D150 doesn't want to boot or reload windows

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by neonhomer, Mar 12, 2011.

  1. neonhomer


    Mar 12, 2011
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    My D150 had suffered a hardware failure, to where it would no longer power up. Since it was still under warranty, it was sent back to Acer for repair. Since I didn't have the original memory or hard drive that came in it, I shipped it w/o the memory or hard drive, and included a letter stating such.

    Got it back a few weeks later. Since I was really busy with work at the time, it just sat. Warranty expired about a month later.

    Finally got a chance to mess with it a while back. Popped my hard drive and memory back in, and it would get about halfway through booting, and give me a BSoD. I figured they replaced the motherboard, so I offloaded my personal data and went to reload XP. I was able to get through the re-format and text reload. When it would try to boot into the GUI part of windows, it would BSoD and start again. I checked the memory in another computer, and it worked fine, passed all tests. Also installed the hard drive into another computer and it passed all tests. So the only thing I can think of is either another hardware failure, or I am not reloading XP right.

    Bad thing is this thing is WAAAYYYY out of warranty now. I don't know if it is a hardware issue, or I am not reinstalling XP right...

    The unit is a D150-1577. I hate to scrap it because the display is fine and it was a good unit. Was hoping to revive it and give it to my 9 yr old son to use....
    neonhomer, Mar 12, 2011
  2. neonhomer


    Mar 12, 2011
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    Something to add. I've tried to run a Windows XP CD from a USB CD ROM drive, and I get to about the Kernel Debugging DLL loading of the installer, and the system will hang.

    I created a USB flash drive w/ XP on it, and I get a read error from the stick. However, using it on one of my other systems, it will read fine.

    Any ideas?
    neonhomer, Mar 14, 2011
  3. neonhomer


    Mar 12, 2011
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    neonhomer, Mar 14, 2011
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