DSL on the AA1

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Guest, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Was just wondering if anyone has tried DSL (Damn Small Linux) on the AA1?
    Guest, Jan 27, 2009
  2. Guest


    Nov 30, 2008
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    DSL is still running a 2.4 series kernel. So it's not going to support much of the AA1 hardware, at least not out of the box.

    I believe you can compile a custom kernel, but a search of their forums at damnsmalllinux.org did not turn up anyone running DSL on an AA1.

    You should search puppy linux on this board and/or their forums. There are some custom kernels and spins that do support the AA1. It's not quite as lightweight as DSL, but still very light. Or, if blackbox is the reason for your interest, crunchbang linux has a version for the asus that runs well on the AA1 (cruncheee). It runs openbox. It is not quite as light as puppy and definitely not as light as DSL.
    mattytee, Jan 27, 2009
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I discovered Puppy linux after i put the post up and have down loaded the .iso to try out in the next few days. I will post my thoughts of it when i've given it a test run.

    Just to let you all know, the is another version of DSL called DSL-N (Damn Small Linux - Not!) which uses the 2.6 kernel. I may well try this out as well but am still unsure of how well it'll manage with the hardware.

    I'm interested in using a smaller distro as I use my AA1 to tinker with and although I have an 8gb SD in the storage expansion slot, its not quite enough room for me. Plus the linpus linux is a bit restricting unless you have gcc installed. Im not the most advanced linux user but not a complete newbie. Will let you guys know what I find in the next few days
    Guest, Jan 28, 2009
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