D150 No Turns Unresponsive

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by Guest, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Friends I have a problem that is breaking my head I have a laptop Acer Aspire One D150-1322 a week ago it apart to clean and because of time today just reassembled everything but when I try to connect only light it is ... but when I turn it on only the LED is green and not see anything on the screen turns off press again another attempt to see the same thing happens to me disarmed and see if you connect something wrong and now even pressing the power button does something. .. I might have been corrupted BIOS or BIOS battery is uncharged is what and direct connect does nothing I'm very concerned about this problem .

    Sorry if I do not write English well but not my mother tongue
    Guest, Dec 9, 2011
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