DEAD AOA 150: Reprogramming of EPROM?

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by zyzzle, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. zyzzle


    Sep 24, 2012
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    Sorry to crosspost, posted in wrong section of this forum:

    In the hopes that jerryl or Megavolt are still reading these forums after three years:

    I have the EXACT problem with my AOA 150. After a BIOS flash (3310) which seemed to complete 100% in DOS with FLASHIT, I got the dreaded dimming out of the AC switch and a completely dead netbook. Can't even get it to turn on, no emergency BIOS recovery, just completely dead.

    I am 100% certain it's the BIOS chip which needs to be desoldered and reprogrammed... My technical expertise is poor, so I am unable to build myself the SOIC EPROM programmer that RayeR has on his site (BTW: It's a *brilliant* hack, oh I wish I could do it! I don't even own a soldering iron!).

    In a desperate hope that Megavolt can help me (or anyone): Could I send my BIOS chip in to one of you fellows for reprogramming? If I can get it desoldered from the mainboard, which I think I can do if I get access to a proper desoldering iron!

    Hate to throw away my netbook over a $5 component, especially, when thanks to this thread, I've diagnosed the problem EXACTLY!
    zyzzle, Sep 24, 2012
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