Dell's Ubuntu

Discussion in 'Linux' started by 2manydjs, Sep 5, 2008.

  1. 2manydjs


    Jul 16, 2008
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    The Dell Inspiron Mini 9 has been reviewed with the supplied Ubuntu and it looks very promising!

    - The footprint is small as the standard model only comes with 4GB
    - The 32Wh battery lasts for over 3 hours; for AAO's 22Wh that would mean over 2 hours (edit: this calculation is flawed..)
    - Recovery from suspend is almost as fast as my MacBook Pro (shown in video)
    - Boot time is around 20 seconds

    Most likely audio and card reader will still not work properly though..

    Let's hope the recovery DVD/CD leaks to the internet soon!!

    Maybe we should keep an eye out on this page:
    2manydjs, Sep 5, 2008
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