Disappearing Bookmarks

Discussion in 'Linux' started by bigtuk, Dec 4, 2008.

  1. bigtuk


    Sep 8, 2008
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    Several times since first using my AA1 I have found,to my dismay, all my bookmarks disappearing on boot.Most frustrating as I am careful to keep them tidy.I seems to me that this happens after the machine has gone to sleep or the battery has been very low I'm new to Linux so be gentle with me. Thanks. :(
    bigtuk, Dec 4, 2008
  2. bigtuk


    Aug 16, 2008
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    This happened to me after a firefox update.

    here's what i did to fix it.

    make sure to have reading-writing properties for /home/user/.mozilla directory (all my bookmarks were there but somehow firefox was not showing them)
    I renamed the .mozilla to mozilla (I eliminate the dot).
    I restarted firefox (this create a new .mozilla directory) - closed firefox again.
    I copied the content of the mozilla directory to the new .mozilla one.
    Finito, after this worked fine and I recovered all my bookmarks.

    I hope this helps, Saludos.
    hasfrochbuster, Dec 4, 2008
  3. bigtuk


    Nov 20, 2008
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    London, England
    I'm also suffering from this problem, i'm still using the default firefox Usually the first add-on I install is noscript(an absolute essential addon for me) but it seems to be the main cause for my browser resetting. All my add-ons/themes/tweaks/bookmarks gone with every noscript update.

    I'd been happy to still use this version of firefox but this problem will probably force me to upgrade to version 3. I've searched the forum but can't seem to find much info on this problem or a solution( thanks hasfrochbuster for the info).

    I'm actually starting to dread starting up firefox these days, hope there's a more permanent solution other then replacing folders or removing noscript altogether.
    ryanc021, Dec 5, 2008
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