D255E Tweaks?

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by aerobie, Apr 27, 2011.

  1. aerobie


    Apr 27, 2011
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    Hello, new AOD255E owner here. I got this little guy on sale at Microcenter for $199, got a 2GB Gskill stick and a a 40GB Intel G3 SSD and popped them in. Total hardware cost is $305 and its a peppy little guy!

    However I can never leave good enough alone so I went further. I used RT7Lite and cut down W7 Enterprise (downloaded off TechNet) a bit, probably should've been more aggressive but oh well. Turned off Aero, indexing, hibernation, recycle bin, page file. Im at 10GB for OS + programs and when idling I have about 739MB RAM used.

    I'm wondering if there are any other tweaks other members may have used that would improve performance of the netbook. Items that come to mind:

    • 8MB video memory limit in BIOS
    • More than 2GB RAM - 4GB possible? BIOS limitation?
    • Decreasing RAM usage - anyone lower than 739MB when idling?
    • It seems to run hot in the RAM/CPU area after my upgrades - is the RAM causing this, or W7's increased resource usage? Should I update the BIOS?
    aerobie, Apr 27, 2011
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