difference in graphics under test

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by avio, Feb 3, 2009.

  1. avio


    Oct 13, 2008
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    Just doing some experimenting with Ron’s TinyXP as I’ve got a 8GB SSD and a 160GB hdd. I was running performance test 6.1 (download the 30 day trial and compare) and got some surprising results. The CPU results were similar with L2 cache enabled or not. The ssd/hdd results were 78/447 (disk mark) so the hdd wins hands down.
    The surprising result was the 3D simple graphics with the SSD scoring 209 compared to the HDD only scoring 16.5. And yes you can notice the difference if you watch the tests. Anyone got an explanation as to the difference in graphics results. Most of the other results were similar.
    Please download and run the tests to compare.
    avio, Feb 3, 2009
  2. avio


    Oct 13, 2008
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    Can everyone please download the trial and send in their results for comparison. This is out of curiosity more than anything else as both machines play games and video fine.
    Thanks to all the takers.
    avio, Feb 8, 2009
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