Does the A100 and the A150 use the same motherboard?

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by jackiecorn, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. jackiecorn


    Jun 30, 2009
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    I just attempted the 2.5inch hard mod on my A100 and screwed up the motherboard by random soldering,now it just wont boot at all...
    All I want to do is to use a 2.5 inch driver in my A100 instead of that slow 8gb SSD.
    I've found a motherboard used in A150 on some auction page,I think I am getting one to replace my screwed up mobo
    so does the A100 and the A150 use the same mobo? so can I just buy an A150 mobo and fit into my A100 with a 2.5inch hard disk?(I've ripped out all the plastic to make room for my HD)
    jackiecorn, Jun 30, 2009
  2. jackiecorn


    Jan 5, 2009
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    The AOA110 and AOA150 motherboards are physically the same except for the SSD and SATA connectors.

    To upgrade from 110 to 150, you will need the following;
    AOA150 motherboard
    AOA150 lower case
    SATA hard drive caddy
    SATA hard drive
    jerryt, Jun 30, 2009
  3. jackiecorn


    Jun 2, 2009
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    Or just the A150 motherboard and a SATA 2.5" harddrive, then adapt the bottom shell of the A110 casing so the 2.5" drive can fit.
    Pointers to the required modification of the bottom shell can be found in this picture :
    taken from Morris Lee's The Acer Guy website :
    DutchDK, Jun 30, 2009
  4. jackiecorn


    Jun 30, 2009
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    thanks very much for the fast reply!
    I am very glad to know that all I need is the motherboard itself
    I've mentioned that I've ripped the plastic out,what I meant was exactly what your picture shows.
    So I guess I'm good to go with it.
    I was just wondering because the official specs states that the A150 is a little thicker than the A100,I worry that the A150 mobo WITH HD only fits into the A150 bottom case,which might be thinker than the one used in A100,just want to confirm if cutting out the plastic makes enough room for the mobo and the 2.5in HD attached
    Obtaining the A150 mobo is the furthest I can get,so I need to confirm before I make my purchase.
    Thanks man.
    jackiecorn, Jun 30, 2009
  5. jackiecorn


    Jun 2, 2009
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    The reson the A150 bottom shell is different, is to make place for the SATA disk caddy, which also doubles as a passive heatsink for the drive, exposed to the passive airflow between the two parts of the shell.
    You will find that the A110 modded to use a SATA disk (or in your case, the A110 shell with a A150 motherboard and a SATA disk) will run slightly warmer than a original A150. It should not make a big difference in the life expectancy of your Aspire One, although I would recommend that you do not use any third party fan-control software such as a1ctl (Windows) or acerhdf kernel module (linux), but just leave it up to the bios to run the fan, even if the fan then runs fairly continously in the background.
    DutchDK, Jun 30, 2009
  6. jackiecorn


    Jun 30, 2009
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    ok,that's good to hear
    sorry to go off topic,but I think I will add a little heatsink on the metal surface attached to the fan,
    I saw some videos on youtube about adding heatsinks,like this one:

    is adding a "real heatsink" or sticking aluminium foil a better cooling method? And is the metal surface there only for attaching heatsinks? It looks like a slot for something else to be installed on...
    well anyway thanks for the info!
    jackiecorn, Jun 30, 2009
  7. jackiecorn


    Jun 2, 2009
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    I wouldn't do that personally, for the following reasons :
    If you add heatsink to the "fan-channel" part of the fan assembly, you are going to disrupt the passive airflow in the shell. You might get a cooler CPU, Graphics or Northbridge chip out of it depending on the placement of the heatsink on the fanchannel surface, BUT the calculated passive airflow in the rest of the laptop will suffer. That means other devices such as the WiFi card, SSD, memory chips, harddisk in your case, will have less passive airflow to cool them.
    Remember, designing a laptop cooling system takes all the devices in the laptttop into account - It is not just the CPU that needs the cooling. Fiddling with the designed pathways of the airflow just to cool one part of the computer a tiny bit more while disregarding the rest of the devices in the computer is a trainwreck waiting to happen.
    Especially in the case of the netbooks.

    Most people who have made those mods to their AAO's haven't done it because of the need for more cooling of the CPU - They have done it, because they wanted the fan to be off/running at low velocity for longer time, than it does out of the box - I.E. to make the system less noisy.
    By adding the extra heatsink on the fan channel surface, they are keeping the CPU cooler - Since the only thermal measurement is on the CPU (no thermal sensors on other parts in the AAO), and this measurement controls the fan speed, they succeed in making the fan more silent/turned off longer by cooling the CPU with the heatsink.
    BUT since the fan is the device that maintains the passive airflow within the shell of the AAO, they have suddenly limited this airflow, so the Wificard, ram modules and other devices will run hotter. Not a good idea, if you get the point.

    Its akin to going out in the blazing sun wearing a three piece wollen black suit and a buttoned full lenght leathercoat, and say "I will be allright, as long as I keep this pack of frozen beans on my forehead". Yep, you might function for some time this way - BUT your body WILL suffer, and prolonged exposure to this environment WILL shut organs down.
    DutchDK, Jun 30, 2009
  8. jackiecorn


    Jun 30, 2009
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    thank you for explaining it to me,you sound like a pro at these
    I would probably attempt the cooling mod and slowly kill my One if I hadn't taken your advice
    I will be fine from now,Thanks for everything!
    jackiecorn, Jun 30, 2009
  9. jackiecorn


    Jun 2, 2009
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    No pro, just using the knowledge I gained from the "Applied Logic and Common Sense in Everyday Situations 101" classes I took way back in the last century ;) Something them young'uns using pc's in this day and age tends to forget :p
    The gist of that knowledge is : "Take a hollistic view on things - Everything influences something".
    DutchDK, Jun 30, 2009
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