Delayed Write Failed (XP/ZG5)

Discussion in 'Windows' started by A110, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. A110


    Jun 16, 2011
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    I recently installed an updated version of flashfire since then I have been getting this delayed write failed (DWF) error constantly usually the error message contains critical files like:

    Delayed Write Failed. C/System 32 couldn't be written to disk etc etc.

    Now thinking flashfire was to blame I reformatted as eventually the netbook wouldn't boot saying it couldn't locate the main system file. But now I have this DWF error happening during the XP installation :shock: . This is after a reformat of the disk!

    So what is causing this DWF error? On google I've done a search but lots of conflicting info but many posts so it's something to do with the system cache. Is it possible that flashfire has managed to changed the netbooks CPU/Memory settings outside of XP? And this is why I'm still getting this DWF error during installation and reformatting?

    I'm confident it's not the SDD or any bad ram. Can anyone help with this?

    A110, Jul 27, 2011
  2. A110

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    Personally I'd have to say your SSD is failing. A Delayed-Write is still a write. Since you're getting it durring the installation of XP where there's minimal cachine actually done, I can't see any other real reason for a write to fail other than a failing drive. Can you boot the XP Recovery Console and run a chkdsk on the drive to see if anything comes up?
    Swarvey, Jul 28, 2011
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