't think all the reddit crap and other idiots defending them and masterpiece this masterpiece that, redeemed this and such isn't just genuine idiots, but MANY AI shill bots chatgpt and paid shills doing their thing. Whole studio and company really should be prosecuted and imprisoned but in jewmasontranny mafia world it's otherwise. Criminals.

    I thankfully was able to save somewhere in there and exit out of that awful intro tube sequence. And getting back to the sicko trannies all over this game, you'll notice Somi has the very fake walking gate of a typical model, this is the studied walk of a tranny no doubt. The typical model exaggerated walk is just due to training which these liars do for their whole life, why they're good actors in various roles like pols, actors, etc. Soo gross. The prez has such a mask face which is a huge sign of a tranny. You don't think there are trannies all over the military think again. The leadership are all trannies, just that wing of the satanic cult. Take a look at young pic of the scum Colin Powell, curvy hips this is a trannyman and they all the same, gangstered into the top nothing more. Famous generals are all in the cult, make no mistake about it. patton was a mason as was mcarthur and likely both were more than that you get my meaning. EISENhower was a tribester war criminal scumbag. A mass murderer just below his brethren Stalin, Lenin Trotsky, Bela Kuhn etc

    When you have a real president, married to an obvious man, whom appoints obvious trannies it's just more coming out by this cult. And the trumpsteinbergster is no different, w the fatty woman hips married to a sharp skeleton that's 6' tall, sheesh. And the boys are soft weird looking freakazoid trannies as well, so obvious to the trained investigator. Wrong proportions due to HGH, megaT and who knows what else, malformed retards.
    Hertzian56, Oct 27, 2023
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    trannyprez maskface myersteinberg lol Go get Solomon to help us lol
    Miss,ter Myersteinberg transpreztribester.jpg
    Hertzian56, Oct 28, 2023
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    You'll also notice there is another Saul in the aldecaldos whom another person has a rocky relationship with, namely panam who does look female but who knows, as we know these game studios are all jewmasontranny owned and operated. Easy to see in the garage on the northside that's dedicated to them. In 2.0 it works for me and shows the pics of these weirdos at cpdur, trannies galore, mask faced weridos, soft "men" etc In 1.60 it just showed a looping Mr Stud ronaldo trannyman lookalike advert.

    So anyways Saul was the first Hebrew king who then fell with the advent of David and his son was of course Solomon who fell into satanism in later life, the Lord spared him an ignominius end and allowed him to live out a natural life and death out of respect and such. But most have no idea this crucial detail to Solomon and how the kabbalists took over Solomon's story to then later attribute a few of the major satanic manuals to him, of course this was much later on in around the 1200s or so but of course the hebrews as a people fell into satan worship and so there was that, long before the open kabbalists of the 1200s. The Old Testament Prophets spoke of this pretty extensively and the events of Nebachnezzar or however that's spelled invading and ransacking ancient Israel and then taking the middle-upper classes as hostage of which Daniel was a member. The simple farmers were left to their own devices and Jeremiah was with them urging them not to leave for Egypt but they did. Jeremiah went with them to Egpyt and according to tradition was stoned by them eventually, he supposedly has a tomb in Egypt. The OT prophets were largely killed by their own people, "unclean lips" as Isaiah says, who was killed by the Hebrews for saying too much truth about them. The satanism of those who call themselves Jews today is pretty open if you have ever been around them in various settings and of course the Talmud and Kabbalah are pure satanism. Which is what they cling to and still held atheists like Lenin, Stalin, Marx and similar, it's no different today. The traditions of the elders is a form of this mentioned in the NT but the pharisees, saducees etc were the publicly known forms of it.

    The logic of the Talmud is just pure arrogance and pride. When from what we see, the hebrews were very at home in ancient egypt most of them didn't want to leave, God had to essentially drag them out and made sure everyone over a certain age perished in the desert over 40 years wandering. I can see the pride in having the Lord choose Abraham, who wasn't hebrew btw, who was then the father of Isaac or Israel and who was the first Hebrew father of the 12 Patriarchs. They were of their times, like we all are, so were far from perfect. He also made it pretty clear that His help later to then claim and settle Palestine was because if He didn't He wouldn't be respected by the pagans, it wasn't due to the Hebrews virtues or qualities. I'm not saying it was all random, it wasn't, nothing is in reality, but it's not like they were exceptionally advanced or good for the times they lived in. It was actually God choosing them that made them different and worthy, nothing to do with anything other than that.

    God's reasons are truly mostly mysterious so to claim arrogantly that it was due to only their qualities by the Hebrews is very prideful. And we see this today with the full pagans who call themselves Jews/Hebrews which they rely on through materialistic means aka "blood" ancestry. That doesn't hold up over so many centuries, just doesn't. The conclusion is an ideology and cult more than ancestry. Even the closest ones whom settled after 135 A.D. or so can't really claim that, too much time too many other ancestries there etc BTW the closest would have been surrounding palestine, turkey, egypt, italy-venice, greece, arabia-persia. Who then moved on from those places in part. So the sephardicks of iberia who later moved to amsterdam to then later move to england but there are always a remainder network. I think the ashkeNazis were actually just some line of hebrews that moved farther north into modern Ukraine then moved west into poland, germany and likely met up with their distant ancestors in Amsterdam. These pagans have been purposefully re-enacting the exodus, the scattering of 135 AD, the break with the other Ten Tribes long before that, the many expulsions in Europe and elsewhere, as a tool for a long time. We saw that with the jewmasonic bankster financed and created Nazi movement, the USSR "persecution" nonsense and many other places.

    It's a kabbalistic strategy to spread the miscpucka mafia to points far and wide, largely accomplished now. The Jewish-british empire was one of their levers for such and for spreading the network and the larger goy-collaborator network called Freemasonry. This virus has spread and the Body is pretty sick and dying at this point. But I suppose as in Apocalypse and other places it says this must happen so they shall be known and easily dispensed with, give them whole warehouses full of free rope. Golden rope, does the same job no matter the form. Anyways let me get back to the game next lol
    Hertzian56, Oct 29, 2023
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    There are still so many bugs in this game it's laughable. Granted most are visual bugs and just lazy idiotic choices made by cpdur scammers but still. I've never seen so many in one game before and I'm including huge games like GTA5 and many other gigantic open world games with just as many moving parts and more. The UI is a pain to deal with largely and it's evident that there was probably a core of higher IQ upper level personnel that likely left somewhere in the TW2-3 era and what was left was some decent lower level coders but the management and overall leadership are all retarded jewmasontranny's focused on the themes and message rather than practical gameplay. The convenience of the gamer customer was certainly not a priority here. It's not really any different w jubisoft, M$ bethesda and others but it's just glaring here.

    For the 201-202 patches they focused on a handful of small things to fix and "fixed" inconsequential exploits that many used like some crafting exploit loophole and such, how is that important to fix when there are so many other problems w this game? Thankfully on PC you can mod out a lot of the frustrations cpdur decided deliberately on or just the typical tranny retardism coming into it. I don't bother with farming and other garbage that is like pavlovian dog training or hamster wheel garbage filler. I can negate most of it with mods or trainers etc and just enjoy the fun parts of it and of course they can't be faulted for the amazing graphics.

    As I've said I am still on 2.0, no need for more, the game is complete and done with no new meaningful content. Minor bugs that are mostly cosmetic don't concern me. Usually if you hit a mission breaking bug you just reload one of the dozen or so autosaves and it fixes it, or you go looking on the net to find hacks and workarounds even mods to fix them. Relying on cpdur scammers isn't a viable option, hasn't been for the whole 3 years this game has been out really. Most of the mods I'd be interested are really qol or cosmetic which largely don't rely on a specific version past 2.0. And I made sure I got all the essential QOL mods all downloaded, bug tested and such right at 2.0 -PL release.

    I doubt there are more version locked things I'd be interested in, so many mods changing so many things already. Last mods I got were hair style replacers, songbird and other hair styles, not version dependent at all. I got a mod to negate the horrible EMP-lightning blast on YOU the player if certain perks are installed, pretty awful but typical cpdur stuff. Sensitivity of a rhino or dead body over at cpdurtard land. Even a few add on cars to the game no problems, mclaran P1, F1, pagani zonda, bmw bike, no problems even w the ones made a while back before 2.0. Clothes are version independent, I still have lots of ones I just dragged over from 160, ads replacers also. It's really ones that are very integrated w the frameworks that are the worst at compatibility like Mod Settings, In world navigation and such. I've totally banned those and that modder who does those two and any of his mods from my game, he didn't even update for 2.0 and took a while after 201 and now those who did 202 have to wait on updates for those to not get crashes, pitiful.
    Hertzian56, Oct 29, 2023
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Thought I'd just post some of the mods I use, mostly .archive files which are for the most part version independent still using many from 1.60 today. Cyber engine tweaks mods I have around 15-16 mostly simple stuff but very useful like open sesame which can open some of the doors and such that either bug out or that cpdurtards decided to lock post mission at that location. This could also be useful for one of the largest bugs in 201 which was the hot dog stand police guy in the garage which wasn't opening for many people. I didn't get that bug in 2.0 though. I can also move around future possible sets like the orbital air construction site etc

    I have around 600 archive file mods, mostly clothes, ads replacers but a lot more, only showing the top of load order ones like weather, etc most important ones. CETmods.jpg
    Hertzian56, Oct 30, 2023
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    archive top files.
    Hertzian56, Oct 30, 2023
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just coming to the end of another playthrough, just gigs, side missions and the occasional main mission to then unlock more side missions. I skipped the ncpd scanner stuff unless stumbled upon. I was tempted to opt out of the main stuff from PL but it's more play so why not and most of the dialogue can be rushed through thankfully. Just a few here and there small mods since I already have so many anyways. CET unlocks of stuff you only get by doing missions and gigs certain "approved" ways which get old after a couple times. For instance you can't get kurt hansens bald eagle or heavy machine gun unless you actually fight him, just a cet console command. I think 201 or 202 fixed this, doesn't matter too much since iconics usually only have 1-2 mod slots open usually just scope or muzzle only and that doesn't fit my playstyle of non lethal so need at least 1 non scope/muzzle slot for Pax.

    Btw Pax weapon mod doesn't work all the time as advertised. It says it makes the weapon non lethal, that's what it should mean end of story. But it does not do that all the time, really annoying. I take it as I have the intention of being non lethal and do what I can do be so, the lethality where not absolutely locked in by the story is entirely CPDURtards fault. Even bats and batons which I do put a Pax mod on, don't always do non lethal, even though those should be by default. More half axxed stuff by cpdurtards, throw another one on the mountain sized pile. SMH.

    In the Peralez mission I was given the option to tell them the mayor was killed by a spiked BD which I found in the club, and I thought we'd be given the chance to elaborate how this was likely tied to Peralez run. A detail in the Peralez break in mission is that Night Corp actually paid for their education, thus grooming future politicians. So if the Peralez are being groomed and programmed to be major pols by NC and who really controls them then Rhynes assassination by remote was to further them. Rhyne obviously outlived usefulness to the ptb or pissed off the police enough that their leash holders decided he needed to go, and let them off the leash. With Mr Blue Eyes at the meeting and the call warning it's fairly obvious who is in charge there, but a weird detail is that MBE when you scan him is actually wanted in NC by police, very strange that. Could be "bona fides" to fool people, like w the various conspiracy shills. The warning call is kind of superfluous though, if they know all and it matters little what you say to Jefferson then why bother to even call? Just another example of for the story drama only.

    And it seems pointless to bother with mind control tbh, lots of scoundrels can be found in law schools and all sorts of places that will do whatever they're told for the right money and benefits, no need to go to the trouble of using tech and such. Another layer is that the jewmasontrany cult just sponsors one of it's members on all sides of the faf political "divide", doesn't matter who wins. That's what we have today and for a long time. I think these weirdo satanists are just really trannyhookerwood on a larger stage, they have these fake dramas like movies, tv, games,politics, news etc in order to spread their ideology masked, out into the general population who are not of their cult. How hard is it to do that when you can print money, own all the gold, diamonds, brainwashing press and such?

    Maybe the little guys who are hand to mouth care if a movie etc sells/good ratings well but the bosses and higher ups already wealthy beyond the need to worry, just decide to make dramas etc doesn't matter the profitability or losses to them. That's not the main point or motive at all. They've got all the scientism whores who are willing to use their intellectual capacity to twist and lie and even make up data to support the cults needs. It's a full court press going on. And it's largely successful. Likely the cult has risen to all authoritative positions public and private, gangstered in methods and of course some aptitude and also a healthy level of corruptibility.
    Hertzian56, Nov 2, 2023
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Again the pacing and balance of this game is way off, easy to see with dogtown. DT is way more dense and detailed than other districts besides say little china, city center area which are fairly dense and detailed but in a more geometrical city style way rather than dogtowns chaotic dirt pile way. No wonder DT takes a bit more horsepower to run, packed w npcs and irregular sets. It's also much more vertical then the rest of the map besides kabuki which is pretty small.

    I actually like the dam area but it's nowhere near as detailed and alive as most of the map, kind of wish they would have added more to the main map instead of just DT focused. For instance why do you have junkies attacking you in DT only? Whole city has the "x" marks of drug areas and just drugs all over really, so junkies in dt are just somehow more aggressive? And I've said I hate the air drops in DT, so nonsensical and retarded as is the huge flying ad banner ship over a 2 main street area, so they do airdrops for supplies but this huge ship with no purpose has no problems just hovering over DT area?

    The idiocy by cpdurtards is writ large w PL. I mean if I thought about it more the ridiculousness of PL and really the whole game is just sick. Sick minds worked on this game and I completely regret playing it so much. At least I've not given cpdurtards one dime ever, never will either. The mods are the VAST majority of why I keep playing, the sex all over including the femv I play as, some cool guns, I've liked japanese culture for decades now, the amazing graphics, cool clothes mods, cool car mods, bikes etc. The story isn't that great but it's interesting first couple play throughs.

    PL the first time is interesting just to see what the story is, but after going through it once it's just more cringe really. I really just like the option to say different things, do something differently where I have the option like better stealth play or sometimes rambo mode etc Some of the way too involved gigs of PL with baffling choices you have to make about something you know little about are good for seeing what happens if you say this this time. The saving the douchebag police mission I fully intended on giving them up to the drug boss, but he just laughed off their mess up and let them go, didn't see that happening. I let the corrupt engineer guy be taken away by zetatech, didn't ask to have him spared, eh all you miss is some stash garbage that I likely had better of anyways.

    The balancing is soo off just in the gigs part of PL, in the base game you sometimes have the choice for the target to dissapear and pay you instead of taking them out. There's not really straight hit missions in PL, there is recover this or that but then they throw some twist in there like the engineer guy, hasan I think. I get it they need to make the DLC seem worth half the base games price but it's just terribly balanced. DT is so small there's not really any more exploration to it for me, been there done that. I still like stalking around northside at night for the visuals and eeriness, DT is just too noisy and full of people and airdrops and just too much to want to be there much. It also bogs down fps way more than most of the base map, more crash prone.

    And compare it to the largely empty pacifica which is right next to it, very weird. You're going to take over an area you might as well go the other mile or so and take the beach and ocean front which the ncpd doesn't even patrol. Just makes no sense type of stuff all over the place.

    PL is very short main mission as well, how the hell are you supposed to do all this for people who are shady in the first place, makes no sense. I honestly wish we had the option of just becoming johnny or playing as johnny after a certain point, V made a really stupid decision to put unknown prototype in their brain slot for the chance to get paid even though it was already a botched operation meaning very slim chance of cashing in.

    So pay the cost of either choosing to take out the relic and POSSIBLY die or just live life until johnny takes over. Of course the most logical would be to try to use all your money to find people who could possibly do something for you, if not arasaka or some other corp. According to PL story there are people like this on the moon, if you get the thingy from the device Kurt stole from Militech. I mean really only those wealthy enough to do as they pleased would want to live indefinitely anyways. Think about working an annoying 8-5 daily forever, oof. Everyone else gets old and dies but not you and you have all the memories of them long after they're gone, that would be hell really. Consciousness and implicit humanity itself would make this impossible to bare really. And if everyone lived indefinitely all that would happen is that the number of years would mean less but the same world would be here. For example 10 years is a lot of time, but depending on how long one lives it's either more or less important. If you live 500 years and everyone else does then 10 years would mean very little. You'd still have to eat, sleep, work, etc If the ultra powerful lived indefinitely they would produce no good at all for humanity, they'd likely destroy more than anything. We see them for a few hundred years doing very little good of any kind and for the last 150-200 years doing almost no good at all, they're concerned with control and having slaves more than anything. If any good comes out of thier crimes it's because God has forseen and helped it. It's certainly not intended by them. A base of evil can produce no good by intention. It can mask it's evil as good by deception but it can't really produce any real good intentionally. Lux in Tenebris, which the satanists have appropriated and inverted as they do in all things. This is a paraphrase of a verse in the Gospel of St John or in some other place in the NT whereas he says the light, lux, works in the dark, though the dark knows it not. To satanists they are the light, working in occult ways among the profane mass of humanity who are largely unaware of their works. In another sense it means they mask their evil as good which most people believe. Now I could go into it more but this isn't the place.

    One example are these high profile "charity" events which they go to and enjoy themselves, party it up and such which supposedly are for others benefit. When really it's just to be SEEN as charitable for the cameras and press, thus getting accolades and honors. However if they even donate any money of their own to these orgs it goes towards salaries for organizers, booze, dinner, security, etc etc a whole gravy pork barrel of publicity and such. Not to mention tax writeoffs and such. Whatever falls onto the floor, table scraps, probably goes to some "not for profit" staffed by useless family members of the pols who draw six figure salaries and tax benefits and such who then spend some money on useless promotions and for show things to be matched by public tax dollars and on it goes one big rotten pork barrel of fake charity. This is described in many places in the NT about the rabbis and others who like to sit in the front seats and get accolades and be SEEN as so great but in reality are pockmarked cracked fungus ridden walls who have a fresh coat of white paint slapped onto them from time to time. In todays parlance how a car can get totally wrecked body work but with bondo, sanding and painting look shiny new. But it's still a wrecked car in reality.
    Hertzian56, Nov 2, 2023
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And speaking to ghost town areas, the badlands are largely empty, there are ncpd scanner stuff, cyberpsychos and the panam and gigs stuff but largely empty. I thought rocky ridge could be made alive, no one abandons a settlement that big on the edge of a megacity, makes little sense like pacifica being abandoned by NC. Huge missed opp with dirt bikes and air drops would be a lot more fun in that environment than the few set places in DT where these airdrops happen, stale after a couple. A huge open area where helis could have been used, more caves and all sorts of stuff but nope.

    I have little hope of cpdurtards getting any better going forward. They're using UE5 instead of redengine which is welcome, redengine is a disaster. But most games that use off the shelf engines are indies and are generally "off" in some way, UE5 has terrible stuttery perf issues and it's also way more needy afa HW required. Win win if you're selling bloated gpus, cpus and OS, PSUs etc but everyone else it's gag.

    Thankfully the outlook roadmap I saw cpdr gave out for some legal or stock market report indicates long time before next game. I want to be largely out of video gaming at high cost level and time spent level long before that. It took the 2 witcher games to finally get a great game in TW3, and that was with much better source IP and talent who have largely left. Orion likely to be just more of the same stuff in a crowded space of video gaming by the time it comes out. Similar to GTA6 which I have no interest in, even free. It's going to be an online game mostly, likely the chinese and asians will be the vast majority of those buying cheats to be warlords of cyberspace. GTA is not even close to the best in town anymore like they were up to 5. Huge games like that are just not appealing like say smaller focused indies like Hollow Knight and countless other indies with unique gameplay and intriguing art. A lot less of the political garbage too.
    Hertzian56, Nov 2, 2023
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I was glancing through the steam reviews of the base game and the dlc and it's pretty easy to tell that there are mostly fake reviews even on steam where supposedly everyone able to review bought and played the game. You'll see this more and more when games first release they'll be invaders w one or two line at most "reviews" that just gush with nonsensical praise. I have little doubt that both steam and the dev are in on the scam here, THEY control the policies, they control algos as to "likes" and such and it's all jew-ced up nonsense to SELL SELL SELL.

    And don't think that chatgpt and other AI has not been used for a lot longer then the public stuff they point out to goyim. As I've said Reddit is a joogle opinion molding scam as is disqus nonsense which features the CAPTCHA AI training model for your "security" aka non-negotiable req to comment yourself which they then use to train AI for their noahide tranny satanic matrix. Robots and software will be used to completely control you the goyim animals by these filthy jewmasontranny cultist rats. But they need training to do it automatically, the satanists can't be bothered to even do evil work in future, it must be automated so they can then do evil FUN only.

    All the major sites are owned and run by the ciminal mafia and so expect nothing but scams and such and criminal behavior by them. Steam reviews are quickly just becoming like the awful metacritic ones, you have AI bots, paid for "influencers" and such giving 10s so then usually real people give 0s to supplant these obvious fake one liner "reviews". So there you have the steam choices of recommend or don't recommend, 10 or 0. Of the numbered reviews I wouldn't read anything above a 7 for most things, this is how it is for IMDB, a jewced site that censors and uses their algos to SELL SELL SELL. At least there you can just not rate the movie and leave a real review.

    In terms of this game don't think the scammers at CPDURTARD land aren't responsible for many of these fake reviews and ai/algo manip and not just at steam but all over the place. I mean criminals gonna crime on, right?

    I mean no doubt there are a lot of stupids out there, dumbos tend to abound online but come on, here I'll put links that are filtered by me here and go look at the smh eye roll "reviews" on steam.

    Now read some of the reddit threads which are from right at release and compare it to the game NOW. Has it really improved for cpdurtards to "redeem" themselves? Is it a "masterpiece" like we are being bombarded with all over the internet?

    Here's the joogle search, always a reddit heavy place for obvious reasons, it's a joogle jewmasontranny cult tool for online opinion molding and manip but at least you get some real stuff there. However don't think even some subtle negativity isn't a strategy by the cult, it's actually required per kabbalistic "balance" nonsense.
    Hertzian56, Nov 2, 2023
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Now another aspect is that there are a LOT more of these satanic cultists online and in the world then most people think. Look for body poses, the over use of the "v" tranny hand sign, masonic non verbal things like hands in jackets a la napoleon pose, marx, etc etc and the baphomet pose with the "as above so below" "solve et coagula" dictums encoded. You will see this a LOT in cult member fan made mods and such, you'll see this in promo pics and all over really. Forms of it used the most are pointing up or usually down since that's easier to do surreptitiously. I've seen these and more hand and body signs all over the place in the media matrix, shows of all kinds, etc

    Take a look at the body fetish modders on nexus and the images of their clothes fits and such and you'll see the "v" sign, the as above so below body poses and all the other stuff in almost EVERY image on their mods pages. You see trannyism is a form of transhumanism and the goal here is full technosaviorism to immortality by these cult members. No death, No Judgement, No Hell. In consequence they BRING hell here, as below so above. More and more as time goes by, we're already at an advanced level of hell on earth but most are insensitive to it due to conditioning and of course these satanists love it, it's "progress" to them.

    Your heart and circ system wears out? Ok lets have a "better" dna engineered heart or a heart of metal or hybrid materials transplanted in there, last 300 years or more. Kiroshis can take care of the eyes part. I mean boil it down to lizzy wizzy and just replace it all, somehow it's only your consciousness that is intact and even that can be digitized somehow and transferred.

    In cp77 YOU play as a type of zombie, a techno-necromanced object. The arasaka and militech fronts and their "elders" want this for themselves. Night Corp might be a higher level not sure. Orion Corp abandoned hq next to the pyramid and obelisk with "olympus" and the "gods" at the top in the clouds. To the elite you goyim cattle don't own your bodies or your personality, that's their property to be used as needed and dispensed with when needed.

    This resurrection of yours was due to a piece of tech, you were saved by tech, the technosavior, by accident since the relic already had a "soul" trapped-killed, on it. So the relic reactivated your body and your consciousness, somehow since you were shot in the head I think by DD, 44. How it did that is not explained at all. Nor is it explained why saburo arasaka chose someone who bombed the nc hq of his company to the ground to trap their soul onto a relic tech, why would sabby do that? Very strange.

    Although I've read that johnnys shenanigans were just a diversion setup by militech who were really responsible for the real bomb that took down the hq, no doubt this is tied to the real world fake story of 911 btw. In game we had a gig where it was revealed that arasaka was hiring valentinos to attack themselves but dressed up in militech attire and such so as to make it seem like militech was openly attacking arasaka when it was just arasaka looking to make themselves appear as victims. This is a jewish strategy for centuries btw. So it's actually possible that Arasaka setup the elaborate destruction of their own NC HQ tower destruction to be FAKE victims and have that great tool to use. WHOLE belief systems are based on the victimhood bedrock and it's to their benefit to be victims, so draw the logical consequences there.

    So somehow a buddy or MULTIPLE personality just shows up, you're saved by the tech which has this multiple on it. Sounds like a script for MKultra monarch training which these jewmasontranny cultists have as a standard part of their upbringing in the cult setting. You died by someone you trusted who betrayed you, a handler or trainer or "parent" etc, and were brought back to life by tech and likely the same person whom tortured and killed you so there is setup a stockholm syndrome of safety person-torturer who also has multiple personalities, one of them or more is the torturer-cult trainer. The training and torture gets so bad you actually control your bodies signs of life to show death and only trainer commands do you resurrect. Too long or no command given you actually do die for real.
    Hertzian56, Nov 2, 2023
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