Here's an example of one variation of mods that get regularly banned and taken down by the nexisnotsee cunts: [URL][/URL] Now there' no reason to ban such a mod, all it does is allow you to change or remove the flag that Clairence puts on the back of his truck. And yes unless you're really dumb Clairence tells you he's a trannyhooker after one of the races that he cons you into doing so you can throw the championship so he can kill someone who happened to be racing when his likely trannyman husband was killed while in said race. If you don't stand by while clairence murders him she refuses to serve you at the afterlife and bitches you out E.very.time you walk in. So clairence is a pervert, murderer and manipulator that uses you to get to murder someone during a race so it looks like "just racing". Sick. And PHUK NEXUS MODS.