Desktop Applications

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by veetrik, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. veetrik


    Aug 4, 2008
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    New Jersey
    Just found a simple way to view and run all the applications that have been set up for the default acer desktop. Double click on the 'My Files' icon to bring up the File manager. In the menu bar select View->View as Icons. Insert '/usr/share/applications/ in the location box on top and hit the 'Enter' key. This will display all the applications that have been sit up on the A1, some of which appear in the standard 4 panels. To run an application just double click on one of the applications.

    To find out the name of the application desktop file, edit the application with mouse pad. The name of the application desktop file will appear on top. This is the name that can be added to the menus (group-app.xml) to excute that application from the desktop menus.
    veetrik, Sep 19, 2008
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