did mplayer software updater; lost all sound exc mediamaster

Discussion in 'Linux' started by MobileMan, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. MobileMan


    Dec 25, 2008
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    Did the software updater Fedora update of mplayer- then it just buzzed trying to play NPR streaming sound files, reached 18% w/o any action, and wouldn't close. Did forced shutdown (maybe twice) and now have no sound except from mediamaster: the mplayer on streaming or normal, VLC player (new), Skype is all completely dead sound. The outgoing works on Skype, but can't hear anything. Can download mp3's and play them, but some videos/films won't play in media master. Mplayer doesn't come up as an option now when you right click a sound/video file.

    PLEASE HELP- I'm going to Egypt on Wed for 2 months and will be totally screwed if can't do Skype or listen to news. Have yahoo messenger, and gyatchi, but neither does calls, to phones or computer, that I can see. Don't want to install another operating system and don't want to restore Linpus- I've customized the hell out of it. Tell me this is something simple.
    MobileMan, Jan 20, 2009
  2. MobileMan

    Grim Squeaker

    Aug 19, 2008
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    Hmm. Try installing alsamixer, and see if you can unmute the sound.
    Grim Squeaker, Jan 20, 2009
  3. MobileMan


    Dec 25, 2008
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    how do I remove + reload mplayer; lost all sound exc mediama

    Wanted to, but I cant figure out which are installed programs and which are new. Even when I only check one new one, it wants to install a bunch of others, and REMOVE others, which I don't want. I initially started to install a bunch of sound things here before I escaped and cancelled it so have no idea what is default and what isn't, in the SOUND section of the fedora repository. Can you tell me?

    how exactly do I remove + reload mplayer? Since that's where this problem began. Only audio I get is mediamaster on downloaded MP3's.

    Mike H
    Cairo Egypt
    MobileMan, Jan 24, 2009
  4. MobileMan


    Dec 25, 2008
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    Thanks much man. That ALSA mixer fixed it- the PCM audio was turned down. What a lousy +Linux flavor- to not have a decent mixer or volume bank when something can get shut doww so easily. Everything works now, except of course the dead internal microphone.

    Does anyone know about these Fedora SOFTWARE UPDATESs- which are safe to do- I'd love to do them if they don't foul up anything on Linpus? Or maybe whoich are red flag "DO NOT DO" updates that definately shut down programs or features? Really would like full Yahoo Messenger with voice.
    MobileMan, Jan 24, 2009
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