Deaf Mic in Windows XP

Discussion in 'Windows' started by robandjeanne, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. robandjeanne


    Nov 7, 2008
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    I can't seem to get my built in mic working in XP. I got my AA1 from Amazon and hate to go through the hassle of sending it back for a software problem. Also I now have it set up with all the software I need. Today I was in Costco and tested their AA1 and it worked. The Realtek driver was the same one i'm using.

    Anyone else still having the deaf mic problem? An easy test is to use the "sound recorder" software by going to programs, accessories, entertainment, then sound recorder and try to record. You can adjust the mic level from one of the sound recorder tabs. Since the Realtek driver appears to be the same, I wonder what other differences the Costco AA1 has that allows its mic to work?
    robandjeanne, Dec 20, 2008
  2. robandjeanne


    Dec 26, 2008
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    Houston, TX
    If still facing issues with mic on XP, please see additions to this post

    I was experiencing "deaf mike" on one of my units and solved in ~30 mins. Note in Realtek HD app, mixer tab, need to make sure mic is selected, and with enough volume (halfway suffices).

    Hope this helps.

    BTW:I have two "supposedly identical" A1s, although one of them came with 160GB HDD (instead of 120 GB). Also featured Suyin CCD, instead of LiteON. That unit (model 150-1006 built 0810) was the one having issues, the other one worked right out the box (model150-1786 built 0809)... I've found at least a couple of users had same issue with earlier config, still trying to solve.
    ccuina, Jan 3, 2009
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