Desktop Freezing (unresponsive)

Discussion in 'Windows' started by pepe55, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. pepe55


    Dec 28, 2008
    Likes Received:
    my AA1 has been freezing once the desktop loads. The mouse is able to move around and can left click, but nothing more.
    I can only restart it.

    Thank you help me with this furious problem.
    pepe55, Jan 7, 2009
  2. pepe55


    Sep 20, 2008
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    Welcome to the world of MS Windows.... There my be a dozen possibilities on why this is happening, so I'll go with the most common. A part of your drive has errors, preventing the desktop to fully load. Restart, press F8... choose last known configuration that worked. If that does not solve it, try choosing safe mode next. When in safe mode, do a full disk check on the drive to fix errors. See if these helps. Gdluck.
    Tamrac, Jan 7, 2009
  3. pepe55


    Dec 28, 2008
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    I flash to latest bios right now ,so we'll see if happen again or not. Allegedly welcome to MS what the joke. But thanks for reply.
    pepe55, Jan 7, 2009
  4. pepe55


    Oct 29, 2008
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    If you've had the unit for a while and it was working well before, you can use Windows Restore Point to go back to the earlier configuration: Start/All Programs/Accessories/System Tools/System Restore icon then follow the wizard to go back to an earlier date when it was working. If you can't find a satisfactory Restore Point, you can reinstall to the way it was shipped to you from the Acer partition by going to Acer Empowering Technology/Acer Recovery Management icon and follow that wizard.

    Once you get the machine working, I'd suggest installing a utility called CCleaner and use both the Disk and Registry cleaners in it to get rid of files and registry entries that may be working at cross-purposes. Google to reassure yourself that this is a top-rated free utility. I used it right after installing XP on my new AA1, and it still found things to clear out. It improves speed noticeably if used every week or two thereafter, or whenever a large application is installed or removed.

    I'm using the BIOS 3301 it shipped with and have no problems. This is a wonderful site but there's much too much BIOS BIOS BIOS and it's Acer's fault for releasing new versions weekly and requiring an unnecessary stone-age install technique that nobody should have to fart around with. I lose no opportunity to rag Acer for not providing a Windows install for BIOS that's made it easy for Toshiba or Dell owners for almost ten years.
    Forone, Jan 11, 2009
  5. pepe55


    Dec 28, 2008
    Likes Received:
    I have ccleaner (great program) .Now works well without freezing ,I flash to the latest bios 3309 and I don´t have a problem with desktop freeze anymore. I´m happy AA1USER now.
    pepe55, Jan 14, 2009
  6. pepe55


    Dec 24, 2008
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    No problems here, either. My AAO runs like a full blown desktop and I show it no mercy. Two browsers open with multiple tabs, ACDSee 9 manipulating high end graphics, Windows Live Messenger active, and multi-tasking back and forth. Graphics cache doesn't always clear quick enough for my taste and sometimes part of one screen shows through what I just activated for a couple of seconds. To keep it all tight and running smoothly, I use Ccleaner (free), Advanced System Care V3.1.01 (free) and Free Ram XP Pro v1.52 (free). Any or all as needed, or at least once a week. I have NEVER had a problem with any of these programs, and Sys Care and Ccleaner can be configured to always create a backup FIRST before they clean, fix, or adjust your registry. This machine runs cleaner, faster and multi-tasks better than my wife's desktop which is only a year old. Not faster than MY desktop, but if you knew what I had invested in the case, motherboard, CPU cooler, power supply, graphics card and RAM, you would faint. That and the fact that it is so tweaked it is kind of like owning a very high stung racehorse. If I mistreat it in any way, or don't give it the very best of care, it costs me dearly. These AAO's are billed as NETBOOKS mainly to be used gently to surf the web and do your email. Considering I only paid $318.88 NIB freight free from a private seller on eBay right before Christmas, I could not have made a better investment. I am amazed at what this little machine can do.
    yachtpro, Jan 14, 2009
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