Dual Boot Issue w WinXP/eRecovery/Fedora could use some help

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by xroox, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. xroox


    Nov 19, 2008
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    Hi guys, I was wondering if someone has had to do this... I'm assuming most people that have set up a dual boot for windows/linux would have come across this.

    Windows as everyone knows gets pretty weirded out after a while. I tend to download a lot of software, demos and weird stuff for different reasons and well I really just want to restore it to factory. SO!

    I had to fix the MBR which I did using a DOS boot disk, so now GRUB is gone and it loads into windows directly on booting. The partitions are all still there though, but erecovery knows that windows is installed on the 48.8 gb partition.

    However, when I run eRecovery it simply reboots windows normally, it does not engage the recovery utility.

    Can someone point me in the right direction to get eRecovery kicking? Did I do the MBR fix wrong? Do I need to wipe out partitions with GPARTED?

    Help/advice would be greatly appreciated!
    xroox, Aug 25, 2009
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