Oh btw looking at that myersteinberg trannyprez pic notice that NC=143, "love" in asl and who you think set that up? so "I love love", "love is love" word games, no meaning there but what it's painted as in other ways by sickos. It's like saying 7=7 but meaning something else, of course a word means what it says duh but to put some other meaning to it in service of a perverted ideology is demented, no surprise there though. When you get into the real meaning planted onto it you find that it's just deception and malice. So yeah what about some sicko who loves children in pervy ways? so that "love" is covered there as all good then, smh. It's similar to "whatever gets the children reading is good" in service of another tranny rowling zombie chosen to be the public face of witchcraft made "cool" by witches themselves, at a profit of course. Those awful books and the even more awful movies are a big indication of the control these satanists have over society. Ok so whatever gets the children reading is good then? Sooo what if we have fascinating stories about sex, drugs, cannibalism, black magic grimoires, torture, and all the other snake fascination stuff for the children? All good right, they're reading!!! SMH, SMH.