Disabling webcams

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by c3300, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. c3300


    Mar 18, 2016
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    I tend to use Linux on my laptop which makes this comparatively easy from me (don't install/uninstall the drivers). However I've now had a request for how to do the same thing on a Windows network. Apparently webcams are a significant security issue and they either want to lock them down completely or preferably get laptops without them. The owner did try deleting the drivers, but the next patch reinstalled them. Before you ask, no, cameras and phones aren't allowed in their office. They get left at the door. FInance organisations can be paranoid...

    Short of sticking a washer over the camera and opening the laptop to cut the microphone wires, does anyone know of a software solution for this, or any laptops that come without inbuilt webcams nowadays?
    c3300, Mar 28, 2016
    hades_leae and IBMPC8088 like this.
  2. c3300


    Feb 1, 2016
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    Windows always complicates things since it was designed to be hackable and leakable whereas linux is not by contrast. I was about to say get a piece of tape for it lol, but since that may not be desired for all situations, you can disable the device under Control Panel and if there is any software on the system that uses the web cam, make sure it doesn't have any permissions if you have a software firewall on any of the machines that you're using it with.

    A really bad program may still be able to see the hardware or reactivate it by device ID if it knows what it's looking for, but most of the script kiddies won't get too far if you disable the video device or remove the drivers for the web cam and reinstall them later if you need them.

    Another advantage of the virtual machine system set up is that you can usually disable a web cam or do just what you normally do with linux, and then just attach the device when or if you need it to a virtual machine running windows. That way you still have linux hardware control over it, but windows can only see the physical web cam when you want it to (and there's no need to remove drivers at all if it's never physically attached to the system virtually).
    IBMPC8088, Mar 28, 2016
  3. c3300


    Jan 18, 2016
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    I have webcam in my laptop and I never have had any issues with the webcam. The camera does not turn on automatically, until I want to take my photo or do video chat. I am using default webcam setting. I don't know any software that can control webcam. Is there no disabling option for you?
    I was not aware that windows is porn to hacking.I never have had any issues with windows.
    vinaya, Mar 28, 2016
  4. c3300


    Mar 18, 2016
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    I've seen a few cases, including a website that triggered user's webcams on arrival or as they clicked page to page. It was supposed to be a nice feature that took shots of their users to show who was viewing the website... It didn't work out quite that way and was quickly disabled after floods of complaints. Norton has a page stating the risks of webcams.

    If you've seen all the boards with "take your picture as an avatar" click options, that same code is very easy to hide and have the user trigger it unknowingly - sometimes even running it automatically or remotely.
    c3300, Mar 29, 2016
  5. c3300


    Mar 14, 2016
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    Maybe an older Dell latitude laptop don't have webcam? The laptop would be have to be nearly outdated by 10 years :confused:

    Funny that I am one of those people that put something over the webcam at times. If all else fails, use a strip of painter's tape. In the least, you won't have too much trouble peeling it off.
    CasualGoofy, Mar 29, 2016
  6. c3300


    May 14, 2016
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    First, I do not see the web camera as a security risk. If it is turned on, the lights beside it would be on, and thus I would be aware of it. When I am not using my laptop, I just close it or simply turn it off. So there is no chance for any intrusion without my knowledge.

    If you have to disable your web camera, then you can always do it in the device manager. Disable it for good and even you can't use it without enable it again.
    Vash, Jun 29, 2016
  7. c3300


    Jun 26, 2016
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    If you really want to get rid of it, no need to cut wires. Just open it and remove the whole webcam assembly. I did this with all of my smart phones because I know that the governments an access them, but I'm not saying that they are, it's possible. I don't want to be looking at my screen and someone is watching my face with out me knowing.

    If it's something that you don't need, then get rid of it...that's how I feel. I took them out of my smart phones because I know I'll never use them, I don't take selfies, and if I did, I have a better camera on the back anyway. I don't do face time, or anything else that would require the use of my front facing camera.

    I have surfed the internet plenty of times and have been asked if a random site can access my webcam, I just took it out.
    hades_leae, Jul 8, 2016
  8. c3300


    Feb 21, 2016
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    Well I am not sure what it is but I have been hearing a lot about this issue lately. There was even someone on Shark Tank pitching a product that was designed at making the webcam safer. He did get some ridicule, though, because they brought up the same thing that I have been seeing be done for years now....put a little piece of post it note on it to cover it.
    rz3300, Jul 10, 2016
  9. c3300


    Jul 13, 2016
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    Although it is laughed at there was a Chinese brand I believe that did quite tasteful overlays to cover the webcam in a variety of colours and shades which would be unnoticeable, might be worth checking out I'll try and get a link up.
    turnb43, Jul 16, 2016
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