Dropbox fix

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by clasqm, May 2, 2009.

  1. clasqm


    May 2, 2009
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    I installed Dropbox on my linpus AA1. It worked flawlessly, for some files, while others never seemed to get uploaded.Especially new files created on the AA1 just lay there and Dropbox never copied them to its server.

    The culprit seems to be aufs. To quote from macles:

    "There are two real, physical if you will, directories involved and one virtual directory. The first physical directory is the home directory on the SSD, /home/user. The second physical directory is the SD, /media/disk. aufs unifies both directories (branches) into a virtual directory, /mnt/home. Imagine the virtual directory like an additional layer on top of both branches. If one branch dissapears then it still works, the files are just not available in the virtual directory anymore."

    The solution, therefore was to make Dropbox explicitly point its directory to /mnt/home. This can be done at installation, or through Dropbox's Preferences.
    clasqm, May 2, 2009
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