Dragon NaturallySpeaking

Discussion in 'Windows' started by cb1100xx, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. cb1100xx


    Aug 24, 2008
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    By no means is this computer capable of doing real-time speech recognition, but in a pinch it will definitely work. This was one of the things I was worried about if it would even work at all. To give you an idea about performance, I have to wait about three to six seconds after each sentence for it to load through. The surprising thing is even though it takes longer, this setup is actually a lot more accurate than any of my other systems running Dragon. I'm currently surfing the site/making the post using Dragon and an infrared mouse, and so far it has only made one mistake, and just takes a little bit longer to click than on my regular computers for surfing
    cb1100xx, Sep 1, 2008
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