Display Loose? D250

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by mjmummert, Dec 23, 2009.

  1. mjmummert


    Dec 23, 2009
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    Every once in a while when I'm using my netbook, all of a sudden the Display cuts in and out. I have to move the display back and forth to receive a picture again. Also, there's a lot of flashing with the screen cutting in and out. Has anyone had these problems before, and does anyone have a solution.

    Your help is appreciated.
    mjmummert, Dec 23, 2009
  2. mjmummert

    elPaulio Moderator

    Dec 14, 2009
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    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Hi there,

    It sounds very much like your connection from the base of the netbook to the monitor is working it's way loose.
    Normally these are a strip connector that is held in by a small piece of plastic and a sharp knock can loosen that out.

    If you are still under warranty then I would send it back to be repaired, as the alternative it to take the case apart and look for any loose wires and make sure everything is tight inside.

    I don't think it is a hardware problem as you would not be likely to get the picture back up if it was.

    Hope that helps??

    Paul :ugeek:
    elPaulio, Dec 23, 2009
  3. mjmummert


    Nov 26, 2008
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    I have the exact same problem with my d250. If you open a close a bunch of times it actually improves not worsens. Then it comes back. Like the switch is oxidized or something and needs to be worked. Doesn't sound like loose connection. :?
    drain, Jan 24, 2010
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