Damaged screen? Or something else?

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by HBAndrew, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. HBAndrew


    Jul 19, 2011
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    Hi guys, got the 10.1" from a friend to replace the screen for them because their kid stepped on it, but I am not 100% sure if it is the screen and need a little advice before I go buying a replacement one.

    I see no cracks on the screen, just a cracked bezel in the upper right corner, not sure if it is the screen, or if it is the video cable maybe. Can't be the invertor as the screen lights up. Also using an external monitor everything runs fine.

    Here are some pics, click for bigger.

    Here is the screen when first powering on [​IMG]

    This is when I assume windows has loaded, has streaks going down [​IMG]

    This is where the bezel is cracked [​IMG]

    Just checked it again and there is a sort of line bubble of light around the middle of the screen that stays in the same place, very hard to see, so assuming yes it is the screen, but is there any other part that could cause this just in case?

    Thanks for any help.
    HBAndrew, Jul 19, 2011
  2. HBAndrew

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    Well personally I don't see any cracks in the screen, so the glass more than likely isn't broken. First thing I'd be doing is plugging in an external monitor to make sure that no other hardware has taken damage. If the external monitor works, then I'd say either the cable and/or it's connections are broken or dislodged, otherwise you mentioned a bubble of light visible. It is possible that after being stood on, the metal frame for the LCD screen has been bent. I don't belive this could be easily repaired.

    Check it with an external monitor, and check the connections at either end of the cable, more specifically, the brass connection that plugs into the rear of the LCD panel.
    Swarvey, Jul 19, 2011
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