Cyberpunk 2077 V2 DLC Phantom Liberty

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Sep 25, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Oh btw looking at that myersteinberg trannyprez pic notice that NC=143, "love" in asl and who you think set that up? so "I love love", "love is love" word games, no meaning there but what it's painted as in other ways by sickos. It's like saying 7=7 but meaning something else, of course a word means what it says duh but to put some other meaning to it in service of a perverted ideology is demented, no surprise there though.

    When you get into the real meaning planted onto it you find that it's just deception and malice. So yeah what about some sicko who loves children in pervy ways? so that "love" is covered there as all good then, smh. It's similar to "whatever gets the children reading is good" in service of another tranny rowling zombie chosen to be the public face of witchcraft made "cool" by witches themselves, at a profit of course. Those awful books and the even more awful movies are a big indication of the control these satanists have over society. Ok so whatever gets the children reading is good then? Sooo what if we have fascinating stories about sex, drugs, cannibalism, black magic grimoires, torture, and all the other snake fascination stuff for the children? All good right, they're reading!!!
    SMH, SMH.
    Hertzian56, Nov 2, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Stuck in a couple of mods and have added a few more lately. Notably I found a version of Weather Probability Rebalance that removes the global vignette that's default which is nice since they had the More Rain variant which I like for this game. Previously I had ENV Vanilla 2br no vignette in there but it blocked WPR more rain weather so it's nice to find a no vignette WPR more rain so I can get rid of ENV Vanilla and have the weather I want, blade runner 1 type of weather mostly.

    Still have the Vanilla Plus no green tint LUT in there to get rid of the green filter that's forced to always be on in game by cpdur, like vignette. These are likely tricks for consoles to reduce graphics loads on them and hide it with those. No reason to darken the edges of the screen unless you want to hide near to the player view but not too near. Graphics are easier to look better when it's darker for obvious reasons. If it's bright it's easier to see texture details or lack of AA in places aka jaggies.

    Lots of baffling decisions by devs for pc games are really due to console performance and looks capabilities. They hide parts of the screen and other tricks for that reason. Motion blur is to hide screen tear mostly but also gives the impression of speedyness too. DOF is also for console performance reasons, no reason to blur out the background in the game. Lens flare same thing, distortions etc are passed off as artistic things but are really to get better performance on consoles or hide fugly textures etc I turn off as much of that as I can w normal game settings and where not possible try to find mods that do it.

    I grabbed hidden packages again, had it in 1.60 and going through that, also doing Fixers Hidden Gems and doing that. Good way to just have a reason to keep playing if I'm not too much into the ending sequences of both PL and main game. I turned off biosculpted exotics mod, it just got too cheesy to look at upright animals with tails hanging out here and there and the gross bestiality implications of it. Lots of weirdo fetish stuff mods for this game tbh and "furries" is def that. I don't giveAF if it's "canon" as some people keep saying it's gross-er in an already gross game as far as cutting arms off, replacing your eyes, replacing whole organs, bones, etc

    Uh grabbed a few car add ons like porsches, regera, etc but overall this is pretty much a done game and just here and there filler game until I want to load up an early save I have to do a rerun with all the mods being there and done it's largely complete now. From the 1.6x run there's not likely to be more major game mods that would interest me going forward and no one looks to be adding huge mods like the bethesda games get. Bethesda games usually have creator kits released eventually so modders have the tools to create whole new assets and complex missions and such. This game will likely never get that as TW3 never did either. Both use Red Engine. If they were to have a creators kit for tw3 an 8 year old game it could likely be used for cp77 too, I doubt cpdur would want that for the time being.

    Just to reiterate for me this is a 7.5 game vanilla. The PL dlc is just more of it at the same quality, only dogtown is a lot more intricate than a lot of the game and looks better graphically because of the detail upgrade. As I've said it's a dissonance that shouldn't be there, and dogtown takes a lot more horsepower to stay at the same fps then the rest of the 2.0 game areas. And it SHOULD NOT be paid DLC, just more cpdurtard scummyness imo After the disaster of the first release they needed to do some real work and community trust building. Well here we are 3 years later and none of that trust has been earned back in the least, in fact it's the opposite.

    Crappy studio that won't get any of my money, and I'll def avoid their games going forward. Likely UE5 garbage derivatives of their two big games in TW3 and 77 anyways. AI bots on reddit and other "real" review places, paid for by cpdurtards of course, the 2.0 update had little to do with any listening to gamers as the stuff they added is minor at best. They literally added a GTA car stealing nevereneding radiant AI quests, monkey type stuff from these monkey devs. Then added some really obnoxious gang car fighting stuff which ALWAYS seems to get in my way when traveling at high speed to get somewhere, especially on a bike so I can be thrown off it. cpDURTARDs at it again. Then monkey studio does some MINOR police fix THEN just so you know it they have police spawn every 3 person almost, GREAT JOB MONKEYS!!!

    THEN they nuke the very deep and complex perks and abilities which had possibly hundreds of combinations for truly unique builds to a linear levels tied to only a few major main base trunks, thus taking out uniqueness a lot more. The relic tree is not that interesting and has what maybe 10 or less gimmicky garbage to it, heavily focused on mantis blades. Never use them really. The guns are just tiers now and they nuked iconics to tier 1 with no mod slots, at least mine from 1.60 were. They then took away a few mods and added a bunch of annoying ones that all seem to be tied to either magazine size or reload speed or both, since I use a trainer I don't giveAF about any of that. They also gimped Ashura and removed silencers from power revolvers, which I used a lot for stealth combat one shotting, THANKS MONKEYS. Mods have largely restored all that for me though, but still who asked for that? Most if not all weapons mods not concerned with reload, magazine size etc are focused on lethality which I try not to do being stealth focused, pax is probably my most used mod by far. The rest are just shyster if/when then x% of this for x seconds, etc etc boring stuff.

    I don't care so much about clothes mods being gone, but still having tiers for the clothes makes no sense then, weird. And with things now legendary or "tier 5" just feels way too common now, in pre 2.0 you really felt like you got something special if you found a legendary item, not so much anymore.
    Hertzian56, Nov 17, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The airdrops in PL are obnoxious filler that of course they spam EVERY time you enter DT, like the in your face so you don't miss the "good" work they did with police etc This shyster tranny studio who happens to be based in Poland is retarded minds. Don't you think a large empty area like OH SAY the badlands and the area around the desert airport would have been A LOT more fun with air drops? THEN combine the drops with deliveries to maybe the aldecaldo base or dakota or other points, even in the city clients. Similar to the GTA maummar car missions just have it be more complex, don't just steal the car, steal car, pickup air dropped contraband, deliver to drop points all over. Stick in a dune buggy proper and also a dirt bike proper, would have been much better new cars then most of what we got, largely derivative fugly stuff like the cheesy 1970s looking "supercar" and the definitely 1970s looking charon.

    I've got a lambo terzo mod car that looks more futuristic than any car in this game, made by one guy LOL And the only electric car(ie mostly silent) in this freaking "future" game is a present day Regera add on car I got free, also made by one guy. I've got a BMW bike that looks as good or better than any of the bikes in the game, a mod made by one guy also. SMH....

    A proper MX dirt bike would have been great for the badlands and more and a proper classic dune buggy would have been also great, now all we can hope for is that some modder takes it up. If you are a nomad living on the outskirts a 4 wheel atv, a dirt bike and a dune buggy make a lot more sense, but these shyster devs have no clue, head up their own assets lol
    Hertzian56, Nov 17, 2023
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Getting back to my rating vanilla base game is a 7.5 right now. The dlc doesn't do anything to budge that as it's just more of the same in a smaller area which is oddly the most detailed area we get in the whole region this game takes place in, makes little sense and of course the story of dogtown makes even less sense. You have NPCs talking about being born and raised in dogtown, how could that be if it's only 7 or so years old? All we see in that whole area is an unfinished construction site so no you can't say it was all there before, it clearly wasn't. SLOPPY overall continuity and the PL campaign is just a rehash of the base game, a new virtual sidekick in Songbird with a new half sidekick in Reed. We got the sidekick in Jackie in Act 1.

    Both feature someone dying from some digital malady and trying to be saved, both being basically tools of others who largely caused their own major problem through choosing to do stupid things. V with the greed based idiocy of putting experimental tech in her brain slot and Songbird choosing to join the FIA as a teenager even though it would take her from her weirdly loved brooklyn she whines about later on. I can't imagine SB was forced to "commune" with the black wall AI without her cooperating willingly either. So to me PL is just a micro version of the larger map version or macro. This fits with the hermeticism laced through the whole story and game, as above so below hexagrams. The pyramid, obelisk and such also frames it graphically. But it doesn't add to the games overall score.

    So 7.5 as is now with the dlc and for me add in one point for mods, which owe nothing to cpdr other than they supplied the base game. So it's an 8.5.

    Top tier game no doubt but huge gaping holes all over and the scuzzy deceptiveness of this studio are a big stain on it. Not to mention it DOES NOT break any new ground or innovate in any way. The only big thing is the average over the whole game graphics are definitely a step above with RT, RR, etc and it does scale well imo from mid tier to god tier rigs. Lower tiers it is nothing special graphically. Iffy stability with typical cpdr crashes and such to this day. But it's a lot better than Alan Wake 2, Robocop and other new games, to be expected after 3 years of patches though.

    It's likely the last major game that won't require a 3 level nvidia card at 70 or better level to run well since consoles are now 2070 level gpu. The newest games run ok on lower but they are more and more needing SSD, nvme, lots of vram, and run better at 2k res then 1080p, so they don't scale well. The top looking games are needing rigs that cost thousands now and so will be a niche market more and more so they are raising prices to compensate for that fact. Less sales but higher priced is about the same and more profit really since luxury stuff is always laced with profit.

    I don't see a 500$+ console where you are locked into one ecosystem as any better then a low-midrange gaming laptop for a couple hundred more. And if you sail the high seas there's even less reason for a console. Consoles don't include a screen, usable for other things OS, and the other things a laptop does either, well worth the 200$ more.
    Hertzian56, Nov 17, 2023
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And just as a comparison for me Alan Wake 2 is a 6.5, maaaybe a 7. It's an indulgent gas bag overdone interactive movie-game. Nothing wrong there but it's not like AW1 much at all, changing the game with the same moniker that much is kinda bait and switch imo And it's only about the same length of AW1 just more movies and cutscenes aka less actual hands on gameplay, exploration, environmental tension and such. We got a lot more locations and such in AW1, even driving cars at one point, if you wanted to read all the manuscript pages you could it wasn't forced as a game mechanic etc. AW was the one you played as the whole game etc I am replaying original AW not remastered and it looks fine, 9gb with both dlcs. AW2 base game is 80gb install. 4k movies and maybe higher quality audio is probably a lot of that. The world is not bigger in AW2. $60 for about 20-25hrs, mostly watching cutscenes, movies, mouse click and drag play.

    Robocop RC is a 6. Fan service power trip game with filler rpg stuff and admittedly a decent robocop universe story to it. It's also about 20 hrs for 50$. 40gb install. UE5 typical bugs, stutters and such but overall it's fine. Looks amazing sometimes some places looks 2013 or less graphically ie interiors, cars etc I think a light touch would have been better rather than padding filler rpg lite cringey stuff. So more arcade shooter same levels with a narrated cutscenes in between and narrated while playing. This is similar to COJ Gunslinger. The average length might have been shorter but they could have also asked the appropriate price for it. As it is it's only a 30-35$ game. So even less gameplay but more focused and explosive with easy replayability and a scoring system, better upgrade system, even online competition it would have been easy to actually charge the same price it SHOULD be of 30-35$.
    Hertzian56, Nov 17, 2023
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Saw the ultimate edition 2.1 and so that's the end of this game not being actively developed any more. They added recurring auto racing which is nice, some more options with your romanced partners, some qol stuff like setting guns to favorite, etc I had mods for most of it for a long time so only thing there is the recurring auto races which is nice with my add on mod cars but the rest isn't too impressive. Added 5 new bikes as well which is nice. I'm kinda done w this game though, all modded out and played out still fun here and there to drop into for the graphics and such but other than that.
    Hertzian56, Dec 6, 2023
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So yeah I really wish the recurring races were just an add on pack through a patch or optional dlc for that only. I can go get the patch separately I guess but it's 18gb on top of the 201 202 patches which I have as well. Doesn't seem worth the hassle though just for recurring races.

    I have no interest in the metro, people whine about stuff like that because it was featured in the initial screenshots and such but never made it into the game and 3 years later they do it half assed frankly. I had the metro mod for a while which had a place you warped to to get into the train and you could look out from inside or you could have a cinematic camera which was better. I uninstalled it though because it added nothing for me after a few rides, it's nice to see it going in game from afar but I prefer just the warping of the fast travel points. If I want to enjoy the world I do it in a vehicle or walking frankly.

    The romance stuff is minimal for me, there's enough in there I don't need to go on dates or whatever it is. I do get the more immersion and such though. One of the biggest problems with cp77 is all this great looking world but not much side stuff to do in it. Give me a pool table to play option, give me cards to play, bowling is going to be around long after 2077, I mean just look at Yakuza games to see and GTA games as well, RDR2 I got into the fishing, cards and such and added a lot to it for me.

    Give us recurring boxing tourneys or just the back alley style. And remember there could have been stories connected with this stuff like meeting people at card games, boxing, etc. The racing is a good thing but afaik does NOT include bikes which many of us use almost exclusively because we can actually see our character in game while riding.

    From the steam discussions it seems like they did more "balancing" work which is a huge waste, and makes the game LESS fun to play. I'm not sure but the enemy scaling might be linear or not, if you're goal is to make it more or consistently challenging throughout the game then it needs to be NON-linear scaling. Enemies shouldn't just automatically get a free ride with you as you do the grinding and upgrade your character, that's not realistic at all. IRL you train and such and get experience you're going to fight against higher tier opponents, the lower tier ones are not going to just scale up with you.

    And it looks like they played with cyberware as well, nuking some, changing here and there. I mean come on 3 years later to do this stuff is ridiculous. Even 2.0 changes are ridiculous imo. The base of 1.63 should have just been added to not reworked, so that means MORE bug fixing, more optimization, adding on racing, etc There was no need for the rework 3 years later. And as I've said the contrast of Dogtown VS the rest of the world makes little sense. It's graphically better than the rest of the world but it features a big junk pile full of junkies wandering around and killers as well as bizarrely some "elite" types near the pyramid mostly. Whole thing makes little sense.

    My hw usage near the pyramid in pl spikes, cpdurtards just have no sense of balance ironically or nuance. The new bikes I saw look like slight variations on the base ones in the game for 3 years. Yet we have modders doing amazingly detailed add on cars, so a huge studio doesn't have the time to have one dev lift some models online of bikes and modify them enough to put them on the same tires and tweaked handling/speed specs then just slightly different versions of what's been in there for 3 years? Cpdurtards have very strange priorities. This is a studio that is an avalanche sliding into the abyss imo UE5 stutterfest and such is only going to accelerate it.
    Hertzian56, Dec 6, 2023
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Soo yeah reading through the steam discussions indicates there are a lot of problems with 2.1, no surprise really that's cpdurtards MO. Here's what I gathered from them.
    1.controls are broken, camera drift etc. Solution is to go set to default from my understanding.

    2. DLSS is OFF you need to turn it back on. But in general it looks like worse performance overall.

    3. Terrible balance with the new gang attacks. I couldn't help but think if FC2 and it's terrible balance in that way too.
    So now you get attacked all the time while in car by gangs, thus breaking any sense of just normalcy or cruising in game. NO THANKS.

    4. Metro is just some generic bs that is largely not needed but added gbs to the game and prob doesn't help performance either. TBH I had the mod version last year and wasn't too impressed, what kids like people think that would be all that much of an add? In gta4 from 2008 they had that, never used it. Who are these retards who wanted that and thought it was going to be some free for all in the actual train car? Retards. The only thing they do have right is I think some of the FAF BS pre release videos featured this I think so there's that.

    5. New bikes looks like just slight variations on what was there already, good job cpdurtards!! Similar to the lina Malina "new" bike was just a recolored version of the hog Arch version. I have a BMW bike that is new by a single modder, JUST ONE OR TWO UNIQUE new bikes would have done it but nope tribester cpdurtards doing their thing.

    6. No info on racing yet, hopefully not too hard for cpdurtards to just put in there.

    7. Romance stuff is just fluff, same lines just different place like your apartment instead of theirs, WOW, you know cpdurtard tranny sickos are EXPERTS at the LOW LOW bar Rumba aren't they? LOL just more marketing fluff and wrong priorities there.

    8. From the 2.1 notes the rest is just stuff I've had mods for since last year. Just stolen by cpdr.
    Hertzian56, Dec 7, 2023
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So nah just staying with 2.0. Racing would be nice though, only reason I'd ever bother updating. I have both 201 and 202 patches. The 2.1 patch is 18gb, uh nah may as well wait til the eventual 2.2 which was likely planned that way tbh. V=22, bearded V,enus trannyism all over this game. Satanic Hermetic-Kabbalism of these devs and the rest really. 2.01, 2.02, 21, 22.....2.1,2.2....21,22. Before it was 1.60 then minor stuff 1.61, and finally 1.63 or 3 sixes, 63, 36 just reversed. 11-22-63. 36, 63. ONE six, 2 six, THREE 6's. 11, 22, 33.

    Remedy also is heavily occult and I doubt that egomaniac trannyman Sam Lake wrote all that stuff, likely the cult has some teams of people working on this stuff some faf catchy name slapped on it for the goyim public. They're all heavily occult, it's a satanic cult worldwide and they own and control all these big megacorps and a lot more. Just playing AW2 the 665 is thrown right in your face, these are satanists in this company, tranny sickos.

    In Control you have the upward pyramid and downward pyramid, the hexagram, the 5 point control points aka a pentacle circle of control, magic is all satanic, the bs subterfuge of "white" magic is like the same scam of the "english" "good" masonry vs the grand orient "bad" masonry. It's all bad. One just plays the joker chaos agent part to the others "order" part, to these hermeticists there is no absolutes, just degrees of the same 'essence" or whatever word is in fashion at the time. To them the extremes are the same thing. This is another lying scam of the fallen angels they worship.

    =There IS NO independent existence to the dark, the dark is only the absence of the Light.=

    Their principle of order out of chaos makes no sense either in reality. JUST THE FACT that THEY induce chaos to get THEIR order means there was never any chaos to begin with. Chaos denotes randomness, mindless matter moving around at random. THIS ISN'T the case if you PLAN to have chaos to get YOUR totalitarian ORDER. How dumb are these occultists? I would say the lower levels are dumbtards being led over a cliff, the top levels know exactly what's going on and want to be Princes in Hell. The real sad part is that in turn the elite of satan in human form are themselves deluded by the fallen angels they worship. Hell will be awful in ways they can't comprehend. And they know not how God supports them and gives them things despite their hatred of Him. Once in Hell, God will withdraw from them completely and only THEN will they know first hand the unfathomable pain they shall have for eternity.

    And getting back to the chaos idea, this has never and will never happen. It's an abstraction with no relation to reality which satan himself invented and passed on to his followers in human form. TRUE chaos denotes mindless randomness of matter. There is no mindlessness in the world, there is no randomness. Just the idea of randomness means it's not random. This concept of chaos is similar to the mathematics which has NO RELATION to observable phenomena. OK calculating an actual volume via calculus IS real math, going past that to things like PDE's is just where you get fantasy stuff. The tricks needed mean it's a philosophical system at that point. Geometry is a real math, everything below that IS REAL and useful. Above Partial Diff Eqns is just tilting at windmills fakery and ideology. So things based off of it ARE FANTASY ONLY. Black holes, "curvature of space" relativity, astrophysics, etc are FAKE.

    You'll notice that Rockstar, justar the pentagram that's red, has had the three same locations in top line series. 1. JYC 2. Cali 3. So Florida. Why is that? All big Jew bases with 1 being 1. And they needed just 3, a pyramid or triangle. Chicago is easily one of their major bases of operations as well. NOLA is also with their old slave trade, the monsanto crypto jews were based there. But the top levels of jewmasontrannyism are there despite the stories about charleston or atlanta these are satellites, maybe meccas but the top leadership does not reside there. You did have San Fran and Las Vegas in San Andreas but those are just satellites of the Socal center point. Although San Fran is a major center too it's not where the idea of cali came from, the cali IDEA was perfect weather, warm beaches, trannyhookerwood, oranges, surfing etc You don't have those in San Francisco.

    Take Two,TT, T=20, 2020, 22 and it's subsidiary RockStar RS 1819, are just more of the same. And seeing the GTA6 teaser video confirms the nasty ness of it. GTA4 was a gritty crime drama, the most mature story there has been in the gta story. San Andreas was also really good story as well with CJ and the gang but not as dark and gritty as an immigrant in JYC who's desperate and such. GTA6 looks like the full social media, trannyhookerwood playground with nothing holding it back. It's going to do well no doubt but I'll pass for sure, the gross just is off the charts there.
    Hertzian56, Dec 7, 2023
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So I was watching one of the "new" races today on yt and it's just the same route as the clairence races, and from what I saw it was just the four clairence races. WOW so amazing, so just a replay of the clairence races without clairence, which is an improvement for sure. Clairence is your typical tranny manipulator and two face, pretty much the whole of cpdurtards are tranny liars so no big surprise.

    If you're going to half ass it like pretty much all cpdur has done with this game from release, at least let us choose one of our romance partners or friends to be the shooter passengers, would that really take that much effort? Swap clairences animations for another body, appropriate to this game btw, and you're good. Maybe a couple of extra lines you can have AI do anyways, pay the voice actors some small fee and you're done.

    My idea for the races was using the AI of the literal GTA garbage they put in there for 2.0 to make new races that are procedural. If NMS, SF etc can do whole worlds using procedural gen for worlds etc how hard is it to restrict or reduce traffic and pick 5-8 NEW routes or if the AI can handle it rando routes and have 5 other cars show up? A badlands route out in the boonies, something in north district, of course a couple of the city and suburbs routes, hell open up the full CHOOH2 fields for just a race track or over by the nuke plants area little used. Japantown only race would rock, etc

    Since cpdurtards are too lazy then give us creation tools JUST FOR RACING where modders can make their own and share them via a small file dragndrop. Alas though, they could have done that with character creation presets and hair but we never got that, we DID get mods to do that though. AFAIK there's no racetrack mods for this game. Bikes only, single model races, etc My Far Cry 3 replay has all those races and obstacle courses just timed, so not even other competitors on screen just time trial mode, NOPE TOO HARD for the cpDURTARDs. Oof glad I've never given them a dime for anything. I'll def be handing out donations to modders though at some point.

    This game with just some basic knowledge of fun lived in worlds could have been that much better than just pretty graphics, sex all over mostly in pornographic form, etc Tone down the graphics to focus on better writing and deeper lived in fun systems that fit the genre. Adding in GTA elements like car stealing and gang attacks are not good consistent game design for this genre of game, cyberpunk. Neither is "come over" romantic stuff either, you'd be better having more prost in there and hookups with major npcs, even minor ones like Theo or Sandra and for the other side as well if you're that way or side. Even just changing up the available joytoys every once in a while to a set 5 each for each nominal genders shown. The details are so missed in this game in some ways.

    Come up with some new type of things like a cyber edition of the basic pool game, SHOOTING COMPETITIONS, BOXING, RACING. The retro arcades are fun but why not a tron type of game that's more futuristic? EXPAND a whole SUPPLY DROPS/LOOT to the mostly empty badlands and other desert areas, make some cool futuristic dune buggys and dirt bikes have procedural of that instead of the GTA stuff. Even a version of Gwent that's cyberpunk themed. No cards in this game of any kind, even just poker or blackjack, roulette like in the Orion building mission, open up the underground one that is in one side mission that okaka gives you.

    I'm no modder either, I've take one simple mod and modded it for my needs aka I added the misfit, police bike and the other alternate yaibas to my garage via an r6/cet thing but that's it. The largest most profitable mods are long done. CET and the other frameworks have likely made those modders at least in the thousands of dollars over the years.

    300k unique downloads, 1% donates so that's 3000 people who are going to give at least 1$ if not an average of 5$ so that's 15,000$ over 3 years for CET and the other frameworks, not bad and it keeps going up over time as updates and new players who mod come out. Nexus says it takes nothing from the modder in the optional donate screen that sometimes comes up, so there you go. Once the basic stuff is done the rest is just updates which are minor really.
    Hertzian56, Dec 9, 2023
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I also saw a video on the new bikes and they are just reskins of what was there. The new yaiba looks like a modded version I've had since 1.60. The only really new cars they gave, which include NO BIKES, are from the phantom liberty stuff which aren't that great tbh.

    The sports car one that looks like it's from the real 1970s is pretty pitiful. Even the offroad stuff is terribly balanced literally too high centered for real offroad use. That's way dune buggys sit low and are wide. I do like the offroad spectre car but I had a mod that added the aldecaldos or wraiths versions to my garage since 1.60 also. The offroad mustang variant has always been a cool car, there are like half a dozen of them in the game though just different trims.

    Contrast that with the amazing add on cars by modders. The countach is amazing as are the regera, mclarens, pagani, lambos and there is one bmw bike. These are single modders doing this not huge studio staffs. Soooo yeah cpdurtards at it again. And I don't plan on a 2.1 update at this point. The "new" stuff isn't new and the other bugs they've introduced and such are not worth it to my 2.0 fully modded version. If I want more racing of those 4 races I'll load up one of my older saves of the 3 lifepaths I have which I've played in 2.0 at earlier points, do the clairence missions with new cars. I am grabbing the repack of 2.1 and just store it for now.
    Hertzian56, Dec 9, 2023
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I've been experimenting with both the Nova Lut and the GITS 3 lut and env as they do give the game a more realistic look.

    The GITS 3 lut is very desaturated and in my char inventory screen the skin looks ghoulish frankly but I like the overall world look. It also keeps the volumetric clouds and mist which is more atmospheric imo I then coupled it with the Nova ENV for Path Tracing as it says it's darker which I like for this game. The problem was that that ENV takes out all volumetrics or tones them way down especially during rain AND it blows out the bloom a lot. The club next to the corpo apartment is a good case in point, the blue stage lights are so bloomy you can't hardly see the stage and walking into the apartment lower floor the lights are bloomed out it's terrible.

    So just GITS3 is nice but a little too desaturated, and this is the FUJI variant btw which is supposed to be warmer. So then I switched to Nova LUT pure WIP 2.2 and used the GITS legacy ENV which gives a more colorful vibrant world with higher contrast as well as nowhere near the bloom. BUT it also takes out the volumetric mist during rain also. I guess both ENVs take out the game fog, mist etc lower to the ground. I've been stuck in a rain loop for a while.

    I also notice a lot more fan usage as the cpu can spike to the 90s and I'm not sure if it's the rain or the ENV file since the LUT should have no perf impact at all. And I don't use the full 194mb versions that's crazy, I use the basic ones that are kbs. The Nova lut and ENV also introduce a lot more green all over, not the green filter of the base game but just green lighting which is fine since it's not a fullscreen filter like the base game which then blows out the darks. This doesn't do that so it's fine. The other colors are there as well. I just think streetlights aren't going to be the red color but the dark yellow we all know from your typical street night lamp. That's in the north district which is then one big red light district, pretty strange decision you ask me.

    Once you pass about the hospital the night lamps go mostly blue-greenish. It would be better to have a consistent color to them all over since no city is going to light whole districts different bulb colors.

    So idk not sure I like the perf hit I get there and not even sure where it's coming from. I'm still locked 45fps and mostly med-low settings with dlss perf at 1080p so why it's doing this is anyones guess. I'm guessing the env must be the culprit so may remove it and just use the Nova Lut. I'm using the legacy GITS env since it says it focuses on cloudy rainy weather which I prefer, more atmospheric. Might also be a conflict since I have WPR more rain v26 in there too but lower down so it should be overrode. Also Alt Weather Visuals and NCLM ENV params only, all lower in the load order so they might not play nice.

    I'm mostly done w this game though, only clothes and cars bring me back but I just don't want to load an earlier save up tbh need a break from the game. Replayiny Dying Light 1 campaign on nightmare mode and it rocks love the game and it's almost 9 full years old. The realistic art style and more panic disaster feel keeps it vital, whereas DL2 is more like a cartoony look and so many people around it's just not as vital. Not to mention the generic feel to the larger world, whereas 1 feels handcrafted but a much smaller world. Cranes story is tighter also then Aidens who is not human but a hybrid being. They shouldn't have used the same voice actor for aiden they used for Crane either, it's a different time setting different place different main character so wtf?
    Hertzian56, Jan 17, 2024
  13. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Yeah so after trying various combos of gits3 fuji, gits env basic, nova pure lut, nova 1.4 regular lut, nova env etc I think I'm just going to stay at what I've got which is Nova regular 1.4a LUT and the nclm env parameters. GITS 3 Fuji is too desaturated for my taste but does have a nice flat feel to the lighting, a more clear light that kind of fits the ghoulish nature of this game about a transhumanist hellscape dystopia world.

    Eh I must have just spent a few hours starting and stopping and doing luts envs etc changing some clothes slots and such. There's little actual play left of this game for me, burned out. Just the visuals and photomode screenshots and such keep me playing. It's one of the best looking games today still that will be one of the most modded out there will be now that it's stable.

    Only the bethesda games with years head start can top it, maybe GTAs also but once games start getting into the cloud, drm tied to it and such modding will be suppressed by most big companies, there's no money in it for them so they must destroy it. Like Used games and other used digital items. If they have no real presence to them they're worth nothing, the used argument clearly proves this. DIgital content is inherently worthless, especially with limited demand and unlimited supply the value goes to nothing.

    The inherent value was a Catholic belief during the middle ages, we actually live in the darkest ages of man since the 300 years of persecution by the Roman Empire and also all previous pagan times. The modern jewmasontranny cult and their mafia world of subversion and deception is the final persecutors. Their tools have been the jewish british empire, masonry, banksterism, the ussr, usa, eu, napoleon, hitler, etc Anyways inherent value is that the item has internal value apart from any dog eat dog market and a fair value, NOT the "bargain" protection of the modern jewish masonic system of exploitation and deception.

    So by this inherent value we see that the devs and others salaries must be paid to support themselves so yes games should be paid for up to this and a small profit, BUT NOT into perpetuity at some vastly bloated price once the cost and a reasonable profit is made say 5-10%. Price needs to drop over time drastically just like anything else of some value that's not rare. Markets like steam are just in on the syndicate cartel price fixing and such, no different than all the other scams that are legal today in the shyster mischpucka mafia world.

    Saying one thing "market market" blah blah competition blah blah but then the monopolies come in and cooperate to fix prices and raise them all together, a FAKE competition. We saw this in early 2022 with the food price hikes, jewmart discontinuiing the cheapest items, not carrying them, doubling tripling of food like 1$ canned chili is now 1.89. All sorts of criminal behavior over eggs which were 7-8$ a dozen, there was mask gouging by wallyworld during covid since you couldn't even enter the store without one, all sorts of criminality that was never bothered with by the whore pols who work for these mafia syndicate cartels. There was a gold rush to make masks since they were legally required and this is easily criminal behavior and was a gov racket like insurance is and other things. Criminals in all positions of gov means the criminal buddies they have are tolerated and encouraged.
    Hertzian56, Jan 18, 2024
  14. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I was thinking about the main story a bit more and an alternate but better story would have been V as a sidekick of Jackies. If you think about it the relic brought V back to life, an subtle reference to the occult ritual of osiris dying and being reborn as a new initiate into the mysteries btw. So had V not been a total idiot and slotted an unknown item into their brain slot, they could have left it in jackie who was still alive and had the relic in him then removed it when delamain took him away or even briefly had taken his body to a place where you could get a case to keep the relic at body temp then had delamain take his corpse wherever.

    If like you, you had left it in jackie he would have come back to life via the relic at some point and then you would have to help him w his problem of johnny taking over his body. Would have been about helping Jackie as a friend, a much better story that highlights human values more than the largely tripe that follows in the actual games story. I get that Johnny is your sidekick and you're largely on your own until you make contacts and even mostly really. So there would be no place for the hollywood johnny there. I still think it would have been a better game story wise then what we got.

    The time limited thing that you largely ignore to do all sorts of other things would have not been there too making a much more believable character story. Johnny could have been done in a different way possibly, maybe the bond between V and Jackie would have allowed that at some point, like the tech that Judy develops in the story where she DOES hear Johnny at some point, could have been extended to visuals with maybe a device judy cooks up also making her more part of the story. Then you could have helped Judy out in a more organic way then just a relationship based off of doing her side story missions which reeks of her liking you as a romantic partner based on what you can do for her. Typical tranny dev mentality though and similar to your typical aspiring actor or singer etc elsewhere, shallow and trans-action based.
    Hertzian56, Jan 27, 2024
  15. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Sure we all want to do things for others we like and want to get closer to in the romantic sphere so at least judy could have reciprocated at the pyramid song mission or even before that, but it was based on how close you were to her and this doesn't happen with river or panam because of the lack of tech that judy specialized in. Idk it's just better human mechanics overall with jackie as the sidekick and close friend if not a romance partner and romance partners being more part of the overall story in the case of judy who I think goes both ways. In a game like this I can't see why they didn't either have a fixed gender or a characteristic hermetic-kabbalist pansexual option like in their subversive polyamory movement to push this more.
    Hertzian56, Jan 27, 2024
  16. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    According to those who are into the lore or canon of the cyberpunk game and such this took inspiration from there are even human-animal hybrids in this world so the idea of bestiality is not foreign here so what was the issue with no polyamory of all partners knowing about the open ness of it? I'm not saying make this mandatory to the story because judy's mind melding tech to then have someone else see and hear johnny could have not been based on romance but yeah this game does give you the choice of being a romantic and sexual butterfly or not. Judys tech for others to see johnny could have been available for others in a rough way so therefore with Jackie as a buddy you help could have be structured to be a way for Johnny to be interactive with you as well as Jackie but you are not the one dying from it, you're actively helping your friend Jackie with this. A real world and virtual buddy game would have been more complete but more complicated from a writing standpoint.
    Hertzian56, Jan 27, 2024
  17. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Jackie is one of the most loved characters by the gamer community so this would have been a layer that added even more to the story of the game. Cpdr limited themselves in the story aspects to focus on pretty graphics more than anything and it's a shame really. I don't think the UE5 sequel years away is going to be much better really. UE5 is just to cut costs and staffing issues for a more universal labor pool and generic ness to it. It does look good in places and has the fancy options available but it's a generic engine that is all too easy to use generic models for environments and such that is not as nearly modding friendly. So you get a more generic and gated experience which the corp owner shysters love. The level of customization is likely not going to be done in that engine to make unique assets and such either, again profitability comes into play in a largely artistic space and then banalizes it making it a product and social tool more than anything. Like those repro paintings at jewmart, good ambiance but not really anything but that.
    Hertzian56, Jan 27, 2024
  18. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    They released 2.11 patch lately and looks like par for the course, since this dev likes to change major things in a 3 year old game you can expect lots of new bugs and such. I'll never get why they didn't just stick with 1.63 and add in PL dlc and ALL the new stuff along with it for a proper 2.0. So 2.0 major changes to the base game and add in PL DLC as an option. THEN 2.1 add in useless metro fluff, hangout fluff, SAME 4 race courses just outside clairence missions, and likely more. Many people complained about the excessive gang attacks which seems to have been toned down in 2.11 and FSR3 has been awaited for months now.

    A simple mod unlocking any card from the ngreedia rtx 4xxx check unlocks FG and then replaces it with FSR3, so then you can have both DLSS2 better upscale and working FrameGen at the same time. WHAT'S SO HARD THERE FOR DEVS? You can freaking update it as needed like the WHOLE game for 3 years LOL I went from around 60 up to 90s and sometimes 120fps on my lowly mobile 2060 with Nukems mod. I couldn't handle the cpu usage and fan noise so it wasn't worth it to ME but MANY w more powerful systems and such would benefit.

    They added some pitiful paint change options for only one brand of vanilla vehicles, sheesh there's been mods to change colors of most cars for years now. There's even a few dozen totally new add on cars and bikes in the mods, so this isn't too impressive frankly. I don't know about the other things and the invevitable new bugs but the steam discussions say the sonic shock wasn't fixed and likely other things. Game won't be finished patching for a year at least.

    Meanwhile I'm still on 2.0 all modded out stable works fine, no gang attacks, no useless metro, no useless romantic hangouts etc. I did grab a repack of 2.1, the trannygirl one as it's the smallest for storage. Today igg had a 2.1 to 2.11 small 3.5gb patch don't know if it works w the FG version but may as well grab it.

    I'm actually done w this game there's almost no impetus to play it anymore so I moved it onto an external ssd drive and played it a bit made sure it all worked fine and it did. I reinstalled GTAV 1.52 where 77 was and it's finally working fine. A much better game as far as gameplay and alive open world than 77. Even the vanilla graphics look amazing to me and I was just doing 77 LUT and ENV modding. The character models are not as good but that's a smart choice on RS part, so therefore you can have a lot more of them and not kill your CPU, same thing for RDR2. Rando NPCs walking around aren't that interesting and done badly in 77. They could have scaled down those and car resolutions so we don't get empty megacities. But cpdurtards going to tard on.

    As I've said this game is a 7.5 max vanilla overall. It has nice style and good graphics but the rest is rushed and not too well done. It's a much thinner IP than the Witcher one that is a whole series of books they bought the ip for in the game etc space and you can tell. Cyberpunk genre is a melange of movies , board games, comics and such there is no central clearing house for it. The edgerunners stuff is the closest and I thought the anime was too childish, the praise it gets is from children in their 20s and 30s who have bad herd mentality and lets not forget the age of AI chatgpt we have where the internet is mostly a mind control thing so lots of "real" comments are just bots using psychological methods to bowl over real criticism of this game and so much more media. Crappy scammer times we live in, the jewmasontranny cultists are scum hellbound no doubt.

    Any heavily modded version of the game since 1.60 is the real ultimate version. You could argue since 2.0 just due to the lone DLC and that's fair. The metro was a mod years before the official version. There were lite versions of the hangout mods also. There were tweaks to police, gangs and such also in the mods for a long time. Car combat is just dumb tbh but there was a mod for that also but buggy, never used it. I have no interest in any of the things they've added since 2.0 which was mostly just for the DLC was I even interested. I still have my modded out 1.60 which is a better version of the game minus the DLC, runs better too. And now my modded out 2.0 version is backed up. I'll likely delete the 2.1 and update at some future point won't be worth the storage space for something I'm never going to install.

    Game and developers are unpleasant in general. The whole fiasco of this game is distasteful and they've certainly lost me as a fan for good, phukem. Glad I've never given these devs any money at least just time. We'll see what trash fire they bring out in 3 years. This studio is well past it's prime in tw3, they've got GOG which is likely their gravy, like Valve and Steam gravy.
    Hertzian56, Feb 2, 2024
  19. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just tried a few more mods in 77 which is almost the only reason I go back so done with it. As I said the graphics, style and for me the neon noir blade runner vibe in certain places like kabuki and japantown are the good points about open world aspect. The writing is edgy but not too logical, story makes little sense it's really a credo on the hermetic-kabbalistic transhumanist dream and the rest of the jewmasontranny cults ideas they want to disseminate to the gamer community. CPDR is almost totally tranny devs easy to see.

    And a secret about this game is that like in all public people they're secret trannies part of this satanic cult bound for hell. What I mean is that even if you play the "vanilla" body of either transfemv or transmanv they're trannies. This is easy to see if you just have a tube dress or bodysuit on FemV and notice the huge shoulders, like muscle implant sized shoulders. It's not the absolutes it's the ratio and unless you wear a tight body clothing it would be hard to notice the hip to shoulder ratio that is definitely of the ladyboy drag queen. There are body mods like lush, big booty and such but that's the same scam, make the butt-thighs larger to hide the wrong ratio of the tranny vanilla body.

    I've not looked at the transmanV since I don't play as a transmanv character but that's typified by the modern trannyhookerwood "hunk" invention of cartoon body blown up beachball trannyman. Likely many of them have muscle implants especially shoulders so deltoids and biceps are the most common. You can lookup Justin Jedlica to see an even more cartoon version of what they can do and have done for a LONG time. Christian Bale in American Psycho has muscle implants easy to see. It's the ratio not the absolute they play with. When they get older and can't take the mega testoserone and HGH for health reasons it comes out. Clintina eastwoods very odd body nowadays shows this, spielberg has this type of body now, etc I'm pretty sure the Wahlberg sisters are a good example of this roided out biofemale, drugs, testosterone, hgh, gym rat, implants, surgeries, voice mod, some use shoe lifts like Cruise, Stallone, Johnson etc

    So yeah CPDURTARDS aren't your friend, of course neither is justar with it's criminal simulator games either. RDR could have easily been about the drama of a GOOD guy sheriff fighting criminals, not criminals doing crimes and such. The jewmasontranny megacorps are scum so try to spend as little time and money on them as possible. They've got my time since I grew up w videogames it's a long hobby, but at least not much money.

    I've actually tried to mention this at nexus mods on posts but I always get a warning by those **** nexisnotsees about being "discriminatory" and such. They're freaking nazi scum at nexus mods and were promoted by their fellow jewmasontranny media into a near monopoly, that's how scum work.

    Sick antichristian stuff is fine but any mention about the nasty trannyhookers and you're banned or warned which I've been both there. It's easy to just spoof an IP to grab another account but still, these scum at Nexus mods are militant trannyhookers. It's a JUK based site btw, major jewmasontranny cursed island w their jewmasontranny empire starting in the 1600's. 1688 "glorious revolution" financed by sephardicks from amsterdam, cromwell was either a jew or took their money and William of Orange WAS financed by them to murder an English Catholic King, only time an English king was murdered, at least officially speaking. THEN in 1694 Willy paid them back by enslaving england with the Bank of England and that's when the raping pillaging dope inc jewmasontranny "british" empire started. Toilet bowel sewer.

    So yeah the default vanilla bodies are transgenders in cyberpunk 2077. It's just another trannyhookerwood studio and game.
    Hertzian56, Feb 11, 2024
  20. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The natural woman has wider hips then shoulders, I'm not talking about women who beef up the deltoids but the body will only go so far naturally with weight training. It's not going to be drastically wide shoulders than the hips on any natural woman. And it's a ratio as well but not going to be top heavy like these trannyhookerwood "women" who leap out of their shoulderless dresses at awards shows etc think ballroom gown, they have huge upper bodies compared to their narrow male hips. A fact of life is that biowomen NEED wider hips and pelvis to carry a child and pass it through, and men don't. You can simulate it with tricks and such but a simple finger ratio tells you with 90% plus accuracy and once you study it it's fairly obvious just looking at them in tight clothing and other things.

    Hell they even have the fake baby bumps they wear like Di did and the rest. The hormones can also drastically change the fat profile to a female like one, ie fat around the hips and a thin layer of fat body wide under the skin to give a softness. Padded clothes, fat transfer surgery, implants not just breast but brazilian butt work and simple fat transfer from the male gut to the hips and face. But muscle implants are a FTM thing mostly in trannyhookerwood wing of the cult, those implants are harder I think not just saline bags but likely different compounds.

    There are also jaw shaves and brown shave-resculpt irl the FTMs get jaw implants like the razor sharp ones you see when they're younger think Guy Pearce from LA Confidential and younger pics or Brad Pitt from when she was just new in trannyhookerwood etc. As they age it's harder to tell, with the natural increase in fat of everyone as they age in the face but as they advance to old age most of them are easier to see. Some are convincing in later age though. You need the subtle tells and likely you'll never see them in person as they really look, lights, camera tricks, makeup, image manipulation etc are what you see in the images, not the real person.

    CPDURTARDs try to fool you by using the correct finger ratio in their player models, devious cunts. The feet and hands are very bony and larger though in their models they're not trying that hard to hide it, arrogant scumbags. The bone structure of the wrist is another tell. Likely the transmanV model has the same tricks just the FTM ones. Great Ape looking neanderthal fantasy stuff they've sold most people as real, it's just a tool to fool you. De-evolutionary cartoons, it's all AL in Wonder Land garbage.

    And even the little face modeling they give you is very tranny. It's not possible to not have a drag queen looking transfemv in 77, you can hide it but in the right light mostly from above it comes out. I doubt it's possible to not have the typical trannyman look on the other side as well. Just take a look at the user images on the nexus page, you'll only see trannies.
    Hertzian56, Feb 11, 2024
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