Dual Boot Linpus and XP - Idiots' Guide

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by Aresby, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. Aresby


    Jan 14, 2009
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    I didn't even get as far as getting the HAL error, unfortunately!

    I certainly am pretty annoyed with myself for not realising the damn power was unattached but hey, that's laptops for ya...

    I don't know why but nlite didn't create an ISO, just the following folders and files:
    cmpnents folder
    DOCS folder
    I386 folder
    SUPPORT folder
    VALUEADD folder

    I am very keen on getting rid of all things linpus.

    I have now created an ISO version of XP Pro SP3 and copied just this file to a cd, which unfortunately didn't work when I created the CD in Win XP but seems to be working better when I created the ISO CD in Nero??? :-<

    Just wondering, if I really do stuff up this AAO completely, will the rescue CD get it back to how I bought it (with linpus on) or will I be forever doomed and am better off returning it to the shop and saying "the microphone doesn't work"!?

    By the way, I've had no luck at all using a "Cruzer 2GB micro usb stick", has anyone else?
    aspired_one, Jan 16, 2009
  2. Aresby


    Dec 5, 2008
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    Yes, Nero will successfully burn a boot CD. I have no idea about the native facilities of Windows in this respect, I suspect not.

    If you made a boot USB or have the original Linpus Recovery DVD disk from Acer then it should always get you back to a factory fresh install. Hey, perhaps you'll be the first person to test this hypothesis!

    Seriously if you now have a bootable Windows CD, delete all the partitions on the disk and away you go. You won't need a USB pen drive, Cruzer or not (but it should work nonetheless). What doesn't work about it?

    Post back your results!
    Aresby, Jan 16, 2009
  3. Aresby


    Dec 5, 2008
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    General Warning when installing XP on your Acer One

    See this post at the BBC about a particularly nasty virus: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7832652.stm

    As a general rule, when you are installing Windows on your Acter you should not be connected to the Internet (either via cable or wirelessly) until you have properly secured your PC with a decent anti-virus (incl. spyware / keylogger /malware detection) and a top notch firewall. Switch OFF that wireless network until you have done this - easy to forget.

    I've spent good money on good (according to PC magazine reviews) products and even then I don't feel particularly safe but know I can do no more (apart from not visiting those dodgy Russian [.ru] download sites, which I don't!).

    Never, ever be tempted to install a "driver" or "codec" to play music or film files you've downloaded from a site you don't know - that's the virus package they're asking you to install! Stuff from Applestore, Amazon, Play.com etc. is all OK of course, it's the others you really, really have to watch.
    Aresby, Jan 16, 2009
  4. Aresby


    Jan 14, 2009
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    Ok I finally got it all sorted out after using Nero (not win xp) to create my boot disk. I will leave Linpus on the AAO just incase but as WinXP is now looking good I will never go back to using it, its just too nerdy for me!

    Thanks for your help guys and good luck to all of those that carry on in our footsteps!

    Oh yeah, and never use a Cruzer USB stick to do the dirty deed with as well.....
    aspired_one, Jan 16, 2009
  5. Aresby


    Jan 10, 2009
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    Just wondering, once I create the partitions, can I change the amount of space on each one? (e.g take some free space from one partition and stick it onto the other one)
    Mental, Jan 17, 2009
  6. Aresby


    Dec 5, 2008
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    When using a Windows partitioning program (eg Partition Magic etc) this is certainly possible and I have done so many times.

    I can't believe it would be different if you booted again into the Gparted USB stick and did it from there but who knows? Perhaps a Linux (Linpus) knowledgeable person could confirm this.

    The alternative is to install a Windows XP partitioning program once everything is set up (many are given away with a 15-day free trial or on Computer cover disks) and use that instead.
    Aresby, Jan 17, 2009
  7. Aresby


    Jan 18, 2009
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    Hello all,

    I've been lurking for a week or so trying to figure out how to setup my system as an XP/Linpus dual boot system, but I can't seem to find a guide to do it the way I need.

    I have a Windows XP Home version of the Aspire One (purchased from Costco) and I'd like to add Linpus to it for my 8-year old son to use. I can't seem to find a guide that will allow me to install Linpus Lite without first wiping the drive and then starting over. I really need to find a way to keep my existing XP install and just "add Linpus". I have Partition Magic 8 for Windows, so I can create partitions as needed, but I want to be sure to keep the recovery partition as well.

    I have searched the forum and Google and cannot find a solution that works. I also have the Linpus Recovery CD that I've created from the image posted several weeks ago.

    Any help in pointing me to the right direction would be great.

    hmss007, Jan 23, 2009
  8. Aresby


    Jan 21, 2009
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    i have a problem...

    i want to dual boot xp and linpus. I've followed instructions up to changing the boot flags, however after changing the flags to boot to xp, it still boots to linpus! I have followed the instructions correctly and have tried to do this several times!

    (Previous to this i followed the instructions and installed tiny xp. I got the hal.dll error so in order to fix it i tried to boot into linpus - just a blank screen. I used the recovery dvd which restored linpus and i tried again. This time im simply trying to install xp sp3 but the cd won't even boot from my xbox 360 dvd drive but before i even think about that i want my boot flags sorted)

    why is everything going wrong!
    geowars2, Jan 24, 2009
  9. Aresby


    Dec 5, 2008
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    Interesting that you are installing Linpus on an XP Aspire yet most others are doing the reverse.

    In general, most live CDs of Linux variants allow you to install them on a PC with Windows already installed. They will partition your disk, install Linux and allow you to dual boot, all automatically and without breaking Windows XP. Ubuntu, as an example, does this rather well.

    Unfortunately I can't speak for the Acer variant of Linpus (a fork of Linpus Lite, apparently) as Acer never designed it for this purpose. The guru for Linpus things is DJ_Steve and it might be worth prodding him with a Private Message to see what he has to say on the subject. Splatter665 (check the spelling of his name) is also a good source.

    If either does respond do post back here so others can see how you've done it :)
    Aresby, Jan 24, 2009
  10. Aresby


    Dec 5, 2008
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    I'm almost positive that this problem is discussed in this very thread, so I suggest you read it thoroughly!

    It has to do with the boot.conf (configuration file) which is just ignoring the flags (or pretending to change them, can't remember which).

    But the resolution was very straightforward, so happy reading!
    Aresby, Jan 24, 2009
  11. Aresby


    Jan 25, 2009
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    I have a potentially stupid question: Is this all possible with the SSD model or HDD only? I ask because the instructions reference 110/150 but no-one has recommended partition sizes for SDD. Seems doubtful to me that Linpus and XP can both exist in 8GB, and I'm sure I read that even with additional SDHC capacity, Windows won't see it as a single drive. I've decided that the AAO is the one for me, and I'd like to keep purist and use SSD, but I also like the idea of dual (ideally triple) booting Linpus, XP (and 7)
    RussellF, Jan 25, 2009
  12. Aresby


    Dec 5, 2008
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    You certainly can do this with the Solid State Drive (SSD) version of the Aspire One, but as you say your disk may feel a little cramped.

    Windows XP doesn't need a huge amount to run in, maybe 4Gb-5Gb leaving Linpus with the rest (remember it also needs a swap partition). If you get as far as running the Gparted Linux OS from a USB drive (at this stage absolutely nothing will be changed on your Acer) you can tell how much space is really available and make a judgment as to whether Windows has enough room.

    Windows will see the SD memory card as a different drive but it's easy enough to move the "My Documents" folder to that drive.

    The alternative would be to look at any number of threads that show you how to run Windows XP from a USB stick - not something I've tried but if others have done it then you could add this to your list of possibilities.

    Make sure you backup your existing setup and know how to recover it should things go awry -- and post back if you take the plunge, even if ultimately unsuccessful.

    Oh and a final thought: it's easy to swap a SDD out for a HDD, if you follow one of the guides. No warranty afterward though :oops:
    Aresby, Jan 25, 2009
  13. Aresby


    Jan 20, 2009
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    Hey, I was just reading your introduction page and it says:

    # a copy of Windows XP (Home, Pro etc) and its key. Windows must be SP2 or later. Earlier versions give problems. You can 'slipstream' SP2 into your original Windows XP CD with nlite. 
    I was wondering what sort of problems you mean. Is it problems in installing the OS itself or problems afterwards? I was hoping to use my Windows XP Installation disc which has Windows Service Pack 1 and then install updates/Service Pack 3 afterwards, but I am not sure what problems you are referring to.

    Thanks in advance :)
    noisia, Jan 27, 2009
  14. Aresby


    Dec 5, 2008
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    My understanding is that the original Windows XP disk (and almost definitely XP with SP1) does not have the correct driver for the Acer Aspire One disk controller and will blue screen when it attempts to run for the first time (during installation).

    It's easy enough to create a new XP installation disk using your existing XP CD and the SP2 (or SP3) update. See the nlite web site mentioned for full details.

    In summary, what you do is copy everything on your current XP CD to a folder on your hard drive. You then copy the SP2/3 installation files to another folder, run nlite and tell it to 'merge' or slipstream the contents. The result is an ISO file which you can burn to CD as a bootable CD (eg usng Nero) and Bob's your uncle. Nlite also gives you umpteen different options to remove certain bits of XP to lighten the load but I never bothered.

    I hope this helps!
    Aresby, Jan 27, 2009
  15. Aresby


    Jan 20, 2009
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    Ah so I see. Thanks mate, cleared things up proper, i'm going to attempt this tonight. I've looked over your guide a number of times already so hopefully everything will go as planned! Also, thanks for the fast reply, much appreciated.
    noisia, Jan 27, 2009
  16. Aresby


    Dec 5, 2008
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    Good luck. And don't panic if things seem to be going a bit awry.

    You will always be able to recover to a factory-fresh AAO if you prepare but you'll lose whatever you have on there now. Backup everything! If I can do it, anyone can!
    Aresby, Jan 27, 2009
  17. Aresby


    Jan 20, 2009
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    Ok, i'm a bit stuck.

    Ed: if it is called sda3 this may cause you problems when installing Windows. Reboot again to see whether it changes to sda2. If not, bear in mind that you might have to do a quick fix to get Windows to install OK.
    My NTFS partition for Windows is called sda3 and i've tried rebooting and it's still at sda3, what should I do?

    edit: i'm guessing I delete the linux-swap partition in gparted, reboot and re-add the linux-swap partition?
    noisia, Jan 27, 2009
  18. Aresby


    Dec 5, 2008
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    It's certainly better to avoid having your Windows XP partition defined as dev/sda3 (unless it really is the 3rd partition).

    You could either delete and create your Linpus swap partition (but Linpus needs to know where it has moved to, ask DJ_Steve how to do this if you don't) or just move it using Gparted.

    If your Windows XP partition really is the third partition and it's named sda3 then that's fine. It avoids the hal.dll error and all the mucking about I (and others) had to do to correct that.
    Aresby, Jan 27, 2009
  19. Aresby


    Jan 20, 2009
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    Hmm, i'm not really sure if it is my third partition or it's just defined as the third partition. Partition says it's /dev/sad3 but it's in the middle of the other two partitions.

    edit: whoops, image was upside down
    noisia, Jan 27, 2009
  20. Aresby


    Dec 5, 2008
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    Yes, that's exactly how mine was. Because it is the 3rd partition that's been defined it's called sda3 (logically enough).

    Unfortunately it can't remain like that and sooner or later, it or Linpus or Windows takes charge and renumbers them according to layout not order of creation.

    If you know how to get Linpus running with a new swap file you could delete both the swap and XP partitions (so you just have the Linpus partition left) THEN create a new one for XP (the second partition) THEN the swap partition for Linus (the third partition). I haven't tried this though so unless you know Linux I'd be wary.

    You could try dragging the swap partition using Gparted so it really is the second (middle) partition.
    Aresby, Jan 27, 2009
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